Stylistic road

Chapter 648

What is a feeling of a cow?

Mr. Feng Mingxian only wants to say that MMP is dedicated to himself.

A bay bay, actually to discuss the national conditions with Chen Ming, to explore the construction of socialist modernization, and explore the social responsibility of entrepreneurs, and no one.

To say that the semiconductor is to make money, everyone believes, but Chen Mingliang does not lack the money; to say that the semiconductor industry has a wide range of uses, Chen Mingliang is of course known, but he feels that he can't do it.

Once an entrepreneur said, "We tend to overestimate one to two years, underestimated five to ten years."

The entrepreneur who said this is quite successful, but it is not addicted. Now I am from entering the photovoltaic industry, then went to the company's bankruptcy.

Chen Mingliang did not have to overestimate or underestimate changes in the next five years or even a decade, because he can clearly see the development trend of the next decade.

Chen Mingliang only believes that you can see it, you can't see it.

So Chen Mingliang's body is very contradictory.

On the one hand, the feeling is that people are quilly, and others will pay a bold money, and they do not have the upper limit;

On the other hand, he is extremely conservative, and it is clear that the photovoltaic industry and the semiconductor industry have great potential, and he is afraid of him.

Feng Mingxian expected the power of Nine Niu Erhu used to convince Chen Mingliang, Chen Mingliang did not move.

Because Chen Ming Liang does not believe in his own ability to do a good job.

This industry is not in that years, it will not be in the Chinese private manufacturing, the Huawei, which has not made this problem, even if the ambitious Dong Miss does not make any results, he Chen Mingliang He De what.

Even if I arrived in 2019, the people only saw Huawei's sanctions, and I have not seen which semiconductor company can stand up and say that we can say to the world.

Table Machine, which is really in the top of the industry, is a Bay, but they don't count their kindness.

I sent Feng Mingxian. Chen Mingliang still didn't say that I would like to do something, involved in this line, and I still can't.

"Chen, what do you think in this industry?"

"How do I see it is not important, there is such a law in physics. When the speed of the object moves exceeds the sound speed, the explosion will have a sound barrier; when the speed of thinking exceeds the intelligence, it will make a cheer, called It is a mentally disabled. If I don't understand it, then I am a mentally disabled. "

"What happens to this factory? Where is it? There is a bonded area, can't build real estate."

"I think again."

So Chen Ming, called Wang Chuanfu, and asked him what I would like to acquire Middle and latita.

Business confidentiality? does not exist.

After all, Chen Mingliang is now their shareholders, and there is no competitive relationship with the same industry. This kind of thing is not necessary.

Wang Daizi said they prepared to develop new energy electric vehicles, which is the direction of the future, he thinks this plant may be a bit.

New energy cars are indeed a good development direction, and oil is always in the day.

Do you have to go to the road for the preset of Jia's accounting?

Chen Mingliang struggled in his heart.

He feels that he is more and more like the future.

Because Chen Mingliang's video website has also been found, film and television companies have already been established, and online TV will go offline immediately ...

The road to Jia will go after Jia Club, he Chen Mingliang only made a mobile phone and the electric motor.

Not only is similar to the career, it is the pair of two people in life seems very consistent.

Even the steps of the two men got a wedding couple are similar. Chen Mingliang is married after the Olympics, Jia Club also married "Wei" in the three beautiful "ice and snow" in Beijing last year.

I don't understand why 'We' can enter the capital of Beijing, and everyone will know slowly.

Moreover, the commercial empire of Jia Club has also begun to go online, and Chen Mingliang's investment company also got a shares.

After all, everyone is still a peer, as long as it is not involved too deep, can you lose money in time.

Unlike Jia Shaosu, Chen Mingliang's film company is already in the industry, and the movie and TV dramas in the industry are not enumerated. However, Chen Mingliang does not interfere.

Moreover, Chen Mingliang does not seem to be conservative. He has invested heavily in the development of mobile Internet software. It is simply a kind of bloodbook, which gives people a illusion and illusion.

This is also one of the reasons why Feng Mingxian thought about persuading him investment semiconductor.

The smartphone era is coming, someone asks Chen Mingliang, since this is so optimistic about the development of mobile Internet, have you ever thought about making a mobile phone.

not at all.

In Chen Mingliang's eyes, the phone is just a hardware carrier.

It is the Huawei, which is really developing mobile phones, is the Huawei, who is boss, and Chen people don't touch it.

This industry is still left to "Areyouok?" To open up.

As for the industrial-electric car that leads to the collapse of Jia accounting career, Chen Mingliang is very tangled.

Don't the electric car really can't make it?

This really stimulates Chen Mingliang's curiosity.

In the capital, the professionals who want to find the automotive industry consulting is not difficult, Beiqi is in front of you.

The company established in 1958 is not simple, the BJ212 off-road vehicle is the ultimate dream of the last generation man.

At Chen Mingliang's hometown, the logo for eating a gongkin before, is able to take BJ212 Jeep.

This car doesn't know how many vehicles sold, canvas soft top, can the sports car standard?

Moreover, this company can be more reliable than Brilliance. The brand that people don't just cooperate has been victory. Whether it is modern, Cherno or Mercedes-Benz, sales in the market is good, and the self-operated car sales is as good.

Chen Mingliang as a spokesperson of Mercedes, there is no reason and Beiqi sprout.

Both parties are the Lord who is not bad, and they want to cooperate. It is also simple. Beiqi they really have the development needs of new energy vehicles. The two sides are "one ".

The research institute is even more convenient in Beijing. It has no reason to go to Yucheng, although there is a name called "The Township of Academician", has produced more than 100 academicians, but the work place of the academician is not the capital? .

"Wang, this factory is given to you, I seem to be used."

Chen Mingliang decided to let the company return to Wang Dawei's embrace, or not to destroy the development history of 'Tang' 'Song' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '

"Ah, what do you say? Are you serious?" Wang Chuanfu was shocked, what is Chen Mingliang.

"This company is not high in relation to my business relationship, or give you more appropriate."

"What is your request?"

"No, you can put some money and shares, you will give it casual, don't give it, mainly this company is not used in my hand."

"This is a lot of money?"

"Every year, I will take a charity money is not more than this."


Chen Ming is going to get out of this, because he heard that the domestic video giant tomato net funds is tight, and it is a bit not impressed.

He is still more interested in cultural entertainment, and the little sister has a good look, talking is good, and it is very beautiful.

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