Secret: Those years when I was a foreign aid for the Aurora Club

Chapter 609: A lot of people makes it lively


"Did anything happen in the Southern Continent again?"

"We have long given up on intelligence collection related to the Southern Continent." Tang En interjected, "The Balam Empire in the south is protected by the God of Death. Our spies can basically not penetrate into it. It is high risk and low reward. Not to mention the highlands in the north. Entering All of them were arrested and put to work.”

Traynor blinked, dragged the cat out and touched it a few times to hide his guilt:

"Then what exactly happened to Runen?"

"Information transmission also takes time." Raymond said, "It is impossible for the psychic link to reach Loen, so you can just wait patiently."

"Oh...then is there anything else?"

"No, you guys can continue to do what you are supposed to do."

Emlyn's bedroom was between the first and second floors. The fire had reached the top floor, but it only raged outside his bedroom door.

The church, which had already experienced a demolition blockade and was not yet fully completed, suffered another devastating blow.

Thick curtains several meters high gradually turned into ashes in the flames. The wooden prints and windows mounted on the walls had been burned to a charcoal color along with the white-brown walls. Although the new and solid house structure was not affected, the entire structure was not affected. Little by little, the church began to become an empty shell with only its skeleton left.

Emlyn was unaware of all this and was still asleep.

He had no idea that anything special would happen tonight, so he finished his evening prayers early and went to bed an hour ago.

In the midst of a chaotic and fuzzy dream, he suddenly trembled, and then his will suddenly became much clearer, but he was still pulled tightly by sleepiness and fatigue, as if he was about to fall asleep again in the next second.

Emlyn vaguely felt something happened, and he insisted on not falling asleep, but the discomfort of being unable to open his eyes reminded him of when he was young and received family education from an elder. Although he is a well-known educator in the family, he is knowledgeable and has lived for a long time, but he is old-fashioned and boring. Whether it is history, literature or any other subject, he can make Emlyn drowsy.

In this state, Emlyn felt that time seemed to pass extremely long.

After a while, maybe half a minute, maybe half an hour, he suddenly heard someone say something in his ear:

"Stop the confrontation with the 'Deep Blue Priest' Raydal Valentine and consider accepting the arrangements of the Thunder Church."

"And those believers are not important. The Earth Mother Goddess has already shared the anchor throughout Loen, so there is no need to care about the people nearby."

"In order to better survive in Backlund, this is not a bad choice."

"Unless you have plans to go to Feneport, Backlund's situation is complicated, and it is more suitable for a God-favored person like you to return home to repair."

Emlyn tried to open his eyes, but his eyelids were trembling as if they were stuck with glue and unable to move. In the dim dream world, he used all his strength to question the sudden voice:

"...Are you Radar's helper?"

The power of dreams... Someone invaded my dream... It must be a demigod from the "audience" path, right?

It may also be a "nightmare", a high-sequence nightmare... There are also many people from the Church of Night who have chosen to join the Church of Thunder... No, it should be the "audience". "Nightmare" only shapes dreams, and cannot be made by speaking in dreams. Control other people’s behavior…

Their "hypnosis" was also different. Emlyn had done similar work, but he hoped that he would not be able to use it in the future.

Emlyn frowned hard several times, trying to wake up.

...Yes, "Audience" is also an adjacent channel to "Storm". I heard that all the surviving members of the Psychological Alchemy Society in Backlund have turned to Roen. It is not surprising to side with the Thunder Church... This guy wanted to plant a psychological hint in me, asking me to obey or leave directly, but I suddenly woke up from my dream? Hell, then he's at least a demigod!

After thinking about all this, Emlyn immediately had a candidate in mind.

It must be the "former royal advisor" who appeared in the information the senior deacon gave me, Hvin Rambis!

It seems that I have heard someone say before that that guy has a bad character and a very arrogant personality. He will sneak into other people's hearts to steal information and plant hints that are beneficial to himself. He is humorous and gentle in front of the people and nobles. His personality is just a disguise...

In fact, his thinking was not as efficient as he imagined. Emlyn thought about a lot of things in a daze, and his thoughts were like bubbles popping up one after another. They were not coherent, and may even have incoherent prefaces and follow-up sentences. As his thoughts became slower and less sharp, he did not expect that mumbling in front of an "audience demigod" who had entered his dream would completely expose himself.

Of course, he didn't realize that the other person seemed to wait until he had finished thinking about it all before continuing to speak.

"Oh? You can actually answer questions. It seems that there is always something special about God's favored ones."

This sentence made Emlyn dispel his previous doubts. He also didn't understand why he could maintain his sanity in the dream hint of an audience demigod, even though it was not much.

The other party sneered:

"You don't need to ask that much."

"Going to Feneport is your best choice. There you will have much better treatment and conditions than now, and you will be more respected, right? You just need to know that you should not get involved in Backlund's situation. , this is the general trend.”

After a while, Emlyn spoke:

"Let me leave. Is this your purpose? What good will it do to you?"

The other party was unusually patient: "You don't need to know."

Emlyn was not discouraged. He was just about to continue testing the information when he suddenly realized:

"You're stalling for time!"

Immediately, without any hesitation, he immediately began to try to escape from the dream. To his surprise, the resistance he encountered when he woke up was not too great. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw thick smoke billowing from the roof of his bedroom. Before Emlyn could react to what happened, the door to his bedroom collapsed, and the flames rushed into the safe and confined space along with the oxygen, engulfing his figure in an instant.

The ballroom has turned into a chaotic slaughterhouse.

Hvin Rambis couldn't describe what he saw. The men tried their best to release their usual accumulated malice and resentment towards each other. The screams of the women shook his eardrums, and precious stones were scattered all over the floor. jewelry and accessories. Normally, any item would cost a woman with a good job two years or more of salary. If an ordinary family could get one, they would definitely treat it as a heirloom. But now these items were scattered on the ground in a mess, staying with the blood and corpses. .

Hwin has always paid great attention to maintaining the stability of his mind and spirit. He tried to leave the banquet when the chaos first broke out, but now his excessive anger and irritability made it difficult for him to think, and even it became extremely difficult to distinguish the direction. .


He roared, his pupils suddenly stood up, and the demigod-level "Dragon Power" rushed towards everyone around him like a tsunami. All the noise suddenly quieted down.

However, the scene he expected of everyone throwing away their weapons and starting to run away in disorder under threat did not happen.

After a moment of silence, when he no longer continued to threaten, everyone who was still alive suddenly turned their attention to him.

"Get away!"

Hvin Rambis has not completely lost his mind. He still remembers that this one is a baron, that one is a viscount, this one is a hereditary member of Parliament, and the one lying on the ground is someone he cannot remember for the moment. Noble... Although he looks down on everyone here equally, he still goes to great lengths to manipulate this state agency. After all, if the management is gone, what else can he control? But just as he was thinking about the identities of these people, someone had already raised a gun at him, and the bullet hit his forehead with a bang.

The sound was not loud, but it succeeded in driving Hvin Rambis into a rage.

He casually grabbed a tray nearby, smashed the other person's head into pieces, and then pounced on the other person who made him feel noisy.

Velma, who couldn't sleep for a long time, pushed her husband: "My dear, I am restless."

After a busy day of surgery, Allen, who was already unconscious in the warm bed, was pushed twice before he responded. He hummed, closed his eyes and mumbled: "Close your eyes, calm your breathing..."

Velma had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​saying a few words to her husband, lay down on her side, closed her eyes, and counted quietly.

She didn't want to disturb Alan's sleep, and for some reason Alan hadn't been sleeping well since returning from his trip to East Chester County last week. He was sure that he had never suffered from insomnia or other diseases, but he had to admit that he would be unable to sleep when he was under too much pressure at work. Why would this happen when he had just returned from a trip to relax? Allen could only pretend that he hadn't adapted yet.

"Actually, it's not that I can't sleep..."

But no matter how hard he tried, he could only fall asleep for a short time every day, and even during sleep time he would have all kinds of weird dreams. When he woke up, he was extremely tired, as if he was not sleeping but going out for a night run. five kilometers. After staying like this for four or five days, and almost making a mistake in an operation, Allen finally couldn't help it and complained to his friend who was once the priest of St. Samuel's Cathedral.

His friend comforted him and gave him a sachet to help him sleep.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect or if the sachet was really effective. Allen rarely got a good sleep that night.

——But before he could sleep until dawn, their youngest son Will let out a sharp and violent cry. The maid responsible for taking care of the child couldn't coax him well, and in the end the couple woke up late at night, sacrificing the rest of the night's sleep, and finally managed to get Will back to sleep.

Velma sighed, and even though she couldn't fall asleep, she opened her eyes and whispered to herself as if talking to Allen.

"Yesterday during afternoon tea, I chatted with Mary and the others. I heard them say that the recent economic environment is not very good. I also heard that the neighbor who lives on the street in front failed to invest in stocks and went bankrupt."

"But it shocked me, because I was originally planning to invest in that stock, but luckily I haven't made up my mind yet..."

"Two days ago, the youngest son of the family living on the street broke his leg. It seems that he went to your hospital for treatment."

The newly replaced curtains in the bedroom are very thick, blocking almost all the light from outside. A small gas wall lamp in the corner emits soft orange warm light. In her whisper, it didn't take long for Velma to hear Allen's breathing become steady and long. Seeing that her husband was already asleep, she unconsciously lowered her voice even lower and whispered to the ceiling as if reciting a lullaby:

"Will has stopped crying in the past few days. He sleeps every day. He is much easier to coax than before... The condition of our neighbor's old lady has worsened. It seems that she won't be able to survive this winter, but that family had previously The unemployed kid finally found a new job..."

As she thought about it, she couldn't help but yawn, feeling a little sleepy.

Velma closed her eyes, said good night in her heart, closed her eyes and fell asleep.



Velma was suddenly awakened by a scream.

She opened her eyes suddenly and found that her husband had sat up, his shoulders shrugging violently, and his chest rising and falling rapidly.

She woke up instantly, sat up quickly, grabbed Allen's arm, patted him on the back with her palm, and asked him nervously and concernedly: "It's okay, honey, are you having a nightmare? I asked the maid to do it." Pour a cup of hot water."

"There is a snake..."

Allen was in shock, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead. His wife's comfort had a little effect, his pupils were a little blurred, and his voice trembled as he said:

"A snake is chasing me..."

"Snake? What kind of snake, dear, you may be too stressed." Velma was really worried, "I'll get you some water."

As she said that, she was about to lift the quilt and leave, but Allen caught her.

"Don't go out." Allen regained some sense, but was still uneasy about the scene in his dream. He kept scanning the room in a frightened state, and looked at the dark corners a few more times in fear, "It Maybe he hasn’t left yet.”

"It was just a nightmare. You have woken up now." Velma could only continue to comfort the other person, "What kind of snake?"

Allen calmed down. He looked around again. After a few seconds, he whispered:

"I had a dream. In the dream, there was a white figure telling me that a snake was looking for me. If I was caught, I would be killed, so he kept following me and told me how to escape... …”

"Then, the snake appeared, and I saw it. It had white scales and blood-red eyes. Its body was bigger than our room! We kept running away and were almost caught up and eaten. Finally, we hid in In a corner, I just barely got rid of it.”

Allen finished speaking in one breath, and finally felt that the fear in his heart was lessened.

He lowered his head and wiped the sweat from his forehead. When he raised his head again, he saw that the light of the wall lamp was still soft, illuminating a corner of the painting on the wall. Allen didn't take it to heart. He looked up along the corner and found that the screen was a strange white patch.

The white part seemed to flow slowly, and after a while, under his gaze, a red circle appeared on the screen.


How can the picture on the hanging painting change? Allen felt something was wrong, and he shook his wife's shoulders in a hurry: "That painting, when did you buy that painting? Shouldn't the photo of our wedding hanging there be?"

He turned his head and saw his wife looking at him with a cold look.

Looking again, there was no wife anywhere, and he was not lying on the bed in his bedroom at all.

Allen looked up in despair and found that he had not actually escaped.

An extremely huge giant snake wrapped around its lower body. The giant snake's head hung high in the air, looking down indifferently at the prey that had been twisted into a tight body and unable to move. The red circle that appeared at the location of the "painting" just now was Cold snake eyes.

The scaleless giant snake opened its mouth slightly, and just as he was waiting for death to come, suddenly he heard the violent cry of a baby.

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