Sign in to the billionaire mansion at the beginning

Sign in to the billionaire mansion at the beginning


230 Chapters Ongoing Status

Story of: Sign in to the billionaire mansion at the beginning

Chu Nan, who was breathless in the oppressive life in the city, unexpectedly obtained a god-level sign-in system. "The first thi


Story of: Sign in to the billionaire mansion at the beginning

Chu Nan, who was breathless in the oppressive life in the city, unexpectedly obtained a god-level sign-in system. "The first thing you say when you get up every day is to sign yourself in for 100 million." "Ding! The sign-in was successful. Congratulations to the host for getting 100 million!" "Ding! The sign-in was successful! Congratulations to the host for getting the mountaintop villa!" "Ding! The sign-in was successful! Congratulations to the host. Get a Lamborghini - poison!" From then on, with the help of the system, Chu Nan went further and further on the road of signing in. "No more pretending! I'm showing off my cards! In fact, I'm a rich man!"


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