Restricted Superstar

Chapter 905: Return to Milan

An unsuspecting FA Cup game was thrilling. If it weren't for Pogba's last-minute goal, Manchester United might even capsize in the gutter at their own door.

After the game, the media didn't criticize Manchester United much. The focus was on how to praise the amateur team Crowley.

The Sun said with a smile that the amateur team Crowley had done things that none of the 19 Premier League teams had done, which made Manchester United so embarrassed and even had a chance to beat Manchester United.

The Times said that Crowley’s players can get a bonus of £150 each in this game. This is the time that Crowley’s players have won the most prize money, but Crowley’s 11-person prize is still not more than Gao Xiaodong’s one hour. Income, the game can be played to this level, Crowley really deserves to be defeated.

The 18-year-old Pogba was also the big winner of this game. After the game, Ferguson praised Pogba by name, saying that Pogba was the only bright spot in this game and that he has a bright future in Manchester United.

After the game, many reporters and Manchester United fans are calling on Ferguson to mention Pogba to the first team now. Don’t wait until next season. They think Pogba can offensively and defend well, is tall, and can tigong midfielder Fletcher, S. The air defense capabilities that Coles and Gao Xiaodong do not possess, and the technology is stronger than Fletcher. The worst is experience, but the experience that comes from not playing games, such as a genius boy like Pogba, should be mentioned. The first team to increase the game experience.

There are even some impatient fans who hope that this UEFA Champions League knockout with Inter Milan will bring Pogba, so that Pogba can feel it in such a top competition.

Pogba's performance in the FA Cup really impressed Ferguson, but Pogba is still too young after all. He hasn't even played a league game. How could Ferguson take him to play in the Champions League knockouts, let alone Pogba? With or without this ability, Pogba may not be able to withstand this pressure. Not every player is Gao Xiaodong. Players like Gao Xiaodong, Messi and Luo can only produce one in a few decades.

The sensation caused by Pogba and Crowley lasted for only a day and a half, and was immediately diluted by the upcoming UEFA Champions League knockout.

The focus of the first round of the round of 16 knockout round is Arsenal and Barcelona, ​​Manchester United and Inter Milan.

This is a strong dialogue, and also the two most talked-about games in the round of 16 knockout.

Arsenal and Barcelona are the reunion of their old rivals in the 2006 UEFA Champions League final. It is also a competition of technical football. It is known as the most gorgeous matchup in the UEFA Champions League this season.

Manchester United and Inter Milan are opponents in the Champions League final last season. Their skills are not as good as Barcelona and Arsenal, but both teams are tenacious and veteran. The confrontation between them is considered to be a battle of iron and blood.

A strong dialogue is indispensable for a war of words, especially Manchester United and Inter Milan, who have just forged a deep hatred in the Champions League final last season.

At the press conference on the day of Manchester United’s deployment to Milan, Ferguson was still upset that Inter Milan took away Manchester United’s Champions League last season. The old man said that after losing, he did not sleep well for three days. I didn’t say anything to my family this week, “Even if it’s a century-old club, the number of times it can reach the Champions League final is one of the few. It’s the most painful to reach the final and miss the championship. I’ve been waiting for Fuhou’s chance. I didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon."

The reporter reminded Ferguson that last season's biggest enemies, Mourinho and Gao Xiaodong, both left, one went to Real Madrid and the other happened to be in Manchester United.

Ferguson said indifferently: "No matter who Inter Milan goes, Inter Milan is still Inter Milan. This will not change. Manchester United's opponent is Inter Milan, not a certain coach or player."

Ferguson expressed regret for Inter Milan’s current situation, but he believed that Inter Milan’s main frame of the Triple Crown last season is still there. It is not easy for anyone to play against them. Man Lenovo fuhou succeeds and needs to show its best form. .

Regarding the changes in the strength of the two teams after Gao Xiaodong transferred from Inter Milan to Manchester United, Ferguson said: "Gao Xiaodong is a great player. He has the ability to determine the outcome of the game. Inter Milan loses him a lot. Now No one in Inter Milan can replace Gao Xiaodong. As for Coutinho, he is still too young to play the role of Gao Xiaodong in Inter Milan in a short time."

Gao Xiaodong followed Ferguson to the press conference before going abroad. He is about to face his old master, and Gao Xiaodong's mood is also very complicated.

Gao Xiaodong was also distressed to see the team he played for degenerate from the Triple Crown to competing for the Champions League seat, but he couldn't say much. After all, he is now a Manchester United player and rivals Inter Milan.

However, Gao Xiaodong also expressed his views on this game.

Gao Xiaodong believes that the lean camel is bigger than the horse. Although the current Inter Milan has experienced two coaching changes, apart from himself and Mourinho, the main lineup is still there. Manchester United is an away game in this game, and whoever wins wins possible.

A reporter deliberately asked Gao Xiaodong that he led Inter Milan to defeat Manchester United last season. If he led Manchester United to defeat Inter Milan this season, what would it mean?

In response to this kind of obvious problem, Gao Xiaodong took Tai Chi and went back, "That means nothing, even if the same team has different conditions in different periods, let alone the change of coach after so long. ."

When the reporter asked Gao Xiaodong if he ever imagined appearing at the Meazza Stadium as an opponent, if he had thought about the feeling of breaking Inter Milan's goal, Gao Xiaodong replied: "I have thought about it, but I don't know what I will be like. It feels, but it’s definitely different from every time I’ve scored at the Meazza Stadium. One thing I’m sure of is that I won’t celebrate even if I score. This is a respect for Inter Milan and Inter Milan fans. "

The reporter asked Gao Xiaodong, what should I do if I get booed in Meazza?

Gao Xiaodong replied: "I will definitely be sad, but how to play and how to play, I am a professional player, not a child."

When Gao Xiaodong was interviewed, he was full of affection for Inter Milan, speaking rationally and restraintly, and did not deny others. However, many Inter Milan players have forgotten the contribution Gao Xiaodong made to Inter Milan in the past. On Twitter, he spoke coldly to Gao Xiaodong.

Inter Milan’s new midfielder Sneijder was very upset that he did not win the Ballon d'Or. He believed that Gao Xiaodong robbed him of his golden ball. He told Gazzetta dello Sport, “Some people like to speculate the most and look for thigh hugs everywhere. They think that the Inter Milan coach is gone and the staff is aging, so they chose to betray. Soon we will let him understand that Inter Milan is not someone's team, Inter Milan is a whole, Inter Milan is still great."

The Argentine team made a compromise with Gao Xiaodong last season because Mourinho was covering Gao Xiaodong. Now that Gao Xiaodong leaves Inter Milan, many people in the Argentine team immediately broke off the relationship with Gao Xiaodong.

Cambiasso, the core of the Argentine gang, said before the game, “The success of last season was the result of every player, including the substitutes, everyone united and cooperated and worked hard to the death. It is not the credit of a single person. This season’s poor results. It’s also a problem for all players. It cannot be blamed on anyone. Football is a collective sport, and we will prove it in tomorrow’s game."

Because Gao Xiaodong is coming to Meazza, the fans of Inter Milan are in a mixed mood. They are emotionally difficult to accept that the hero of last season turned and beat themselves. Some people said that Gao Xiaodong is a traitor. He came to play Inter Milan with Inter Milan. The enemy of Gao Xiaodong must slam Gao Xiaodong on the scene. Some fans think that Gao Xiaodong is the hero and hero of Inter Milan. No matter which club Gao Xiaodong goes to, this will not change. Therefore, in the real Nella group You should welcome your hero in Meazza.

At a time when the Inter Milan fans were arguing, Gao Xiaodong followed Manchester United's flight to Malpensa Airport and returned to the city that made him famous. (https:)

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