"Go down, the test is below." system consciousness pointed to the lake and said to Hao Chuan.

Hao Chuan was stunned and looked at the system consciousness suspiciously. The last time he participated in this life and death test task, he didn't have so much trouble. He felt that the system consciousness just waved. Then Hao Chuan stood in the situation of life and death test. Compared with the last time, this time seems to be a lot of trouble.

"You mean, let me just jump into the lake to complete the test of life and death?" Hao Chuan looked at the system consciousness with a puzzled expression. He was seriously confirming with the system consciousness.

The system consciousness showed an impatient expression on his face, looked at Hao Chuan and urged, "if you go down, you'll go down quickly. Where does so much nonsense come from?"

"Well, before I go down, can you tell me what the life and death test is?" Hao Chuan doesn't like water very much. Looking at the calm lake, Hao Chuan has some doubts. In addition to the practical skills brought by the task, he also has a purpose, That is to find a way to completely get rid of the exploitation and restriction of system consciousness, but after seeing this new system life and death test scene, Hao Chuan couldn't help flinching.

The mood of system consciousness became more impatient. It reached out and grabbed Hao Chuan's arm. It said angrily, "this is your life and death test task. How can I know what the specific situation is? You usually look a little retarded. How can you make such ink marks at a critical time?" then, with a direct push of system consciousness, Hao Chuan seemed to have no weight, Under the thrust of systematic consciousness, his body floated forward.

When he came to the middle of the lake, the lake suddenly produced a huge suction, and he directly sucked Hao Chuan in among Hao Chuan's uncontrollable screams.

It's freezing!

This was Hao Chuan's first reaction after his whole body was immersed in the lake water. Hao Chuan had long known that in the upgraded new system space, in a way, the existence in this space is actually regardless of reality and vanity. It is completely the feeling of his body soaking in the water in the real environment. The suction is too strong, and Hao Chuan is still screaming, Unexpectedly, he drank a large mouthful of lake water. Although it was fresh water, it still choked his mouth and nose. This feeling was terrible.

Hao Chuan felt that his clothes were suddenly wet and cool. The lake was extremely cold, with a faint chill. When he was in it, Hao Chuan trembled involuntarily, and his body sank straight to the bottom of the lake. In Hao Chuan's feeling, his body kept sinking. The lake, like a deep bottomless Lake, had been sinking for half a day, But there is no sign of bottoming out.

This strange situation completely out of control makes Hao Chuan feel bad. So far, he doesn't know what the hell life and death test is about. But thinking of the deprived skills, Hao Chuan has a driving force in his heart. Shit, he's afraid of a bird. Since the system asks him to do this life and death test task, Always let him see what kind of procedure this life and death test is?

At present, Hao Chuan is concentrating and calming. He deliberately doesn't experience the scene of his body being oppressed and completely out of control and sinking. His chest is now rising sharply, because although Hao Chuan is a great master based on the ancient martial arts realm in the real space, his ancient martial arts ability disappears completely for some reason after he comes to the system space, so Hao Chuan at this time, In fact, it's not much different from a normal person.

He has been holding his breath for more than a minute, and the whole person is very uncomfortable. In particular, he has to hold his breath without his own control. However, he doesn't know when he has to hold his breath. In this case, it's really difficult to hold his breath continuously.

Hao Chuan didn't know how long this situation lasted. On the way, he seemed to have lost consciousness for some time. On the contrary, when Hao Chuan felt his brain again and could think and reason clearly, he felt that his eyes were dark without any light. The darkness was very complete, as if he had come to hell.

What makes Hao Chuan more frightened and confused is that he clearly feels that his brain is very clear now, but because he is in absolute darkness, his senses have undergone very wonderful and incredible changes. Hao Chuan doesn't even know whether he is still under the pressure of the lake, because in this strange place in absolute darkness, Hao Chuan seems to have lost not only the function of seeing things, but also his ears. He seems to have lost his normal hearing. He can't hear a little sound

, this extremely dark and quiet scene made him feel suffocated.

This feeling of extreme discomfort makes Hao Chuan want to subconsciously open his nostrils and breathe the air. He hopes that the sweetness of the air can inject a trace of vitality and hope into his body. However, something that shocked Hao Chuan happened. He can't even feel his nose. He can't even make an accurate judgment, Is he breathing now!

At this time, as a human instinct, Hao Chuan wanted to open his mouth and shout something. He relied on his own strength to break this suffocating silence and confusion. However, something more incredible happened. Hao Chuan couldn't even feel his mouth.

Next, in Hao Chuan's head, he thought of all kinds of ideas trying to prove his existence. He tried to start, kick and twist his body. Then, without exception, all his usual random action senses lost their effect in this mysterious place.

The eyes can't see things, but can't listen to sounds, the mouth can't speak, and the body can't move. Now, Hao Chuan seems to be in such a difficult situation that he is not controlled by himself. Of course, the disappearance of these sensory effects is not the most terrible. The most terrible situation is that Hao Chuan can't tell himself these basic organs with certainty, Is it still in himself? Here, it seems that his body doesn't exist except some thoughts that can think freely.

In this case, it seems that his whole person has completely turned into a spiritual body that can not be explained by scientific common sense, and he himself seems to have become a cluster of groundless nothingness energy.

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