"Falk! It seems that they are going to fight us to the end. Let's wait and see! See if you can achieve your goal!" Chaplin said to himself angrily.

Wang Fei returned to Madrid with Real Madrid.

He didn't even know that a storm surrounding him was brewing rapidly and would soon become a storm sweeping the world.

The first thing to notice that things are not so wonderful is the public relations department of Real Madrid.

The head of Real Madrid's public relations department is Antonio.

He suddenly saw a news released by the associated press on Google News: famous star Wang Fei is involved in drug prohibition and may be banned from the world!

Antonio was shocked when he saw the subject.

What's going on?

Is Wang suspected of taking banned drugs?

He hurried to read the article.

The article reads as follows:

The associated press came from the headquarters of the World Anti Doping organization in Switzerland. According to MacDonald, chairman of the Anti Doping organization, after a series of studies, the relevant companies cooperated with the organization concluded that Wang Fei may have taken some banned drugs that cannot be detected by traditional means. Therefore, the World Anti Doping organization decided to conduct a comprehensive test on Wang Fei. Before conducting a comprehensive test, the organization called for a global ban on Wang Fei, which is a necessary means to protect sports fair competition.

After reading the news, Antonio was a little alarmed.

If Wang Fei really suffered a global ban, it must be a huge loss for Real Madrid.

Antonio dared not neglect and hurriedly called Real Madrid president Florentino.

"No, Mr. Florentino," Antonio said on the phone.

"What's the matter?" asked Florentino.

"I saw a press release from the associated press saying that the World Anti Doping organization suspected Wang Fei of taking banned drugs and wanted to impose a global ban on Wang Fei," Antonio said.

"What? Have they verified it?" Florentino was also surprised.

"They didn't find the ingredients of the banned drugs, but they suspected that Wang took the banned drugs. They thought that if Wang didn't take the banned drugs, he wouldn't have such amazing performance. They inferred that Wang took the banned ingredients that can't be detected at present. Therefore, they should conduct a comprehensive test on Wang! Before the comprehensive test results come out, Wang will be banned Add any game! "Antonio said.


As soon as the old gentleman heard it, he was angry and scolded.

"What? Just doubt, then a global ban? Do they think they are judges? Just rely on doubt, they will have to infer guilt against Wang? If so, the whole world will be in disorder!" Florentino said angrily.

"Now, sir, what should we do?" Antonio said with a bitter smile.

Florentino was angry, but he thought for a moment and said: "I'll talk to the people of UEFA and see what they say! This is chiguoguo's frame! I can't tolerate this kind of frame! They want to suppress us against us, and it may be the opponent who reported us! Wait for the result of my communication! We must take action! Hurry! Don't let Wang be in the global vortex!"

"Yes, sir, I'll wait for your order," said Antonio.

After hanging up, Florentino immediately grabbed the microphone and called UEFA president cheferin.

Chevalin is also furious at the moment.

He also saw the news from the associated press.

The news was exclusively disclosed by the associated press.

"Falk! It seems that they are going to fight us to the end! Let's see who can laugh last!" cheferin said, beating the table.

Then Florentino's phone rang in.

Chefilin answered the phone: "Hello, Mr. Florentino, I'm sorry that something like this happened."

Chefilin doesn't have to guess what Florentino called himself for.

"Mr. chevalin, I'm very angry! I didn't expect that they should be so mean! I don't know what they want to achieve! But I know that they're trying to destroy a genius! They're trying to make us lose huge interests! We must fight back! God! I've really never seen such a shameless decision, just with pride I wonder, they are going to ban a genius all over the world? Who gives them the power? I just want to ask, does UEFA want to cooperate with the decision of that despicable organization? "Florentino asked.

"Sir, please don't be angry. We won't cooperate with them! We want to hold a press conference. We want to face the media all over the world to condemn their behavior! Moreover, we have decided to terminate our cooperation with the World Anti Doping organization! Since they mess around, we can only fight back! We want them to pay a heavy price." Chevalin said.

"How do we cooperate?" asked Florentino.

"You should hold a press conference first to make the strongest response to the news of the associated press! I think they suddenly want to engage in Wang Fei, which may be mixed with political factors. In addition, the vested interests of the United States, they are dissatisfied with Wang Fei's leaving the NBA, and they want revenge!" said chefilin.

"OK! I know what to do! Thank you for your support! When will UEFA fight back against the World Anti Doping organization?" Florentino asked.

"Our press conference has been prepared and will be held soon! Mr. Florentino, please rest assured! This time, we must resolutely safeguard Wang! We must not let him suffer any damage to his reputation!" said chefilin.

"Well, I hope this storm can be solved as soon as possible!" said Florentino.

After this call, chevalin's secretary came to inform him that the press conference was ready and was held in the press conference hall of UEFA headquarters.

"Is there more media?" chevalin asked.

"Yes, sir, almost all the most important media in the world have come," said the secretary.

"Very good! Let's go now." Chaplin nodded.

Chevalin went straight to the press conference hall.

At the moment, hundreds of reporters have taken their seats in the press conference hall.

Among them, there are dozens of Chinese journalists.

Chevalin boarded the release platform.

He looked dignified and said to the microphone, "ladies and gentlemen, just a short time ago, we encountered a shameful thing! I believe everyone has learned."

"This is: the World Anti Doping organization suddenly attacked Real Madrid superstar Wang Fei without detecting any banned ingredients. They told the media that they suspected Wang was taking some new banned drugs. It was this kind of banned drugs that enabled Wang to make an amazing performance on the pitch!"

"But they just doubt!"

"It's shocking that they should take doubt as evidence, and they should promote the global ban on Wang! They use doubt to infer that Wang must have taken banned drugs, which is really a ridiculous argument! I've never seen such a shameful behavior! Just doubt, I'm going to kill a football superstar!"

"This can't help but make people wonder what kind of purpose they want to achieve? Why do they suddenly want to make trouble with Wang?"

"You know, before Wang landed in La Liga, he had played in the NBA for two years. He had made great achievements in basketball! At that time, no one suspected Wang of taking banned drugs! They were just praising Wang's genius! Why?"

"I have reason to believe that this incident is a conspiracy! They are trying to destroy Wang. They don't want Wang to continue to dominate European football!"

"Who is behind the scenes? I don't know yet! However, I must condemn this black hand! I seriously doubt that the World Anti Doping organization has traded interests with some people and some organizations!"

"In view of the fact that the World Anti Doping organization is not authoritative enough! They have degenerated. Now, I announce that from this moment on, our European Football Federation will terminate its cooperation with the World Anti Doping organization! We will no longer allow them to test our players! And the relevant Anti Doping tasks will be implemented by the Anti Doping department within UEFA!"

Chevalin's announcement immediately caused everyone in the press conference hall to fry.

Yes, the news is so hot.

No sports organization has ever had such a violent conflict with the World Anti Doping organization before.

Just don't cooperate.

This is a heavy blow to the World Anti Doping organization.

Next, there is the time for media reporters to ask questions freely.

The first person to get a question was a reporter from the Xinhua news agency.

The reporter asked: "Mr. chevalin, what I want to ask is, have you communicated with the World Anti Doping organization before? Why should they infer that Wang took the new banned drugs only based on suspicion?"

Chaplin nodded and said: "I have communicated with Mr. MacDonald, President of the World Anti Doping organization. I asked him to explain their behavior. He can't explain at all, and he can't give any evidence. He is looking at this issue with a racist eye. He believes that because Wang is a Chinese and China is not strong enough in football and basketball, this country is not strong at all It's impossible to have a super genius like Wang! He even said that the Chinese people's physical quality is not good, and they don't have any talent in football and basketball. Wang must have taken illegal drugs to achieve such great success in the two major goals. This is their ridiculous logic. I can only say that they have a deep-rooted prejudice against China, and they are still using arrogance And look down on this great country! "

Chevalin's words are to the point, pointing out the crux of the World Anti Doping organization.

The question was followed by a reporter from the European times.

The reporter said: "Mr. chevalin, you just attacked the World Anti Doping organization with harsh words. But, you know? We conducted an online survey in Europe. The result of the survey is: nearly half of the people support the World Anti Doping organization and think their doubts are very reasonable! They support the World Anti Doping organization to conduct a thorough test on Wang. This is probably the public opinion, What do you think of this? "

Chevalin took a deep breath and said, "I didn't see the survey you did. But, as you said just now, only nearly half of the people support the organization. What about the other half? What's their point of view?"

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