Edward looked at the extra line on the notebook, and the first thing that came to his mind was the face of a certain little fortune teller who had a lot of things to do. But since Chaos Sea's attention was temporarily taken away by the other party, then he should follow him anyway. It doesn't matter.

So He teased the True Creator: “Have you finally discovered that you are dreaming?”

After the words fell, no new information appeared on the paper for ten seconds. Oh, it seems that the real Creator does not have the ability to directly interact with reality, and only communicates with the outside world through this story (medium) that interferes with His dreams. Edward realized something, so he reached out and wrote this line, and added: "How do you feel about this dream of yours?"

The true Creator didn't speak for a long time. Because His thinking was confused, the world constructed in the dream gradually came to a standstill.

A sentence slowly emerged on the paper:

"This is a world that is so real that it scares me."

This dream is based on the real Creator’s beautiful fantasy about the end of the world, and God has added wonderful intervention into it, so that the real Creator can only feel discomfort in certain behaviors, but the general direction of the overall development is completely in line with His ideas.

Disclose knowledge, popularize electricity, use extraordinary power to change the world, and let mankind live a prosperous life.

In the dream, God accomplished everything that He had not yet had time to do, and even did it better than Him in some aspects. However, these good wishes that humans had had in the end manifested themselves in a way that made Him feel sick and want to vomit.

"Hey, there is no need to be afraid. Your dream was all about the self-pull between you and God. Although you and Him look similar, the underlying logic of their behavior is different. In fact, they are very incompatible... God made it clear He will not adopt other people's personalities like me. Although He is also ten thousand, He is also the only One, so your favor for humans is completely rubbish to Him."

"That is to say, no matter how hard you try to improve your humanity, be accommodated by the sea of ​​chaos, or accommodate the sea of ​​chaos, the result is actually the same... God will clear your personality, because He is also omniscient about you. You accommodate chaos At best, Hai can live for a while longer and let the elimination process take place. He will not have any extra favor for any race, which is the so-called 'treating all things as cud dogs'."

Your struggle now is completely meaningless, you know?

Edward complained in his mind for a while. But in the final analysis, He is still on the side of the true Creator, at least on the surface, so He will still give the True Creator some encouragement to stand up and speak without pain, encourage Him to work hard to become the master personality of God, and then find a way Create a new future. It was written on the hand: "This may be what your future will look like. If your Intis can continue to develop according to this system, it will be almost like this. Oh, I have to say that God has done better than you in terms of development." "

After all, the True Creator was not from the same generation as Klein and Russell in the old era, but was probably from his father or grandfather's generation. Things that the two were familiar with in that era should be completely unfamiliar to the True Creator. But in the dream world, there are also magnetic levitation vehicles, improved cars for home use, computers and handheld communication devices that are more advanced than mobile phones.

The true creator of these things must not know it himself, except through the old era element library supplemented by "omniscient". But God allowed these things to appear in a short period of time, and also made different improvements. The progress in this area made the Outer God feel itchy. If it hadn't been for the stupidity of human beings to wake up to his innocence, Edward would have been unable to help but temporarily put aside the true Creator.

“There are no ‘perfections’ in this world.”

But the development of science and technology in the dream is quite good. If it weren't for the fact that human beings are completely useless, with their current smelting technology and energy utilization rate, it would be more than enough to directly build a spaceship to leave the earth without relying on any extraordinary power.

“What does the perfect one do when there is an almighty one?”

Edward casually wrote: "God despises everything precisely because He is omniscient and omnipotent, including the development of science and technology. He can create a world that you cannot imagine, in which extraordinary people are perfectly integrated with human beings and each has their own needs. , has the most complete system and will not blaspheme the personality, but He will not do this because it is not necessary and because this is our instinct and way of existence."

The True Creator remained silent for several seconds.

The Outer God prefers this kind of attitude. He usually communicates concisely and efficiently, and shuts up when he has nothing to say. Organizing his words before speaking can prevent his mouth from spouting a bunch of rubbish with extremely low information content faster than his brain. .

“God’s attention is not on me for the moment.”

so what? Are you planning to take advantage of the chaos to increase your control over the Sea of ​​Chaos? Edward complained in his heart again, his current position can be said to be very delicate.

I was not familiar with God before, so I subconsciously used myself to save God. When the true Creator wanted to make a desperate bet on himself to become God’s master personality in the next few decades, He was very happy with it. But now God has directly expressed his rejection, but the true Creator seems not to know yet - he still insists on holding on to this expectation, hoping that he can achieve a certain degree of success. This perfect dream gave him some hope and also made him realize the shortcomings of his own ideas. The true creator is still in a good mood and is actively thinking about improvement measures.

Little did he know that he had long been sentenced to death by God.

Proper deception is also a white lie. The Outer God thought, if we attack Him now, if He gives up and God returns directly, I will be the one who loses the benefit in the end. Before that part of the Western Continent's pollution touches the source material, it still needs to be delayed for some time.

"Do you think it's a good opportunity? You can try it." Edward wrote, "But it's very dangerous. God is only temporarily attracted attention. You take the opportunity to try to accommodate the words of the Sea of ​​Chaos. When He comes back to his senses, maybe he can take a look. I’ll stare you to death.”

"If I don't act now, I will be stared to death by Him." After experiencing this period of time in the Sea of ​​Chaos, the True Creator has completely thought about it. "It's better to take a gamble now and leave some spiritual imprints that belong to me." ."

Yes, this spirit of not hitting the wall and never looking back is worthy of encouragement... Edward replied:

"Then I will continue to help you."

"By the way, I have something to ask you."

A few seconds after this line of words appeared, as if thinking or hesitating, the true creator asked slowly:

"Omniscient made me notice something. The level 0 sealed object, the Wishing Magic Lamp, which was once obtained by Russell and later handed over to Bernadette Gustave for inheritance. Is there any secret hidden there? "

"I learned about the deal between you and the djinn in it. Although I don't have a good impression of the current king of Loen, George III, and I don't mind others taking his place, the activity of this sealed object gives me a very strange feeling. Is it related to the starry sky and mystery?”

Edward's breathing paused slightly, but it soon returned to normal and he began to prepare a truthful answer.

He had been prepared for it. After all, the true Creator would definitely acquire "omniscience" actively or passively after contacting the Sea of ​​Chaos. It might be omniscience within the earth, or it might be omniscience covering part of the universe, but no matter what level it is, he The little thing with the djinn must not be hidden from the other party.

And the lamp that sealed the lamp god was the handiwork of Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun. If the real creator noticed it, he would find that he couldn't see through this lamp, and the transaction between the outer god and the lamp would seem a bit unusual.

So the omniscient content package does not include their conversations at that time?

The true Creator does not intend to say it. Just like a teacher who brings students to the office and puts on a bad face, asking the students to state their own mistakes. Students will often report their mistakes, big and small, under pressure. It's all said out.

"Oh, I believe you have discovered it." Edward said directly, "The genie of the wishing lantern is an old spiritual residue. He was sealed in that thing by Tianzun. He made a deal with me, hoping to find Return to your own extraordinary characteristics and essence."

The remnants of an outer god... were sealed by the Heavenly Lord and became an extraordinary item... all the extraordinary characteristics and essence were lost...

The True Creator was somewhat silent for a moment.

"He is the old days of the 'Black Emperor' and the 'Judge' path, in charge of the country of disorder?"

"Yes, it used to be, and now his name is the Djinn."

Well, the Black Emperor, who was so aloof in the past, has now been reduced to being a magic lamp that answers other people's requests. It's really pitiful when you think about it.

After having the memory of God, the True Creator is somewhat able to sympathize with the anger of God and other gods.

The brutal behavior of George III was still fresh in his mind. The True Creator had no good impressions of the new god who was about to take office, but that didn’t mean that He would let an outside god seize this cherished throne, even if the other party’s demands were actually true. It's not even legitimate.

You have to pass this news on later and let others handle the wishing lamp.

"How is the situation over at Intis?" Edward asked.

It is perfectly normal for outside gods to cooperate with outside gods. Moreover, when a devil cooperates with a magic lamp, don’t you feel that there is a sense of misplaced drama in a fairy tale? Edward didn't feel that the real Creator would be angry because of this and climb up from the Sea of ​​Chaos to fight with Him, and he didn't feel guilty at all for betraying the Djinn - there is no such thing, everyone is just a god making a living in the starry sky family, and they have the same appearance. It's perfectly normal to have a set behind.

Edward believed that if the djinn was here now, he would betray him without hesitation.


The True Creator's tone suddenly became strange. From these three words with a question mark and the expression on the True Creator's face, Edward felt a sense of seeing through the world of mortals.

"Above Intis, Medici and the God of Steam and Machinery were attacking the Original Witch and initially suppressed the opponent. However, as soon as the Original Witch showed signs of decline, the Hidden Sage joined the battle. He had always been outside the battlefield. I have a wait-and-see attitude, but I intervened now because I was stimulated by the aura of Source Castle and Chaos Sea. I thought this was a precursor to Pillar's intervention, so I just tried my luck."

"That is to say, they still don't have any advantage." Edward wrote, "What about Rune?"

"Leodro is dealing with the pollution of the Sea of ​​Chaos that has spread over it. He is probably being targeted by God now."

The True Creator's tone was as usual: "But unlike me who fell into His hands, the part of the pollution that spread over the Sea of ​​Chaos is actually only around the level of the True God, and cannot really cause considerable harm to Leodro."

Omniscient is really convenient. Even though you are soaking in the sea, you know just as many things, even more than me... But, ha, your omniscience is controlled by God, and you don't know how God will deal with you... This is really and Being secretive is just as convenient as creating a good thing with poor information.

Edward shook his head and did not say what was in his heart:

"What about the culprit?"


The True Creator smiled: "Klein is hiding, hiding on top of Origin Castle, but..."

"...Amon noticed the aura of Sefirah Castle that emerged at that moment, but he was still afraid of Leodro and didn't dare to approach."

The true Creator's specific reference to that special clone is "him", and there is only one Amon whom He calls by the name "Amon", and that is the true body of the King of Angels, the "Angel of Time".

Will Amon intervene in this battle between gods? No, whether it is the God of Steam and Medici who first captured the sun and stole the identity of the creator "Sasril", who colluded with each other, or Leodro who betrayed others again, the real Amon has no influence on either side. not interested.

In His opinion, this divine battle was just an exciting dog-eat-dog fight.

As the King of Angels in the "Stealing" Path, He has a very strong ability to survive. As long as He doesn't come to stand on one side of this muddy water, no one will be free unless Leodro does it himself. Go catch him if you have nothing to do.

The current situation may be very interesting to Amon. The traitors started a wonderful dog-eat-dog contest, and the aura of Origin Castle reappeared after thousands of years. Unfortunately, it was Backlund who was at the feet of Leodro. He couldn't go, I can only look at it with envy.


This won't last much longer.



I finally don’t have to go out tomorrow, it’s too cold with the big drop in temperature.

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