(all the three chapters have been revised. The upload was a little hasty. It was not revised in time. Please read the revised version. Thank you!)

In Youliang's office, Youliang and Yang Feng discuss things. This time, you asked Yang Feng to come, not only to attend the party, but also an important thing that needs his opinion. It is related to the development after Shanghe University. You Liang knows that Yang Feng is talented in some aspects, even though he is careless.

"What do you think?" what you Liang said is not only a small matter, but also a major event, a matter related to the future development path of Shanghe University. The two boys in the game Department actually submitted a game plan. If it is a worthless work, it would be that the two boys are hot headed and ready to attract the attention of some girls at the beginning of school, But this plan is rough, but the overall framework and ideas are very good, so you Liang did not veto it, but he is not sure whether to make the game with this rough embryo and improve it while playing, or make it later after-sales?

"Real knowledge comes from practice, and the theory mastered in practice is also the most reliable. Therefore, if you want to ask my opinion, it is to get on the horse directly, and then improve it a little in the process of playing. It is better to solve problems in case of problems than to think about solving problems," Yang Feng said.

"In fact, I knew you had to say that. It's really a good way, but I'm afraid that if it gets angry in advance and is imitated, it will lose the interests of our students," you Liang said.

"This problem can't be avoided, so you should consider making profits in multiple directions. If you follow the previous model, I'm afraid it will really waste your hard work. Confidentiality measures should be popularized from the beginning, and violators will be severely punished," Yang Feng suggested.

"In this regard, we are already formulating regulations and systems. I believe these things will be ready after the internal test.

Yang Feng didn't ask about the specific things. He wandered around, looked at the increasingly beautiful river university and went home with his wife and children. Since the matter of River university was handed over to excellent, excellent was fully responsible. Yang Feng wouldn't participate in anything. Since he trusted you Liang, give him a space and trust.

Yang Feng's actions made many people wonder why he stayed at home all day after suffering such a great loss. Did he not take revenge? Those who had such ideas were all caused by a half understanding of Yang Feng, because in people's eyes, village head Yang is a person who must take revenge, and he is not the kind of gentleman who takes revenge ten years later. Revenge is for village head Yang That's ten days and a half months at most. It's a little unexpected this time.

Few people know that Yang Feng is not deliberately causing an accident, but waiting for Mengmeng to wake up. If they don't wake up, he won't rest assured all day. He can rest assured to find some people for revenge only when they wake up. Moreover, their situation also determines Yang Feng's punishment for his enemies.

Yang Feng can wait here, but some people don't want to wait. After the Great Wall incident, the eighth master knew the horror of Yang Feng's power. He wanted to talk to Yang Feng several times, but he finally gave up the idea and continued to wait, because he was afraid that if he let go, the lion of Yang summit would ask a big price. If he gave everything to Yang Feng, what strength would he have, but wait left Right and so on, they didn't wait for Yang Feng's appearance, and even released some rumors, which was also invalid. Yang Feng seemed not to hear and didn't know about it. He had to. Eighth master couldn't stop coming to Shanghe village.

"Village head Yang, I'm four and you're six. I wonder if you can go with me?" the eighth master asked very frankly, without any politeness.

"Sorry, I'm not free now. Wait a few days." Yang Feng didn't refuse to die, but said it tactfully. It's also a big truth. He really doesn't have time now.

The eighth master didn't understand whether Yang Feng was really busy or just an excuse. However, he looked at Yang Feng as if he was very free. Therefore, he had to use some relationship to invite Yang Feng. This relationship was dragged to Leiheng, which made Yang Feng have to admire the eighth master's energy. He really didn't usually find someone.

"Brother, if people come to me, how can you make a price? If you give me a happy word, it will save him from bothering me." because of his relationship with Yang Feng, Lei Heng's speech is a lot more direct. He talks about things as they are, without any words.

"Cheng, if you say that to me, do I dare say anything else? I'll say something else. You don't live in my house yet!" Yang Feng smiled and said.

This time, it was not the eighth master who took the initiative to ask Yang Feng, but Yang Feng who took the initiative to ask the eighth master, which made the eighth master very helpless. What's the matter? He had to go around such a big circle to make an appointment with village head Yang. Therefore, when he heard a voice on the phone and what he said, the eighth master was a little stunned and doubted that he had heard wrong.

"Can you tell me where the treasure is?" Yang Feng asked directly when he saw the eighth master.

"Shennongjia." the eighth master stopped hiding and began to explain. His relationship was entrusted to Lei Heng. This was also his last trading opportunity with Yang Feng. If he missed it, he would miss it forever.

"There! My brothers are obviously dirty. I'll be a villain first and then a gentleman. As for the distribution of treasures, I want to make it clear that if there is anything I'm interested in in in the treasure, it's directly mine. I don't want anything else. If there's nothing I'm interested in, I still don't want anything. I'll take it as a white trip for the eighth master." Yang Feng refused the eighth master twice. He really thought your price was not enough. However, the price he wanted was special enough that the eighth master could not answer. What is something he is interested in? If there is, it will directly belong to Yang Feng. How can he agree.

"Don't worry, I don't want any gold, silver and jewelry. As for other things, I don't completely possess them. We can share some things, such as some classics." Yang Feng explained when he saw the mood of the eighth master.

The eighth master was still meditating and didn't speak. Yang Feng said, "if the eighth master can promise, give me a call. We'll wait for Mengmeng to wake up and start immediately."

Just as Yang Feng was about to go out, the eighth master suddenly smiled bitterly, raised his head and said, "I promise you."

Yang Feng smiled and walked back to shake hands with the eighth master and said, "happy cooperation."

The eighth master wanted to cry. I really know what politeness is. I gave him a lot of things to buy, which made him become a purchaser directly from the eighth master, but there's no way. These are all necessities for entering Shennongjia. In Yang Feng's words, if the eighth master is confident, there's no need to prepare these things.

Yang Fengcai didn't care whether the eighth master was crying or not. He left a list and left. When he left, he also explained, "cheap goods are not good. Buy something similar."

The eighth master wants to spit blood. Is he the kind of person who ignores quality in order to save money? He wants to explain to Yang Feng that Yang Feng has left. The eighth master finally understands one thing. In terms of laziness, village head Yang is definitely a master level figure. He has made a list for a long time. He doesn't buy things. He's waiting for himself to take the bait.

"Alas!" the eighth master sighed sadly. The struggle with Yang Feng finally ended in his failure. Persistence is victory, but he just can't persist. Ah, the seemingly peaceful world is actually choppy. It's not him who laughs at the end.

As the controller of some things, whoever can laugh last is the winner. However, Yang Feng doesn't have to laugh now. The smiles of others in a certain place seem to seize him. At the same time, it also represents his smile. The experimental task personally arranged by Dong Mingchen is completed at a very fast speed. Once the machine is assembled, people will be silly, When he regained his consciousness, he burst into amazing cheers.

With the progress of the test and the release of various data, Dong Mingchen has an uncontrollable impulse to report the good news to the head. However, for the sake of safety, he plans to report after the complete stability test is completed and confirmed to be correct.

The 24-hour continuous operation was actually undamaged, which is enough to explain some problems. Dong Mingchen made an internal phone call to Mr. Lu and gave a brief report on the situation.

Master Lu said, "Mingchen, we must do a good job in security and confidentiality."

"Please rest assured that I have transferred the confidentiality level to the highest level." Dong Mingchen replied hurriedly.

"OK! You organize people to continue the public relations experiment. If this thing is done, I'll ask you for credit in person." hearing this good news, Master Lu also has an uncontrollable excitement. In a great country, there is such a weakness in the industrial field. This is a problem that can't be solved for generations. If it can be solved this time, That will change the pattern of the world.

"This boy still has such a hand." old Lu smiled and despised a village head. He didn't know if Yang Feng would take these things out if they had taken any measures against Yang Feng a few days ago. I have to say that they are all human beings.

In fact, Mr. Lu thinks too much about it. It's not like Yang Feng likes to hide it. It's just released. He hasn't put it in his hand for long. It's because Zhang Daofeng felt bored in prison these days, because all the books Yang Feng read in those days are about mechanical manufacturing. When he saw some data theories, Zhang Daofeng, as a Chinese who didn't know how many years ago, If we decide to contribute to this country, we have the theoretical knowledge of mechanism technology and engine.

Although Yang Feng has some complaints about the society and the system, it does not affect his patriotism and love for the nation. He is not stupid and will not do things that let future generations poke the backbone. Standing on this land, he can proudly say that this is my country, but if you want to go abroad, of course you can say that a country is also your country, Of course, you can say so in your mouth, but I'm afraid only you know what kind of situation it is in your heart. Home is a person's sense of belonging, so the country is the ownership of countless families.

This thing is destined to be national. It just depends on when it is handed over. How can Yang Feng not save or make use of such a valuable thing? Now it seems that self-help is no longer necessary. It's better to be a natural person than his uncle. This may also be called fat water does not flow into outsiders' fields.

Yang Feng should give this thing to Dong Minghua. This is a great achievement, but he didn't do it. In this way, some traces are too obvious and will make people say something; He can also give it directly to master Lu, but the effect is not good. Yang Feng has considered it for a long time, and he has no plans, so he can't do such a loss making business; Therefore, it can only be handed over to Dong Mingchen, and Dong Mingchen is also the most appropriate. This matter can add many achievements to Dong Mingchen and lay a cornerstone for his future road.

Dong Mingchen understood that the family didn't need to be polite, but he also decided to thank Yang Feng. Yang Feng's thoughts, Master Lu and his gang of old people, all understood, and everyone envied, but what's the use of envy? Who made them unable to find a good son-in-law? Yang Feng's carelessness became a son-in-law school again.

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