Along with the familiar cry of a baby, Allen was surprised to find that the giant snake staring at him coldly turned its head slowly and looked further away.

He felt that he had subtly seen the "confused" body language from a snake, as if he had just discovered that he was not its target, but the owner of the cry.

This faint cry came from all directions, as if I heard a cat meowing like a child crying on the street below Le Downstairs while I was sleeping soundly. Listening to it made people's hair stand on end. Allen couldn't tell where the sound came from, and neither could the giant snake. Although he didn't know what was happening, he clearly knew that it was his little son who was crying.

He was so anxious that he couldn't say a word when his life was in danger.

The huge silver head slowly looked around, looking for its target. A silvery-white mysterious river emerged from the depths of its eyes. The river bifurcated very early on, but if you look along the river towards the front full of unknown fog, you can see their future. Will eventually come together again.

After a while, it looked somewhere and started moving directly without hesitation. What doesn't match its huge body is its rapid movement speed. When it starts to move, the surrounding scenery is stretched into blurred lines.

Allen felt that the shackles imposed on his body gradually relaxed. The silver-white snake was already moving in a certain direction, abandoning the humans it had captured. He pulled out one hand with difficulty, slapped the snake's body hard, and shouted:


"Look here! I'm here!! You weird guy!!"

The giant snake's blood-red eyes didn't even turn for a moment in response to the human's provocation and shouting. It moved its body slightly and directly threw Allen away, falling straight into the void from an unknown height.

The fear gushing out of his heart and the strange feeling of falling made Allen couldn't help shouting. He twitched violently on the bed, then suddenly opened his eyes and saw the maid and Velma watching with concern. Hold yourself. Allen, who was still in shock, saw his wife's worried expression and immediately thought of everything that happened in the false "waking up" dream. He subconsciously broke into a cold sweat on his back, and moved his hands and feet away from his wife who reached out to touch his forehead. hand.

Even when the maid brought warm water, he pushed it away. Allen's temples were pounding and he didn't dare to get close to anything.

Breathing hard to relieve the fear in his heart, he looked around the room several times in panic, seeming to be looking for something.

There are some photos and ornaments normally placed on the walls of the bedroom. Yesterday's flowers are in the vase. Today's freshest flowers have not yet been delivered by the store that cooperates with the hospital. His and Velma's wedding photos are hung on the wall. When they got up, their smiles were sincere and happy.

There was nothing he was looking for - what was he looking for?

Allen was a little confused. Ever since he woke up, what he saw in his dream had quickly disappeared from his mind.

It was as if the foam floating on the sea met the sunlight. In just more than ten seconds, Allen had completely forgotten everything he had just experienced in his dream. He forgot about the strange snake, his dream within a dream, and his child's cry. His instinctive fear of his wife and the uneasiness after facing extremely terrifying things still remained in his heart, but he had forgotten why he was afraid and uneasy.

He was confused and gradually calmed down.

"Honey, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that her husband's mood finally began to calm down, Velma took the warm water from the maid's tray and brought it to Allen's mouth:

"You were struggling violently and yelling in your dream, which scared us all, so I quickly asked Liya to pour water."

While speaking, Velma's palm had already touched Allen's forehead, and the latter twitched subconsciously, but did not avoid it. She breathed a sigh of relief: "Great, you don't have a fever." Then she asked: "Did you have a nightmare?"

This sentence gave Allen an eerie sense of familiarity. He usually slept very well and rarely dreamed, let alone nightmares. But it seemed that he had just heard this question from his wife not long ago, which made him feel a little scared again.

He took the water glass hesitantly and took a sip of warm water. After a long time, Allen's lips moved.

Velma didn't hear clearly: "What?"

"There is a snake..."

Allen was in shock, his pupils were a little dilated, and he muttered with his lips:

"A snake is chasing me..."

On the illusory plain, people wearing simple robes like figures in ancient oil paintings moved forward slowly.

A faint silver-white river appeared on the ground, but disappeared in the next second. Between "following the guidance of fate" and "following the guidance of the aggregation of extraordinary characteristics", Ourolius chose the latter.

Logically speaking, He should choose the former, because it is more mystical and more in line with the symbolism of their path.

Similarly, it stands to reason that only when the "guidance of fate" and the "guidance of extraordinary characteristics" coincide and point directly to Will, can Ourolius fully confirm that he has won the battle with Will. Destiny ultimately chose Him to become a god.

"Waiting" is the most versatile method in this approach.

The "destiny" path often does not require effort, and it completely negates effort. Luck and fate determine everything.

Long before everyone embarked on this path, "destiny" had already begun to select.

If other Extraordinaries can still find magic potions on their own, then almost all candidates who take the path of "destiny" are destined. Among people who are born with good luck and extraordinary inspiration, some can be discovered and guided by seniors on the "destiny" path, some have taken other paths, and some can only be regarded as crazy. Good luck will not let them die, they can survive no matter what, but the innate excessive inspiration will make them unable to rest in peace throughout their lives.

The former belongs to the normal state of this path, while the latter two belong to luck that is not good enough.

After becoming an Extraordinary, this becomes even more obvious. How high you can go depends on how lucky you are. If you are lucky, you can pick up formulas and materials when you go out. If you are unlucky, you will never find opportunities in your life. Or go out and become someone else’s material.

As one of the highest-sequence Beyonders currently living in this path, Ourolius had long felt that his path might have some problems. He seems to be able to control good luck and bad luck, and weave the fate of others, which conforms to all people's imaginations about the path of "destiny" - but in fact, the power of fate is too scattered and very popular, and the incarnations of sefirot seem to have some destiny. capabilities.

The higher they go, the more extraordinary people on this path realize: they can influence the destinies of others, but they cannot control their own destiny.

Everything about them seems to have been doomed.

If you want to get something, you must exchange it for something, otherwise you can only sit back and watch the development of fate.

If Ourolius guessed correctly, Will's hiding suddenly became smoother and he slipped away quietly from under his nose because he found a good opportunity to contact Klein Moretti and borrowed him Destiny hides itself.

Just like in Utopia, He has been brought to Him by fate, but He has escaped His search with the help of the fate of those related to "Bethel Abraham" - Bethel Abraham is a special guy , if the word "favored" does not refer to people who are chosen with extraordinary talents, but only refers to people who are loved by God, then the entire Abraham family can be regarded as his favored ones.

Of course, Ourolius didn't want to risk looking at their fate.

Will must have made some exchanges, but since Klein still agreed to let the two of them compete, it means that what Will paid was not enough for him to exchange for the future of "becoming destiny". Maybe he didn't dare, or maybe he was Because he didn't think Klein could promise this.

Ourolius understood his worries. In order to avoid this situation, he once tried to talk to God and got a promise from the other party...but because he did not fully recognize the other party, he chose to act stupid at that time.

Ourolius didn't think he could change Medici's mind, and it was definitely not a wise move to hedge his bets.

So after much deliberation, Ourolius still felt that it would be more practical to not rely on the pillars on both sides, but to find a way to become a god himself first. In this way, he is more worthy of being attracted than the King of Angels who still has no uniqueness, and he can also find a way to help Medici continue to gain a foothold in this world.

He followed the instinct of aggregation of extraordinary characteristics, closed his eyes and found a random direction to move forward. At this point, it would be the same no matter where he went.

No matter who fate chooses, he must go to that extraordinary characteristic.

At least try to reach out and grab each other, bringing an end to the duel between the two snakes of fate that has been delayed for thousands of years.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something in his heart and opened his eyes.

He found himself at the entrance of a huge maze. No matter whether he went left or right, he could not reach the edge. Only one entrance always appeared in front of him, as if to say that there was no way to go anywhere except here.

"Is this your last struggle?" Ourolius asked into the air.

At the corner of the entrance, a nothing special stroller drove out on its own. The white gauze curtain hung down, covering the child wrapped in silver-white silk lying on it.

Ourolius took a look and realized that it was just a projection.

"Who are your parents?" the child wrapped in silver silk asked in a sweet voice.

"The parents this time are Wesson Scallder and Carlotta Scallder." Ourolius replied without emotion.

"My dad just called you a monster for me, I'm so happy." The child laughed, "My parents love me, how about you?"

Ourolius recalled briefly: "They respected me and loved me."

"Why do adults respect children? It seems that you have not grown up normally this time in your life... Although you look more than ten years old, you are actually only about two years old, right?" Will chatted, not at all. In a tense atmosphere, "Children should behave like children. It's because you never know what a normal child is like, so you can't catch me every time."

"Isn't it because you won't live to grow up that you play the role of a child again and again?"

Will opened his palm, revealing a dice with a "5" facing upward. Ouroleus only glanced at it, and Will clenched his fleshy little hand into a fist again and retracted the silver-white silk quilt. inside.

"I just planned to die young."

He said scary words in an innocent child's tone as if nothing had happened:

"I have successfully replaced fate with the 'Dice of Probability' just now. Although I can only deceive you for a while, it is enough for me to escape. So you have always thought that dad is me. After catching him, you actually saw Two me, right?”

"Because you are too close to me this time, you have determined my location, I am more dangerous than ever, and there is no time to find a new family. So I originally planned to blow up part of my home and let my mother Inherit dad's inheritance and continue living with my brothers and sisters... But when I saw dad was so scared and scolded you to protect me, I changed my mind."

Ourolius said:

"You have more control over your uniqueness than I thought. So, are you going to accommodate it now and fight me?"

Will sighed:

"Now is not the right time at all... Even if it is now, I won't tolerate it."

"I am only two years old, and I still want to go back to my parents. They are so good to me, and I want to let them continue to live a good life."

After saying this, the stroller moved backwards without anyone pushing it, returned to the corner, and disappeared from Ourolius' sight. Only the child's voice floated out from behind the corner:

"I built this maze using the 'Dice of Probability'. I did not limit its power. It will gradually expand its scope and gradually probabilize everything around it, eventually expanding its impact to the real world."

"If we can find it in this maze first, limit its movements and control it, and the battle between us has been recognized by Source Castle and 'The Fool', then is it a suitable time to accommodate it?" ?I don’t know about this, but I think it’s not impossible to gamble a little occasionally.”

Ourolius did not listen to Will's words. When he realized that the other party's proposal was indeed feasible, he stepped directly into the maze.



"I feel like someone is talking about me." Ah Sneeze! Medici rubbed his nose, then looked at the person in front of him, "I'm sorry, can you say what you just said again? I didn't hear it clearly."

The person sitting across the table from Him was not angry, but just repeated what he just said again:

"The Lord of our faith has fallen, and now the Holy See has been concealing the news and pretending that He is still alive, right?"

Medici snapped his fingers: "You guessed it right, you are so smart."

Since it was impossible for the Patriarch and the Emperor to write "It is forbidden to talk about the God of War" on the bulletin board of the brass book, the sentence "The God of War has fallen" was actually said smoothly. After saying this, the other party was silent for a moment and then asked:

"You're here to start a war, right?"

"When the previous emperor abdicated, and a being who looked very similar to the one on Kinghorn and had the same name took over the throne and power, I felt that maybe it was time to fight again. Respected God of War, are you here to let Fusac wield weapons, or are you going to turn us into weapons to show other countries your strength and bravery?"

"Both." Medici replied lazily. "If I don't occupy this country first and select those among you who are willing to be my swordsmen, how can I have the army and country to declare war on foreign countries?"

"Sorry, in our common sense, you should be the one who must win, not your army or country."

"Here we go again. When will this boring stereotype end? The war depends on me alone? I am not a mere commander."

The other party smiled: "Then it is true that you are the one who promotes the belief of 'real giants' and 'fools'. From this point of view, it seems that not only are you not a mere commander, but you also have a powerful god and at least 10,000 people." The entire Beyonder army can be used."

Medici raised the corners of his mouth, neither denying nor affirming.

"Tell me, do you have to ask me why you're here before you tell me?" He grinned, "You don't seem to be a pious person, and you asked me if the God of War was dead as soon as you came up. You're a job breaker. I can no longer hide my thoughts."

"I am not religious, I am just a person who is eager to fight. The previous emperor preached that Loen is an evil land. I don't care what the excuse for war is. I just want to fight with others. If you can fight, And win the battle, then I will follow you. If the God of War is dead, then my faith in Him ends here, and I will convert to you."

Medici still gave an ambiguous answer:

"You are discerning. If you choose to join now, you can still get a good position in my army. What's your name?"

"Arnold Dean," he said. "Nobody."

"But if you need it, I can provide you with information about the church and the Holy See." (End of Chapter)

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