Stylistic road

Chapter 638 - 635 National Games

Homework is not yet finished, and the task of the competition will soon come.

Since the marriage, the birth of a child is naturally on the agenda, but it is not so urgent, everything goes with the flow.

After visiting the scenic retreat at the Eight Great Passes, Chen Mingliang took Ren Jing on a return trip back to Quancheng.

Because Chen Mingliang to participate in the next National Games.

The National Games is the highest level and the largest comprehensive games in China.

For athletes, this is the second largest event after the Olympic Games, even more important than the World Championships and World Cup.

For athletes who do not have the opportunity to compete in the world championships, this is an event that almost determines the future and fate of the athletes, can not be ignored.

The last National Games was held in Suzhou Province, and now it is the turn of Qilu Province.

Before the nine games, the Games have been held in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong provinces and cities in turn, with the development of the economy, all over the restrictions have been liberalized, as long as the economic development of the provinces is still good, that can apply to hold a Games.

Qilu Province in order to successfully hold this event, is also a great effort. The leaders of the hometown have long greeted Chen Mingliang, hoping that Chen Mingliang can participate in this provincial meeting.

Chen Mingliang readily agreed, of course he was going to participate, after all, it was the event held in his hometown.

Since '01, Chen Mingliang has not given up on any of the National Games, and is now participating for the third time.

According to Chen Mingliang's current state, he should be able to continue to participate in two more sessions, and Wang Yifu, as long as he does not retire, then he can continue to participate.

Chen Mingliang now belongs to the joint training of athletes in both places, the gold medals won in Beijing and Qilu each account for half, one won, two happy.

And Chen Mingliang has four entries, Beijing and Qilu is able to share two gold medals each, a lot of staff statistics directly into the two gold medals in the work log.

This is in the bag.

In the capital, if not pointing to Chen Mingliang can take the reputation, always looking for trouble Chen Hong will not be so painful to be taken down.

In front of the political performance, no one's face is not good.

Others have worked hard for four years for this event, if anyone is not open-minded to stir up, then who is the sinner of history, is the public enemy of the people!

The 11th National Games was held in Quancheng from October 16 to October 28, 2009, with 33 major events, 43 sub-events and 362 minor events.

This includes 28 Summer Olympic events, 4 Winter Olympic events and all martial arts events.

Of the 362 events, the marathon will be held in the capital; speed skating and freestyle skiing will be held in the northeast; and the remaining 354 events will be held in 17 subregions in Qilu Province.

Each city is assigned one or two competition events, and Chen Mingliang's hometown of Shuicheng is no exception.

In fact, Chen Mingliang is not familiar with his home city, the city known as the Venice of northern China has developed over the years is also relatively general.

Water City was once a historical and cultural city, in the Ming Dynasty, here also happened in the Battle of Dongchang in the Battle of Jingnan, the great general Zhang Yu was killed in the battle of Dongchang, Zhu Di was also almost buried here.

However, these years still fell, and even the development of the provincial capital is not as good as the coastal cities.

Returning to Quancheng from Qingdao, Chen Mingliang did not stay in the all-weather village, but stayed at his home.

Because he also does not know which sports team he now belongs to, the coach and staff are their own external, easy to use, but and the provincial team's training system will not be compatible.

Chen Mingliang wants to participate in the National Games do not know where to report.

The scale of the Games is unprecedented, with more than 12,000 athletes competing, the competition venues are scattered in 17 urban areas, but the main venue is still Quancheng.

There is Chen Mingliang game time is October 21-26, the location is in the provincial Olympic Sports Center athletic field.

Finally, you can experience the feeling of playing at home.

Although Chen Mingliang fighting in the capital is also considered a home game, but less dialect is less flavor, lack of a sense of belonging.

Chen Mingliang the couple live or the family home of the Sports Bureau.

Villa this thing, when there is no envy, really have actually is not good to live, health is also difficult to clean, too empty, lack of popularity.

It is more comfortable to live in the community, although there is no underground parking and other measures to divert people and vehicles, but popular, the neighbors also get along well.

In October, the temperature difference in Quancheng is very large, the temperature may be okay during the day, but the night is already cool.

Chen Mingliang began his journey to prepare for the National Games in the late autumn season.

Of course, Chen Mingliang does not stay at home every day, but he spends most of his time on the Internet, in addition to playing games is on the posting bar flooding.

When Ren Jing opened her computer and went to see Chen Mingliang's posting account, the 'Dragon Essence Tiger Chen Mingliang' was already level 11.

Good will water.

Now Chen Mingliang has not played much magic beast, not much fun, he now began to play DOTA, and is a husband and wife play together.

When League of Legends was not yet launched, the hottest game was DOTA, and even derived from a game that fits Chinese characteristics - True Three Kingdoms.

Ren Jing of course will follow Chen Mingliang to play together, the husband and wife to cultivate a common hobby well, the two Internet-addicted teenagers often two even open black, sometimes also bring the stars under the play together.

Looking at the screen that went black again, Chen Mingliang finally couldn't help but start spitting, "Honey, you play other heroes, don't always take Medusa all the time brush money."

"You guys hold up ah, I have 5 pieces, and then one more can participate in the group battle, do not rush, wait for me out of the holy sword to 1V5, you did not see the introduction, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

Responsibility is really big, the words have not finished, the crystal fell to the ground.

Chen Mingliang thought to himself, is just a random person to play the game, but also better than Ren Jing played.

But the charm of the game is here, can not charge the game is still full of fairness, play other games Chen Mingliang like to play Lai, move to charge, directly dominate the service invincible, and then feel no fun.

This time Ding Sanshi launched a game called the world, Chen Mingliang played a Yunlu, directly take the money to smash a full wings, group combat invincible, and then the interest is lacking.

The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Brother-in-law character is very calm, academic performance is also very good, the more grown up the more quiet, and even a little girl's feeling.

Ren Jing said this is gentle and elegant, Chen Mingliang think not, this is because the mother-in-law character is too strong caused by the suppressed sequelae.

This is a scientific study.

A spirited mother can bring out a spirited daughter, but she brings out the son often character will show the opposite dynamic.

Chen Mingliang has not been idle in the past few days in Quancheng, and most of his and Ren Jing's classmates are developing in the provincial capital, and some gatherings are inevitable.

Classmates also have no more choice, as the people of Lu Province, not to go to the capital, that can only go to the provincial capital or Qingdao development, to the magic city or Guang Shen truly not many people.

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