Yang Feng smiled and replied: "My wife and children are hot on the Kang. This is my ultimate dream. Maybe everyone thinks my dream is a little low, but what I want to tell you is that this dream is not only the common dream of all people all their life, but also the ultimate dream of all people. If anyone can complete this dream, it must be a great blessing, and I am very lucky to realize this dream now."

"Maybe some people will say that people who do great things can't love children and women, and I want to swear again. Today, we are making a speech and can't always say dirty words. Take myself as an example. In my most depressed years, if there was a woman who didn't look bad and had a little money, tell me, boy, I will leave the village head aside and follow the rich woman Running away, really, I won't lie to you. Then I'll be reduced to studying whether the sparrow is male or female in the valley. I'm going to have something with the female sparrow. Do you care about anything else? "Yang Feng slightly exaggerated and told the truth, that is, the life was very hard, a kind of unknown suffering.

"Struggle, I still fight bravely. Really, that's what I understand and do. There is a saying that if God wants to destroy people, he must first make people crazy. I think that's right. I was crazy at that time. Maybe many of you know that a handsome young village head almost died in the war between Shanghe village and Xiahe village I was the one who almost hung up, and it was the father of Liu Yan, general manager of Shanghe group, who almost hung me up today. The famous Liu bandit, you mentioned the name of Liu bandit within 30 miles of Xiahe village. But such a reckless man, a man who can work hard for three fish, gave birth to such an intelligent Liu Yan Yang Feng joked so much that Liu Yan turned his eyes at him.

"Bandit Liu almost hung me up. He also sent me to the hospital and saved me, so I can say I love and hate him. From the bottom of my heart, I have to thank bandit Liu. If it weren't for his stone, I wouldn't have achieved today, nor would I stand here to deceive you future elites or present elites." Seeing someone raise his hand, Yang Feng stopped again. The person who raised his hand asked, "village head Yang, I've seen what you said. I don't know if you can tell us what kind of situation it was at that time. You took the lead in fighting. It is said that you did it first that day."

"I'm oppressed! It's like four people in the dormitory watching people kiss their girlfriends every day during college. They stick together during the day and sleep together at night. You can only stay in a daze with the teacher day and night. Once the time has passed, you're likely to break your bridges and buy an inflatable doll. So will I. you say I'm in a forgotten corner How can I attract other people's attention if I don't do some earth shaking events? So what I thought that day was to completely turn over the people in Xiahe village, and it's best to get Liu bandits into the hospital. In this way, I will become famous and I will develop. Even if I was expelled, it is also a relief for me. Let alone, I was expelled later, but for some reasons , I'm back in office again, "Yang Feng said honestly.

Yang Feng added: "It was precisely because of that dismissal that I knew I was finally relieved. I went to this place where I had lived for more than two years and suddenly found a beautiful flower. With professional knowledge, I knew that it was unusual because I hadn't seen it and it was very beautiful. After checking on the Internet, I realized that it was called rainbow rose, which was very expensive. I was called excited, so I opened it I started to analyze the soil and the growth of rainbow roses, perhaps because I was lucky enough. I got the seeds of the rose knot and the analysis of the growth environment. Then things were much simpler. Rainbow roses came into the world, and I had money in my hand, so I began to do other things, many of which were wrong, but I was lucky enough to be more correct than wrong, So I succeeded. Today I can stand here and talk to you. Then, there are all kinds of black. Anyway, I have one purpose. I want money. I don't want money dead. I'm poor and afraid. With money, I can marry a daughter-in-law. With money, I can have children. With money, I can build a house. "

Another person raised his hand, interrupted Yang Feng's words and asked, "village head Yang, as far as we know, the village head's wife is the only one who sells rainbow roses. Under what circumstances did you choose the village head's wife? What's your appearance?"

"If I say that looks don't account for points, you won't believe it. I'll say a point. It's fair. In fact, why did you choose Yuxin? It's a very simple question. If someone turns to the events a few years ago, they will find that I sent sales information of colored red roses in a forum, and many people laughed at me. Only Yuxin didn't laugh or doubt. She believed me, Naturally, I also believe in her. You may not know that the first batch of colored red roses were planted in my yard. Later, they were planted in a large area outside. However, the rainbow roses in the yard brought me the first start-up capital. My destiny, from this moment, I set foot on a fast lane, which leads to Mars. "Yang Feng said.

"Village head Yang, if the rainbow rose is accidental, is it also accidental for the next fruits and mushrooms?" someone asked.

"Three points of conscience, six points of seriousness and one point of resources. Shanghe village has unique resources. In the past, it was poor in development and utilization, and all this had to be done with money, which led to countless babies becoming useless. Now that I have money, I will make use of all this, and finally, there will be this huge business group," Yang Feng said.

"Village head Yang, what do you mean by three points of conscience?" someone asked.

"People should know how to be grateful, not only between people, but also between people and nature. All my wealth comes from nature. Naturally, I will give back part of nature, which is the same as planting crops. At the beginning, such a silly idea seems to me that I have gained more today. In addition to gratitude, I think conscience also includes integrity, which is always wrong I can raise more than a dozen chickens and sell hundreds of kilograms of native eggs a day. The key is that I swear that the native eggs are laid by my chicken. Isn't this a fool? I don't think there are too many fools in the world. The most are normal people, so we have been adhering to integrity-based, because I'm stupid enough. I don't expect anyone to be more stupid than me. " Yang Feng explained.

"Village head Yang, are you talking about too few resources?" another man asked.

"As long as you are good at grasping and grasping anything, no matter how few things can produce great energy. Here, I want to say that if you don't have enough strength, the smaller the opportunity you encounter, the easier you will succeed. You can imagine that if Shanghe village finds not local specialties such as flowers, trees and some mushrooms and wild vegetables, but a lot of local specialties A gold mine, can I still have this achievement now? I think everyone is hungry. The answer is all the same with me. No, because Shanghe village did not find such a huge resource, but some wild fruit wild herbs, no one noticed, only to awesome opportunities for me, that's what I said, "Yang Feng explains.

"Village head Yang, what position do you have in mind about Shanghe university?" the students of Shanghe University asked such a question.

Yang Feng replied without hesitation: "In my mind, Shanghe university is the ultimate, even surpassing Shanghe group and Shanghe University. I can say without exaggeration that this is the cradle of future talents, the foundation and the foundation. Shanghe group is an enterprise, an enterprise for profit. One day, he may forget the minimum conscience and morality for the sake of interests, but Shanghe University Learning is different. Because he is young, he is pure. A person may not change the whole world, but he can become an example of a small group. I can say without exaggeration here, all the students here, that in four years, the world will be yours. Maybe it won't take so long. "

"Village head Yang, Shanghe university is a pure investment. I remember you said that Shanghe university can make its own profits and losses in up to five years. What kind of road will Shanghe university take in the future, or how to create this huge profit?"

Yang Feng thought for a moment and said, "now it seems to be pure investment, but I think it won't take five years to realize independent profit and loss, maybe two or three years."

"Village head Yang, can you reveal the reason why you are so confident?"

"The reason is that there are more than 1000 students. I'm arrogant here. As long as they can follow the courses stipulated by Shanghe University, they should be able to generate income next year. When all the people who enter Shanghe University signed an agreement. Half of the profits of all the creations and inventions on campus belong to the school. For example, it seems that there is no such thing now What, but the future value will not be small.

"My struggle is finished. Let me summarize. If success requires 99% effort and 1% opportunity, the importance of this 1% opportunity is far greater than that of the 99% effort. In this way, it does not mean that we don't have to work hard and wait for opportunities, but don't forget that opportunities are always left to us People who are prepared, so we should keep working hard and always be ready for opportunities. This is like buying a lottery ticket. If you buy it, you may win. If you don't buy it, you will never win.

Yang Feng's speech lasted nearly an hour. "It's very real and sincere, but it's also funny. It's clear from time to time when you listen to the laughter in the auditorium," my struggle " It doesn't tell people how to struggle, but it tells people a thought, that is, being a man must have thought. Without thought, there is no difference between you and the pig waiting to be eaten. You can't even compare with the pig. You can only be a piece of pork.

"Don't forget the evening party, I sing two songs." at the end of the speech, Yang Feng reminded people.

Since the beginning of school, Shanghe university has held a party every week. There are many famous people at the party. Sometimes famous people gather. The scene makes some well-known TV stations feel ashamed. Just like this evening, village head Yang appeared in person, which has never been seen before.

The news was released again. There was a howl outside Shanghe University. Shanghe university has become a yearning place. For nothing else, it is worth seeing the stars perform every week.

People's requirements are sometimes so low. For these young lives, they can be very excited because of Yang Feng's appearance. This is something Yang Feng, let alone experienced, can't even think of. When he was young, he wasn't so crazy anyway.

It was said that it was two songs, but Yang Feng sang five songs, which was let go. If Yang Feng hadn't deliberately made a hoarse voice, it is estimated that he would have held a personal concert this night.

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