Restricted Superstar

Chapter 906: accident

It was the first time that he officially returned to Milan as an opponent. Gao Xiaodong was always anxious while sitting on the plane. He was worried that the Nerazuli who had regarded himself as gods would now greet him with hiss and curse him as a traitor.

Manchester United teammates are also joking with him, especially Wayne Rooney. When he applied for a transfer in the summer, Manchester United fans blocked his door and burned his jersey. He joked that maybe Gao Xiaodong would meet him when he arrived at the airport. A group of Mafia fans holding axe machetes.

However, after stepping out of the plane, Gao Xiaodong felt like he was caught in a warm current, and his heart was warm, because in addition to the Manchester United fans who picked up the plane, he also saw thousands of fans wearing No. 10 blue and black jerseys holding high. The banner "Xiaodong! Welcome home" awaited his arrival.

Seeing Gao Xiaodong's appearance, Inter Milan fans began to cheer:

"High! High!"

"It's high!"

"Welcome home!"

"Be merciful!"

"Don't score this time!"

"Come back! Inter Milan can't live without you."


Gao Xiaodong was very excited. He only stayed in Inter Milan for one season. Although he won the Triple Crown for Inter Milan, he did not have deep feelings with the fans, and he still left with liquidated damages. It was indeed not kind enough, but Now it seems that Inter Milan fans do not hate him, but still remember his contribution to Inter Milan.

Manchester United players are very envious of seeing so many opponents' fans coming to pick up Gao Xiaodong.

On the Internet, the opinions of Inter Milan fans are not uniform. Many fans also said that they want to boo Gao Xiaodong. Manchester United players even worry that the airport will be a "sword shadow", but now it seems that those are very few keyboards. , Most Inter Milan fans are grateful to Gao Xiaodong.

"thanks, thanks!"

Gao Xiaodong raised his hands and waved to greet the Inter Milan fans who came forward to greet him. His wave immediately evoked cheers from the fans.

Diana, the press officer of Manchester United. Lao was worried that Gao Xiaodong would be harassed by Inter Milan fans. He didn't plan to let Gao Xiaodong sign a photo with the fans at the airport. He went to the hotel directly. But now that Gao Xiaodong is so popular with Inter fans, Diana gave up the original plan. , Let Gao Xiaodong interact with the fans at the airport for a while.

The worse Inter Milan's performance is, the more Inter Milan fans miss Mourinho and Gao Xiaodong. In this battle between Inter Milan and Manchester United, anyone who can come to welcome Gao Xiaodong can be regarded as a diehard fan of Gao Xiaodong. Among them There are also ungirl fans who brought gifts to Gao Xiaodong, including flowers and handmade products.

Gao Xiaodong seriously signed the fans around him, and some brave and persistent fans also got the opportunity to take photos.

Manchester United is the world's top giants. This game is the focus of this round. There are also many reporters who come to the airport to pick up the plane.

Gao Xiaodong is the most famous, popular and topical star in the Manchester United team. He naturally attracts most of the reporters.

Gao Xiaodong was in a good mood, and it was difficult for him to return to all the reporter's questions in an interview.

Speaking of mood, Gao Xiaodong first thanked the thousands of Inter Milan fans who came to pick up the plane. "I am very grateful to them because they spent a great season with me. The Triple Crown at Inter Milan earned me gold. He became the number one player in the world, so I returned to Meazza to challenge Inter Milan. I felt very uncomfortable and awkward."

Gao Xiaodong said that he did not think about the current state of Inter Milan, but Gao Xiaodong believes that "Inter Milan is now encountering some problems. These problems are encountered by many teams that reach the top, such as their desire to win. Decline, the targeting of opponents, the excessive demands of the fans, etc. However, as a giant team that has won the Triple Crown, these problems are temporary. I think Inter Milan will definitely return to the glory of last season in the future."

For tomorrow’s game, Gao Xiaodong said that he will definitely work hard to help Manchester United win. “I am now a Manchester United player. I hope to help Manchester United achieve the same achievements as Inter Milan. If you want to win the championship, you must defeat all of them. Opponents, Inter Milan is now our worst enemy, and I hope to achieve good results in Meazza."

As for what a good result is, Gao Xiaodong said: "Although defeating Inter Milan at Meazza will make Inter Milan fans sad, and I will also be sad, but I think for Manchester United, victory is the best result. It doesn’t matter if I score a goal or not. If I really score a goal, I said I will definitely not celebrate. This is a respect for Inter Milan, but if I score a goal at Old Trafford, I think I might. Congratulatory."

As for whether to give coach Ferguson advice on how to break Inter Milan, Gao Xiaodong said: "I have some suggestions, but coach Ferguson is the best coach in the world. He can definitely see what I said, and our coaching staff will analyze it. For the opposing team, my advice will not play a special role."

Gao Xiaodong did not give too much explanation to the speeches made by Inter Milan’s new core Sneijder and Cambiasso yesterday. He simply responded: “What they want to say is their power. Inter Milan’s victory last season. It is indeed not me, nor is it the credit of Mourinho alone. It is the result of the hard work of the whole team. But one thing I want to tell Inter Milan fans and Manchester United fans is that I am not going to Manchester United to hug Manchester United's thighs, but to talk about the thighs, the championship. His thighs are much thicker than those of the army. I went to Manchester United just to repay the kindness of Sir Alex Ferguson who went to my house to invite me."

Regarding his life in Manchester, Gao Xiaodong said: "Manchester United fans welcome me and accept me like Inter Milan fans, so I am very happy at Manchester United. I hope to help Manchester United win the league and the Champions League, and even The triple crown is the dream of the team and the fans. Coach Ferguson’s wish is also my wish."

Regarding whether he will join Inter Milan again in the future, Gao Xiaodong said bluntly: "Although I like Inter Milan very much, the possibility is very small. I am now a Manchester United player. I will win more championships for Manchester United until I'm tired or the fans, I will choose to leave."

When Gao Xiaodong was interviewed, Rooney, Scholes and other players were also interviewed by reporters. They are different from Gao Xiaodong. Now Manchester United is in full form and all fronts are undefeated. They hope to beat the international team at Meazza. Milan, complete the revenge against Inter Milan.

The Manchester United players stayed at the airport for almost 30 minutes before taking the bus to the Milano Hotel to prepare for the first round of Inter Milan's round of 16 knockout on the second day.

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