Stylistic road

Chapter 639 Alumni Association and Mobile Payment

The land of Qilu is really a good place, the seasons are particularly distinct throughout the year, and the production of vegetables and fruits is extremely abundant.

At a glance of the world, Qilu Province in China, Ukraine in Europe and Texas in the United States are known as the world's three largest vegetable and fruit orchards.

Purely in terms of fruits and vegetables, Zhangqiu's onion, Jinxiang's garlic, Laiyang's pear, Qixia's cherry, Feicheng's peach, Weixian's radish, Zhanhua's jujube, and Heze's peony are all very famous.

Did you forget about Shouguang's vegetables? Besides, are peonies also a vegetable and fruit?


At least in Caozhou, it is.

Ren Jing has also made a considerable investment here, and she wants to make high-end luxury goods - peony oil.

Peony oil, also called peony seed oil, is a unique Chinese health oil, much better than tea seed oil olive oil, called "the world's best oil."

Its various benefits are not to mention, anyway, Chen Mingliang now eat doughnuts is fried with peony oil.

However, when it comes to peony, Chen Mingliang has planted several peony plants on his balcony, but the season is not right, so he has not seen any flowering.

When it comes to the main origin of peony, it belongs to Caozhou City in Qilu.

Historically, the poems and writings about peonies are more famous in Luoyang; however, when it comes to the industrialization of peonies, Caozhou is the best.

There was a seemingly simple question on "One Stop to the End", asking where is the "Peony Capital of China", and very few people got it right because the Peony Capital is Caozhou in Qilu, not Luoyang.

Although Caozhou is poor, it is famous for being the capital of Chinese peonies, the hometown of Chinese calligraphy and painting, the hometown of Chinese martial arts, the hometown of Chinese opera and the hometown of Chinese folk arts.


In such high autumn weather, Chen Mingliang market brewed a cup of tea, trip in the roof of the sun room in the sun, occasionally y about a few friends to play a few games, comfortable.

As for what tea brewed?

Wolfberry ginseng tea?

How is it possible! People have not yet and stand, really want to revive the masculine words, a week 7 * 7 is also not under the words OK.

Not bright brother can not, just do not want.

For example, last night, Ren Jing in a false sleep, suddenly asked a question, you still come?

The light brother replied, has gone.

It is necessary to drink something to make up for it, because there is still hard training to go.

Athletes have to keep in shape at all times, especially now that the National Games are around the corner.

There is a small stadium in the Sports Bureau compound, and Chen Mingliang can also go to the provincial team's training ground to do sports.

But he is not going out most of the time, instead, Ren Jing is running around.

After all, it is back home, the listed woman strong man needs to attend a lot of events, the whole person is very active.

The life of a geek is just fine and comfortable, until Ren Jing called and asked him to also go to a reunion of his high school alma mater.

I should say it was a first high school alumni party.

The hotel is three kilometers away from home, the only Ben at home was driven away by Ren Jing, walking a little far, and a taxi is not worth it.

The main thing is that there is no money for a taxi.

Chen Mingliang searched his entire body, but did not find a dime, and not even a bank card.

Because Chen Mingliang does not spend money on a daily basis, where there are assistants to pay the bill, after getting used to it, there is not a dime on his body.

Fortunately, Chen Mingliang's mother also has a motorcycle tricycle selling cooked food, but also with a windbreak canopy, driving is also good.

Chen Mingliang found the key, a foot down to fire, burst burst burst on the run to the destination.

5 minutes later, Chen Mingliang arrived at the agreed hotel, Ren Jing welcomed at the door.

The actual fact is that you can't be sure that you're going to be able to get a good deal on your own.

"Just a few miles, it's not enough trouble."

Chen Mingliang didn't want to say he didn't have any money on him, otherwise he would be ridiculed by her for days again.

But he really couldn't get the few dollars for a taxi.

I'm going to have to urge Jackpot to hurry up and get the mobile payment out.

Although the seat is just a motorcycle tricycle, still occupy a full parking space.

The security guard of the parking lot did not want to let in, that is, look at Chen Mingliang's face this let in.

Chen Mingliang stood in the hotel lobby or slightly corrected his clothes before entering.

Although only a sportswear, but it is necessary to tidy up the hair, but the effect is not ideal, the hair are wind-blown styling.

"This is Chen Mingliang?"

"Yes, right."

"So low-key oh."

"People don't need to show off by this."

Entering the banquet hall, it was already filled with several tables of people, bustling with activity.

The girls sitting at the outermost table are very young, and they chatter and comment on everyone who comes in, looking at the other men in suits and then at Chen Mingliang with a sports jacket with a mask.

At once, they felt that Chen Mingliang was still more handsome.

Especially his hand with Patek Philippe to lift the hair posture is very handsome there.

Chen Mingliang himself thinks so, although he wears a watch just unconscious behavior.

The company is also wearing a mask when it comes in, but there is no one else but Chen Mingliang who can be so tall and handsome and at the same time very recognizable.

"Chen Mingliang alumnus, how are you?"

A man with a big back hair was impassioned on the stage, and when he saw Chen Mingliang brought over by Ren Jing, he hurriedly nodded and greeted him.

The people who came here are all alumni of the first high school, which year they graduated, naturally there is no shortage of successful people, the big back is one of them.

After all, it is the hometown people, Chen Mingliang is not pretentious, took off the mask with the hometown language to greet everyone, and to each table of male comrades are scattered cigarettes.

Around the circle, Chen Mingliang's classmates came not too many, but rather Ren Jing's classmates are not old, and some are other classes of seniors.

No wonder Ren Jing is willing to open it, are her classmates.

After so many years, even his own classmates, Chen Mingliang can not call the name, but probably still have some impression.

Chen Mingliang came to school when it was in the middle of the junior high school, the class is all urban people, like him, such as the rural areas to him a, originally older, not quite get along, after the transfer class left has not contact, now see the common language is not much.

At that time when reading did not feel, now look back, the class of beautiful girls are really a lot of it.

The old home of Chen Mingliang boiled donkey skin gum, may be more nourishing it, the little sister a watery very.

If you do not know Ren Jing and Lin Han, in their own class development development should also be quite good.

Unfortunately, it has stepped into the cage of marriage, for a tree to give up a forest there is no.

Before the arrival of Chen Mingliang, there are still a few successful people sharing their workplace and social experience with everyone, Chen Mingliang came, but everyone is quiet.

People are famous is trouble, want to play a low profile are not rounded.

In this way, a lot less fun.

Full of wine and food, it's still early, but the party should be over.

After the group photo is the time to say goodbye.

The opportunity to pay the bill everyone did not grab, not money at all, this is the opportunity to prove their success, we all left to Chen Mingliang.

Chen Mingliang also does not care, signaling Ren Jing to check out, because Chen Mingliang is not interested in money, he does not love money, mainly because he does not have a dime on him.

Back home, Chen Mingliang does not want to delay for a moment, he feels that the day without mobile payment is really quite unpleasant.

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