"As stated in this document, no problem should be found. However, the Anti Doping organization believes that Wang's performance is too abnormal and there is the possibility of taking some unknown banned drugs!" said the female secretary.

"Bullshit! I don't know what they want! Since the urine test is OK, why do they put a suspect hat on Wang An? What do they mean?" chefilin was very angry.

Because he thinks it's abnormal!

How can you do that?

Is it necessary to suspect Wang of taking drugs just because of his outstanding performance and frequent goals?

What kind of logic is this?

This is polluting people's innocence!

Don't you know how much negative impact this will have on Wang?

"They think that an oriental, a player from a weak football country, should not have such a good performance," said the female secretary.

"Fark! This is discrimination! Red fruit discrimination! What are they going to do?" chevalin asked.

The reason why chevalin is so angry is that the World Anti Doping organization will obviously seriously damage the interests of UEFA!

What does Wang represent?

It is a huge market of 1.4 billion!

That market is even bigger than the whole of Europe!

Now, the situation is developing in a good way. They even come to play this one!

What rubbish!

"They want to re check Wang in all aspects, such as blood sampling and other more advanced examination methods," said the female secretary.

"Falk! These bastards! What the hell do they want to do? Who's ordering them?" chevalin stood up from behind the table and walked back and forth.

"Don't be angry, sir. I think we should think about what to do next," said the female secretary.

"I'm going to call the damn Anti Doping organization in person! We have our own Anti Doping department. If they go too far, stop cooperating with them! These garbage! They want to affect our huge market development plan! They're so damn!" chefilin slapped the table angrily.

"You, take a good look at this document. I'll go out first." the female secretary has never seen chevalin get so angry. She's a little afraid.

"You go out!"

Chevalin waved.

He's a little upset now.

The female secretary withdrew from the office and closed the door of the office.

Chevalin walked back and forth in the office several times. He returned to his chair and sat down.

He opened the document and looked at it.

The document is very long, with dozens of pages.

Here are the results of Wang Fei's repeated urine tests. All the results are normal.

However, the analysis report believes that this is very abnormal.

According to the report, even the stronger blacks have never reached the height that Wang Fei has reached.

Wang Fei is always energetic, running like a perpetual motion machine, whether in the NBA or in the Olympic Games. His speed has exceeded the limit of human beings, and his endurance is very abnormal.

In view of this, the report believes that Wang Fei may have taken a brand-new illegal drug that cannot be detected by current scientific detection methods.

It is with the help of illegal drugs that Wang Fei can make such dazzling achievements!

This is unfair to other athletes!

Chevalin looked at it once, shook his head and scolded for several grams.

This is ridiculous.

Doubt has become a high sounding criminal evidence!

You did a good job and performed well. Even if you didn't find out the banned drugs, you were suspected of taking drugs.

What logic is this?

Chevalin slammed the document on the table.

He grabbed the phone and dialed MacDonald, President of the International Anti Doping organization.

In fact, the headquarters of the International Anti Doping organization is also located in Switzerland.

MacDonald and chevalin also meet often.

Get through.

MacDonald's voice came from the microphone: "Aha! Dear Alexander, I'm glad to hear from you."

"My friend, I'm angry now!" Chaplin didn't hide his emotions.

"What's the matter, what's the matter? Did someone annoy you?" McDonald said.

"I saw a document sent by you, which suspected that Wang was taking some mysterious illegal drugs. I would like to ask, since there is no evidence that Wang was taking illegal drugs, why do you doubt it and publicize it so loudly?" cheffield asked.

"Oh! It's about this. I really don't know how to explain it to you. I just want to say that this is a report given by our partner company. They raised this doubt and hope to conduct a comprehensive inspection of Wang. Of course, I want to support it," MacDonald said.

"Partner company? What company is it?" chevalin asked.

"NHD. You know, they took over our business and they were responsible for testing athletes, that's it," McDonald said.

"Do you also support their suspicion of Wang?" chefilin asked.

"What if I don't support it? They are our partners. They think there is a problem. Of course, it's better to check it! After a thorough investigation, if Wang still has no problem, it will give him innocence and dispel the public's doubts about him," McDonnell said.

"Has that company ever done this to any athlete before? They are trying to frame Wang! Mr. McDonald, you should know that Wang is very important to us, very important! His performance is so good that he can help us open up the huge Chinese market! He will double our revenue! This is a big business of billions of euros! You can't smash us Business! "Said Chaplin angrily.

His anger was not concealed at all.

"Ha ha! Calm down! Alexander, don't be so angry. It's nothing but doubt, isn't it? We can't ask you to punish the king now." McDonald said with a smile.

"Of course, you can't ask for punishment for Wang! Because he is not wrong! If you release this news, it will be reported by the media all over the world! Wang will be greatly troubled by this problem! It will hurt him very much!" said chefilin.

"Shouldn't it? It won't have much impact on Wang! As long as he is innocent and has a tough heart, everything will be fine!" McDonald said.

"It's easy to say! Have you thought about this problem? When Wang continued to participate in the game, a group of reporters chased him to ask about the prohibition of drugs. When he played on the court, the fans in the stands were crazy booing him and calling him a drug addict. Will this cause his confusion? You don't doubt, you just regard doubt as Wang's crime!" chefilin said.

"It's already like this, Alexander. I think you'd better calm down. It's really no big problem!" McDonald's tone was a little bad.

He was impatient with chevalin's accusations.

"I now ask you to hold a press conference and announce to reporters all over the world that that suspicion is wrong!" said cheferin.

"That's impossible!" said MacDonald.

"Good! If you don't do that, we will hold a press conference, and we will announce that we will no longer cooperate with you! UEFA has its own Anti Doping department, and we can also test athletes ourselves. Moreover, we will also announce that this behavior of the World Anti Doping organization is a frame up or a suspicion! Just want to destroy a good athlete! We are firmly opposed to this! "Said chefilin.

"Ho! I said, man, your reaction is too fierce? You can't do that. You're dismantling our platform! We are the absolute authority in Anti Doping inspection! FIFA also recognizes us!" McDonald was a little anxious when he was in a hurry.

"FIFA has only the power of business guidance to us. We are an independent sports organization! I don't want to dismantle your platform, but if you want to destroy our big business, then I can only do so," said chefilin.

"No one will believe you! You're dragging yourself down!" McDonald said.

"Let's try. It seems that our conversation will end in this very unpleasant way. It's a pity. But we will never give in! Never give in!" said chefilin.

Chevalin said and hung up.

In fact, the World Anti Doping organization is just a non-governmental organization.

Only when major sports leagues around the world recognize it, it has authority! If the heavyweight UEFA does not recognize it, it will also be a huge blow to it.

Therefore, the World Anti Doping organization must also learn to compromise.

This is why it has long been rumored that many well-known athletes in the world have privileges. They have immunity from banned drugs!

Like the famous American swimmer Phelps and the Spanish tennis King Nadal, a large number of representative famous athletes have been protected.

These people will be given a lighter punishment even if they may have drug prohibition problems.

Chevalin and McDonald had a fierce quarrel. His purpose was very simple, that is, to put pressure.

Is to make MacDonald give in!

Chevalin has now made up his mind to protect Wang Fei at all costs and eliminate the negative impact of this incident as soon as possible!

That involves huge interests!

If you want to ruin my money making plan, I'm sorry. I'll throw you into the trash can!

Chevalin firmly believes that MacDonald will give in!

Because they can't and don't want to lose UEFA!

So, after hanging up the phone, chevalin sat in his chair and began to wait. He was waiting for McDonald to call again. They bargained. Finally, McDonald gave in and Wang Fei was protected.

This is a routine.

Now, the power of world sports is almost in the hands of European and American countries, and their voice is too big.

To his disappointment, he waited for more than half an hour, but McDonald didn't call for reconciliation.

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