Stylistic road

Chapter 647 Dream

The leaves are yellow, and the sky is cold.

The course continued this, a week in a week, relaxed and comfortable.

Although the relationship between the office has not been harmonious, but under Chen Mingliang's money offensive, it is still a respectful guest.

Ok, idiom is in use, and respecting the guests is the relationship between husband and wife.

Chen Mingliang shuttled between schools and families every day, and occasionally went to the backstest to see the stories of them, to tell the truth, and the little gang of practice, and the most beautiful, the most identified, and the exercise came up with the sweat.

This is the ideal life you want.

However, the calm life did not last for a long time, and things were looking for home.

This accident is not real estate, but the semiconductor factory they have acquired.

Liu Qing took over the company, but it has been questioned in the direction of business development.

The semiconductor factory is unlike those LCD panel plans, they can directly penetrate and do TV, can also work to do computer display or car display, and can do mobile screens in the future, market prospects have been very broad.

What can this diverse semiconductor factory do?

The factory is got, but I don't know how to use it.

This also needs Chen Mingliang to come with your mind.

In fact, this bankruptcy has been a star in the domestic semiconductor industry, saying that it is not too much.

These years, the mood of the National Development Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Industry is very urgent.

After entering the 21st century, the domestic economy has developed rapidly, but the chip industry is serious, especially the high-end chip industry.

In the military and aerospace sectors, these chips do not have cost, but it is self-sufficient, but 80% of high-end commercial chips need to import.

The annual advancement of our chip has long been more than oil, which has become a major hidden danger that restricts economic development. It is not seen that there is no solvement.

Unlike the mainland, the semiconductor industry in Bay is extremely developed.

Since the 1990s, Bay Bay began to vigorously develop semiconductor industries and catch up with this wave of gold.

At that time, Zhang Zhongmou is a factory in the Bay Ministry of Economic Research Institute, and later developed the Hsinchu factory, the Magical factory.

In 2002, after the rental period of the research institute, Zhang Zhong sold the equipment in the wafer factory to Yatai Technology in the palm of Feng Mingxian.

Feng Mingxian, which has a semiconductor equipment production line, immediately became a baby-style star.

At the time, the municipal government went out of the land, Feng Mingxian out of the equipment, soon, it quickly built a semiconductor factory consisting of second-hand equipment, and the factory was established in the bonded area into the gate.

However, after the factory is well, the company has not moved to the right track, but a step faded.

Because this batch of equipment is too old!

The 6-inch crystal is already a product that is on the verge of elimination. Although the product has a certain market demand, the profit margin has not been can't hold.

Moreover, this second-hand device is bad, and the good price is also low, and the funds are tight, and finally, it is not enough, and bankrupt is in front of it.

Finally, Feng Mingxian opened the running career, mixed to go anything else to continue.

If history does not change, in short, he will go to Sand City in Xiangnan to build another 6-inch plant, it seems to be called creative, but it also failed.

Chen Mingliang was also a hot hot. I feel that the price is not expensive. If he does not buy it, this factory should be the king of the car, and people do the battery, acquire this talent. It is a matter of course.

Chen Mingliang did not engage in semiconductor people.

I didn't think it before I bought it. After I bought it, I found that this is really no use.

The infrastructure is still, but it is an electronic special. This stuff is a little bit of people who smell, and it is full of phosphorium arsenicane, and I want to buy raw materials to import.

There are not many units that can produce special gases. It is nothing more about the law of Francis, the German's Linde, the United States of America's AP, Helan's Akzonbell, the big oceanate of the footland, and there is no China.

It is said that it is not believed that it is necessary to import it, it is true, it is the odor added to the natural gas.

The main component of natural gas is methane, which is a colorless and tasteless. It is because it has been more smelling, which is a chemical developed by Chevron Phillips.

On this day, Liu Qing came to find Chen Mingliang. She brought the original chairman of Zhongwei semiconductor Feng Mingxian.

He said that he is a dream, the semiconductor is his dream of his life.

Chen Mingliang did not believe.

Even the dream of Jiang Shangyi has left the central international international, and it is not so easy to engage in semiconductors.

"Qing Sister, do you have a dream?"

"Dream? Of course!"

"Listen to it?" Chen Ming asked with a smile.

"I ..., what time you have to see." Liu Qing thought about what, starting his face.

Her girls have never had a big news, and it is also an opportunity and home environment.

Chen Mingliang looked at the women's people suddenly revealed a shame, and she thought she understood it.

"I know, a little Tang Jun, but this is a private problem." Chen Mingliang is very thieves. "Many girls like to watch fairy tale when I am young, and I will have the same Cinderella, and then think about it. The prince, the last two people lived a happy life. Unfortunately, you are born is a princess, but the result can't find the prince who can match themselves. "

"If you want you! It's really a dog's mouth."

Chen Mingliang really guessed, Liu Qing has already been private, and now it is not single.

However, this love did not get the blessings of the family, and later two people were married, but they were divorced.

Liu Laozi is highly resistant, but it is more serious about the child's interference situation, which can be seen from him many times.

"That Chen, what is your dream? Do you have a dream?"

"Of course, I have a dream, but I have not realized. In fact, everyone has their own dreams. Some people want to have a good car. Some people want to have a beautiful flower. Some people want to expect a lifetime, dreams, don't talk Who is noble or who is ordinary. "

"Do you have a dream of the world champion, take the Olympic gold medal, have been realized."

Liu Qing, of course, knowing his own boss, a poor child relying on sports to change fate, is his ultimate dream not to stand on the world's highest apower?

"No, I used to have the biggest dream, it is a factory in a city as a worker, the meat is best, I have a talent skill in this industry.

I hope to take a small wage every month, find a wife who is very bad, my salary can be handed over, it is best to stay in some private houses, usually play basketball, with friends They have blowing cows and drinking, so it is good. "

Such a life Chen Ming is thinking about being drunk.

"Then your current achievement is over your dreams, you are now black heartless real estate business, name a real estate countless, have a car BMW, even private aircraft, and there is a beautiful and generous Wife, there is no shortage in the world, there is still noble, there is anything unfounded. "

"You don't understand ... Dream is the dream, there is no relationship with the situation and achievements of reality."

Chen Mingliang remembered that he was working in the meat factory, and he was unmarried for many years, and finally bought a house and saw the hope of dreams, but the dream is away from him.

"Don't take the problem out, let's take a look at the friend of this far away, what do he have?"

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