806. Chapter 806 Hunting 2

    Chapter 806 Hunting 2

    At noon, the sun was like a golden water crystal pillar, drops from the sky, standing on the ground.

    The clouds are slowly moving, and the microwind is filled with depressed mixtures of flowers.

    The two people went out of the lab to meet the jurists who walked through the main pathways of the forest.

    They are all holding a forensic journal and are following a white, pale old teacher, and it seems that they are ready to go around to practice courses.

    “That’s the new student this year, and the old apprentice left a lot after you. It’s supposed to be stimulated.” Lily’s all behind him.

    “New apprentice?” Lin Sheng raised his eyes. “Do you have innate talent?”

    “I don’t know, but I heard a little girl named Sindra is good, said to be with an apprentice under the name of our Dora mentor, who should be your Junior Sister if she could become a full jurist.”

    Lin Sheng’s out of nodded. He remembers Cinderella. The other day he said he was the second generation of young girls. Knowing from breath does not seem to be pure human beings.

    In fact, Lin Sheng is already considering whether to get out of the white rock and develop alone.


    White Rock Forest now helps him, mainly in the area of legal information, as well as in institution-building and marketing.

    But these can actually be refined as independent jurists.

    Theoretically, as long as they become full jurists, they can leave the White Rock.

    Every year thereafter, at least one apprentice will be cultivated for forest land. There is occasionally a need to participate in fixed activities in forest lands. After five years, it will be free to graduate.

    After all, a great deal of valuable legal information and empirical guidance has been given, and the feedback forest is as it should be by rights, in addition to school fees.

    But Lin Sheng can’t wait so long.

    “Let’s go.” Watch the apprentices go away and disappear in the clouds of the road bend.

    Lin Sheng leads moved towards a just forest in the woods.


    area within the forest is large. The main corridor is like the trees of the giant tree, surrounded by a wide variety of branches, and the end of each branch is Castle Manor, a high-ranking jurist.

    castle Manor of densely packed, each representing at least 10 senior jurists, is present here.

    And the top tree crown is the core area of the entire white rock land – the Department of Management.

    There is a special way of reaching out to the leader of the organization, who often has different degrees, who fought with the Lord Legendary of the England Hightower Chamber.

    in general, the entire White Rock land is represented by senior jurists, and the parliament makes decisions.

    Lin Sheng walked along the main path and quickly went to the fair jungle in which the mission was issued.

    The whole fair forest is an extraterrestrial landscape like the purple garden in the small garden.

    The manager of the Fair Forest is a group of sheep horses called the Honourable Card.

    The card has half the horses with the sheep. They’re good at preserving plant flowers, and the birth will have some natural low-class tactics. At the same time, they are family members of Ms. Forest, who are often present near the shrines of Ms. Forest.

    Lin Sheng brought Leto, just close. Far away, the guarded sheep saw it.

    They noted that Lin Sheng’s hierarchy ring on his finger had not stopped and Lin Sheng had been allowed to enter the garden with Li Sheng.

    The fair wooden token is all over the wooden wooden in the garden.

    At noon, there were few jurists here, and the cold and clear combined with Lin Sheng was only 10.

    Sufficient enough to accommodate hundreds of people in vast garden forests, with only 10 people scattered. They stand before a single mission, wooden token.

    Lin Sheng, a piece of wooden token, looks slowly.

    ‘Request for hunting: Near Ms. Red Kelsey’s cave, a large number of disturbing fireworms have recently been moved. She hoped that a professional would be hired to address the small number of flame worms.

    Compensation: Enter the cave treasure of Kelsey, and choose the same unknown treasure. Or get a hundred red dragons down by the lady.

    Level of assignment: 10 2nd Level.

    “Tsk tsk…” Lin Sheng, the first to see, is so high.

    Now he has not been able to resolve such tasks for the time being.

    It’s very cognizant of that, so Lin Sheng continues to go inside. I’ve seen a wooden token all the way.

    ‘The anger of the Ice Leader: Long-term Mission, adjacent to the Kingdom of Farouse, was invaded by the powerful Cold Leader Legion, who had long been required to support the battlefield.

    Remuneration: Face.

    Level of assignment: Level 4.

    ‘Forest Shadows: Long-term tasks, the hands of the spirits of the cult are once again flowing in nearby forests. The patrol teams need more fighters to investigate the ruins of King Spirit King on the south.

    Compensation: to be granted at the level of exploration. The lowest value is less than 100 000 gold coin.

    Level of assignment: a formal judge is available. “

    “This is good.” Lin Sheng sees this as a long-standing battalion confrontation and an indefinite hierarchy, which means that it is still in a low risk situation.

    It is clear that the White Rock Forest and the Shadow Church have not yet fully erupted a high-ranking confrontation.

    “As long as death is not done, it is estimated that the highest number is a dead creature that middle-class jurists can cope with.” Lin Sheng is judged on the basis of information transferred in the sacred shadow.

    “This, I have heard, is a mysterious cult that has been most prevalent in recent decades, and their area of activity is just close to our white rock forest.

    Just like the underground entrance near the England Hightower. We also need to continuously conduct clear patrols against the Shadows. “Li’s behind us.

    “Well, that’s him!” Lin Sheng is satisfied with stretching his hand, using his own lawyer’s ring to put light pressure on wooden token, which lasts five seconds later.

    Soon a sheep horse got here.

    “Mafa Arias?” This young sheep horse is polite with Lin Sheng.

    “You chose to take this assignment?”

    “Yes. That’s it.” Lin Sheng will definitely answer.

    “Do you need to join the investigation team? The remainder of the mandate was also chosen by the jurists. A standard investigative team has also been formed.

    There is also a choice to hire powerhouse of natural communities here, if there is a need for temporary followers, or to hire themselves. “

    Lawyers generally perform their tasks individually, and they need to be accompanied by followers.

    Because the jurists in the sense of standards, in fact, are artillery, controlled, remote aids.

    Their legal release will take a respite, so the followers will be extremely important at this time.

    Lin Sheng microwave.

    “There’s no need for followers, there’s a need for me to hire myself. There is no need to join the team. I like to do the job alone.”

    The sheep horses are slight.

    “I understand that your ID is a form direction and does not really require additional team friends. Well, please come with me. The security officer of the patrol will register details of your mission.”

    One afternoon, Lin Sheng was quickly registered, and then took a bunch of structural clothing, moving out of the White Rock lands, and going to the ruins of the old Prince of Spirit King.

    With regard to the mission, he needed not that reward, but that real hunting was more advanced in order to improve his own legal qualities.

    Joining the elite Club and carrying out the mission, he is a key way to gain more senior quality bloodline.

    And in comparison, freedom of movement and hunting opponent access to the mission of the bloodline organization is actually better than Club’s appetite.

    After all, while he’s a fourth grade, the strength of the field does not represent a fourth level.



    Close like blankets on the forest grass. A little tunnel between the woods, bending through it.

    There’s no creek trees around the streets. Red’s woods float with microwind.

    Lin Sheng is walking along the streets.

    He came here just a long way from the White Rock Forest, without delay, until Spirit King was ruined.

    There are no dangerous wildlife nearby, and occasionally some beasts, such as black bears, giant tiger and so forth, are very friendly to Lin Sheng from the white rock forest.

    This is also the natural advantage of forest law teachers.

    So Lin Sheng walked all the way out of several hundred hundred li without risk, and even the single horn bloodline horse under his feet could not be supported to slow down.

    (This chapter is over)

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