This feeling almost drove Hao Chuan crazy. When he deposited in this extremely dark and completely uncontrolled nothingness scene, I don't know how long, a solemn voice suddenly appeared.

Hao Chuan had a feeling that the sound was not transmitted to his mind through his ears, but directly used a more efficient and direct means to directly contact his spiritual origin through his ears.

"Many times, people can't help asking themselves whether the world exists because of me or the world. I'm just a vassal. It's a very simple but interesting philosophical question, idealism or materialism. When people ask themselves this question, they can't find the answer and deprive themselves In a way, this skill is derived from this question. Now, please ask yourself this question carefully, and then I need a satisfactory answer. "After that, the sudden sound disappeared for no reason.

"This is the so-called test of life and death?" Hao Chuankou couldn't say anything, but after hearing the question raised by the voice, he asked involuntarily.

Of course, this is just the question he raised about himself at the bottom of his heart, and no one can answer it for him, because Hao Chuan even suspects that in such a link, there can be no other people except himself. Even himself is not a person at this time.

The problem of system, in real space, is actually an extremely boring topic for most people. Is this the origin of the world? When people live in the world, they can eat a full meal, wear a cold jacket, sleep without threat, and walk freely between mountains and rivers. These are the most basic survival needs. After meeting these basic needs, the next question to consider is how to make the above basic needs through material power, It can raise a level again, so as to turn survival into life, and then achieve the purpose of enjoyment.

These basic survival factors often consume a person's energy. Where is the time and mind to think about whether the world has always existed or because of me?

Hao Chuan must admit that in the past, when he was still receiving nine-year compulsory education, his mind was still very pure, and he would also have many unrealistic dreams. He would fantasize, look forward to, and think about some mysterious and mysterious problems. This problem seemed to fall into an infinite and unsolvable dead cycle, just like chickens giving birth to eggs and chickens, No answer at all. Since entering and leaving the society, this idea has basically disappeared in Hao Chuan's heart.

Now the test of the system seems to be magnified infinitely in this extremely extreme environment, just like waking up a certain state of innocence. Wave after wave, it gradually fills and occupies Hao Chuan's whole soul.

He knows that if he wants to get rid of such a completely uncontrolled situation at present, he must seriously think about this problem and give this answer. Otherwise, he thinks, what's the difference between his current situation and being really erased?

When people open their eyes, they see a corner of the world. Through this corner, they see the sun, the earth, mountains and rivers, the night, the lights, the moonlight and the starry sky, a series of forward and developing humanistic construction, the glorious historical materials left by the ancients, and look forward to the future humanistic development, How can we reach an unimaginable broad world?

It seems that all this is true, and there is no doubt that it really exists, and the person or consciousness is just a tiny existence among these things, and the fiber is not even comparable to a particle or molecule.

However, when people close their eyes, don't listen to the sounds around, think about who I am and where I come from, and guess my real relationship with the world, a question will pop up in their mind. If I don't exist, does everything in the world still have something to do with me?

From this point of view, it seems that the relationship between the world and me suddenly becomes very wonderful. I'm gone. What does the world have to do with me?

Jobs is a world-famous cow. After his death, he left a huge asset of 10 billion and built a cruise ship of more than 100 million, but he was not lucky to enjoy all this, because after he created this huge wealth, he left the world to see God, and then what happened to the huge wealth he left?

The heirs are his wife and daughter. His wife remarried and enjoyed the wealth he created with other men. It seems that all this has nothing to do with the dead Steve jobs.

This is actually a very interesting event. People look at the luxurious life of Steve Jobs's wife and daughter and talk about the dead Steve jobs every time

When I talk about this topic, I can't help laughing. Is it worth it?

At this time, Hao Chuan is also asking himself, is it worth it?

It must be admitted that this is a philosophical question of standard double-edged sword style. If you answer this question well, maybe in the future, you will have a broader and brighter space for struggle. If you don't answer it well, this question will become a reason and excuse for your negativity and laziness. It will make you wander through the rest of your life with the idea of muddling along.

Hao Chuan is now hovering at such a critical point. On the one hand, he wants to strive for the top and live brilliantly. On the other hand, he finds that it seems that the wealth he earns after a hundred years has nothing to do with him. Life does not bring death. Is it really worth working hard for these things all his life?

What is the purpose of my plan? To survive? I have already met the basic needs of life, for life? Even for better enjoyment of life? With the wealth I have accumulated now, it is enough for me to enjoy three lives recklessly.

In that case, I'm still in all kinds of trouble every day. What's the purpose of being busy every day?

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