807. Chapter 807 hunting 3

    Chapter 807 hunting 3

    “Almost, the front is the investigation point near the ruins of the King.”

    Lin Sheng turned around and checked the surrounding environment.

    I’m sure there’s no other man out there, but he took the robe, flicked the fingers.

    A layer of invisible power quickly spreads from him.

    Slowly, his body slowly floats up, getting taller and taller.

    Almost 10 metres low.

    “Wait here.” Lin Sheng released a simple animal comfort on the horses of war, while his innate talent is passive, with ambiguous and animal plant communication capabilities.

    This is from the capacity of a dark elf on the ground.

    So simple and war horses pass the instructions, and this is quite easy to move.

    The pure horses of war scream and swallow them to the side for drafting.

    Lin Sheng looked far ahead.

    There’s a giant black tree, like a giant umbrella, standing in the middle of the forest sea.

    “That’s it.” He slight out the smile he expected.

    “Hopefully hunting enough to satisfy me.

    Of course, it would be better if we could meet some of the most qualified geniuses. ”

    Lin Sheng licked his lips, and, after all, the cult was alive, and as long as there were living people, it would be possible for the Holy Shadow analysis to absorb the advantages.

    There is no doubt that Lin Sheng’s flight technology from other bloodline continues to move rapidly towards a giant black tree and disappears between dense forests.

    Not long after he left.

    Two tall men, surrounded by ambiguous fog, are sneaking out and now Lin Sheng leaves the ground.

    One of these men has a sober eye, and one of them has a fresh blue Frente in his eyes.

    He fell down and touched the grasslands he had stood before Lin Sheng with his hands.

    “Suddenly left. It’s supposed to be a flying technique, and when I was a kid, there were so many rare magic pathologists, and it was a genius.” Men are sighted.

    “Another genius, not to die on your hands.” The companion said coldy.

    “Can’t that be said, even if you, in a public conference, can this age reach such a strong standard? Seven years old, 2nd Level, do you think you were seven years old to the fourth grade assassin?

    “No. I reached the fourth grade, 11 years old.” Another calmly said.

    Unlike the skinhead man, this guy is wearing a tight white robe with a silver flying knife in the back of densely packed.

    A brown knife with a flying knife. In the light of the sunshine, a fresh leather glow will be fired.

    “All right, no more. This time we meet together, we can only count this little guy’s cloud too bad. Let’s go.” Lights up, it seems that the grass on the ground knows the direction Lin Sheng left.

    The two do not look at the horses of war, and their eyes disappear in the air, leaving only the slightest footprints on the grasslands that are invisible.

    As a recent famous assassin’s public conference, a new series of black Ray.

    Lighthead Henry and the assassin, Kelesa, were able to successfully complete the assassination of senior jurists at less than 30 years of age.

    This is also an elusive top achievement in the entire Assassing Association.

    Young and ambitious people, after successful assassination of senior jurists, are even more insane in taking up various tasks against the judiciary.

    This time, they were hired by the next frozen leader, who saw such a small task on the halfway and, by the way, intended to proceed together.

    Although it was only a task of assassinating the genius of the low-ranking jurists, it was highly remunerated and easy to walk.

    So the two assassins decided to proceed quickly.

    Believe it, with the strength and the quality of their top shadow, to complete such a single business with no difficulty.

    “All right, move fast. Our little sheep is waiting.” The last thing in the air rings up.

    The two men, covered by invisible surgery, went in the direction of Lin Sheng’s departure.



    Lin Sheng slowly flies along the forest sea.

    The initial pace has fallen to the same level as on the ground.

    There’s obviously a lot more in the woods and malicions than before.

    The negative energy of air swimming is becoming increasingly strong. Fresh toxic fog is constantly getting thick.

    Lin Sheng slowly lowers the altitude, or just passes low through the woods.

    Flying to the top of the woods is too much for him.

    Without caution, large-scale attacks can easily be triggered.



    A steep line goes down from the trees on the right.

    It’s a half-transparent, grey, white snake, which just slipped down, and the body that had a rough arm grew up quickly.

    In the instant, this white snake grew to a metre thick. Twenty meters long.

    It opens a giant ape red and cruel enough to swallow Lin Sheng’s entire stomach at one moment.

    The giant snake almost covered Lin Sheng completely and the shadow covered his body in the dark.

    The light quickly blew down.


    snake rushed in the middle of the snake and started a beautiful green light ball. That’s a special technique for acid flying arrows.

    Lin Sheng also raised his head and opened his mouth.

    Fireball, lightning, fragmentation of sound waves, ice storms, dark arrows, polar balls, sunlight rays, poisonous fireworks, and so forth, and densely packed like rainbows.



    Two sprays erupted simultaneously. Green acid sprays were almost exported, and were pressured back by a giant rainbow surgery.

    A green one and two colors are only stalled for a moment.

    white giant snakes have not yet reacted, and have been bombed into their throats by a large group of disruptions.

    gu lu.

    It’s not allowed to swallow the crowd’s colour magic energy.

    And then.


    It blew up.

    Lower explosions are accompanied by a bright flame that rips white snakes from both inside and outside, completely ripping into countless pieces of debris.

    Lin Sheng’s face is calm and staring at a long, fragmented piece of rain.

    “To come in and meet the cloud snake of 6th Level. This place seems to be looking forward.”

    He stretched his hand, the hand of the jurist, and automatically caught the giant snake in the body’s magic organs.

    That’s a circle of green gem.

    Lin Sheng grabbed the gem, and his eyes flawed through countless white fluorescents like Galaxy lights.

    That’s the precious part of the Holy Shadow in the rush analysis.

    A slight difference between the other elements of energy has been tried by Lin Sheng to infiltrate the stones. Watch its response.

    At the same time, his spiritual force’s soul began to infiltrate silently, with a critical part of the anatomy.

    A few minutes later.

    Lin Sheng’s jewellery has slowed down, and the elite in it has been swallowed by him.

    Lin Sheng also flipped the green light at the same time.

    In the chest covered by the French robe, that giant flower has slowed down another green pet.

    “6th Level’s corrosion ball is such a big harvest at the entrance. It’s a nice place.”

    His lips slight up, black hair shined up a rainbow like that. Then it was immediately concealed by illusions and restored to the status quo.

    (This chapter is over)

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