The self-development of a new generation of tanks has always been the project of Zhu Lao and others. Now, with the passage of Qin Guan, this project has been greatly promoted.

T-72 and leopard-2 tanks are imported from abroad. They are compared to determine which tank is more suitable for their own side. At the same time, there are various sub projects.

Engine, chassis, artillery, armor and other technologies are slowly conquered. Especially now, the imitation of 1500 HP engine is carried out in an orderly manner. It has been able to produce its own 105mm tank gun commonly used in the West. It is using these equipment to prepare for the research and development of the next generation of tanks. The tanks of Han country will certainly appear earlier than in history.

However, some indicators are still under discussion, such as the caliber of tanks and the automatic loading of tanks.

Sub loading ammunition has an inevitable limitation, and the overall loading will bring the problem of physical consumption. In this case, Qin Guan put forward the idea of semi-automatic loading.

The final loading is still carried by people. However, people do not need to twist their bodies from the back to carry the shells. The shells are directly brought to the back of the gun door, which greatly reduces the labor intensity and mechanical complexity.

However, after returning from the capital, a series of things made Qin Guan forget the automatic loading system. Now, major Yang said so, Qin Guan thought of it and really forgot it.

"Oh, I will work out this project as soon as possible." Qin Guan said, "brother Yang, have we determined the basic indicators of our main battle tank?"

This is what Qin Guan is most concerned about. After all, this time, a certain type will not change in the next few decades. It is unified. In the future, it will be changed mainly by upgrading shells and viewing and aiming system. The basic structure will not change much.

Is it an imitation of the T-72 of bear country or the leopard-2 of Hans country?

"It hasn't been determined yet." major Yang said, "the focus of the debate is still artillery. There are always some people who want to consider the weapons and equipment of the state of bear. They think that we have always followed the state of bear and are still imitating the state of bear, so we can come down in one continuous line."

"Such people are really short-sighted." Qin Guan said, "the weapons of the state of Xiong have fallen behind. All indicators are not as good as leopard-2, especially the observation and firepower. They are far behind and have no development potential."

Qin Guan has a good relationship with major Yang. Now he has seen major Yang as his friend. Therefore, he dares to say a few bad words about these old die hards at this time.

"Yes," said major Yang. "Zhu Lao also hopes to make an imitation of bao-2, so they say it's inconvenient to fill."

"I see." Qin Guan said, "send someone tomorrow. I'll work out the semi-automatic loading system."

Major Yang is urging himself!

In fact, it is not difficult for Qin Guan. After all, this semi-automatic loading system is inspired by the domestic type 89 self-propelled anti tank gun. Simply, he has directly exchanged a type 89, isn't it OK?

"OK, I'll send someone to pick it up tomorrow." major Yang said, "pay attention. It must be kept secret. Now, there are many people in the factory."

Major Yang said something else. He said the foreigner who just came here today. After all, he is a foreigner. Although the national security department has investigated and this person has no shadow of foreign intelligence agencies, who can say this clearly?

The state has developed a new generation of main battle tanks, which must be a secret in the secret.

"I see." Qin Guan said, "simply, I'll follow you to the nearby military camp and prepare a scrapped 59 tank for me."

The type 89 self-propelled anti tank gun, despite its large size, is actually only 30 tons. It is similar to a 59 tank. If you exchange quality, a 59 tank is enough.

Qin Guan said it was research and development. In fact, it was a special function. Major Yang also knew this. So now, Qin Guan said that major Yang was even happier when he went to the nearby military camp. He had originally planned to do so.

"Go, go now."

They soon disappeared into the dark.

By this time, the night was already dark.

"Hey, what, Miss Sandra, can I go?" Barra almost begged. This foreign woman is too difficult to deal with.

When she came to the dormitory with her, Barra was about to leave. However, people said that the dormitory was not clean, so Barra had to clean it himself.

After cleaning, the ocean horse said that he RI Bala was sweating and needed a bath. Of course, he RI Bala resolutely refused. Although there was a bathroom in the room and the heating was very hot, if he took off his clothes, the consequences would be serious.

So, the ocean horse began to say that he wanted to eat again. He took her to dinner. He took her to slip around the factory twice and sent her back. He didn't even let himself go!

I'm the workshop director and the project leader, not your servant, okay?

"No, you have one last thing," Sandra said. "You know, your riding posture today is so handsome that I like you at a glance."

Sandra said, looking at He Ri Bala with moving eyes, a pair of restless hands, and she was going to touch it.

"Wait, stop," he ribala said. "I have a wife."

At this time, a voice came from outside: "when Bara, it's dark, why don't you go home?"

It's a woman's voice!

Hearing this voice, Bala felt a joy in his heart, Xiang Jing! Jianghu is in urgent need. I finally come to get myself. I will never get along with this woman alone in the future!

"OK, I'll go home right away." then Barak opened the door one day.

Xiang Jing stood at the door, smiling: "let's go and go home."

"Wait, are you his wife?" who knows, Sandra came out after him. This ocean horse is tall, but Xiang Jing looks short and thin. From the momentum, Sandra is better.

Now, hearing what Sandra said, Xiang Jing was also stunned. My mother is still a yellow flower girl and has not tasted the forbidden fruit. Although the film must be gone during training, my mother's lower side is tight.

"I want to compete with you. I like this man," Sandra said.

Foreigners are so bold. It's the rhythm of small three forcing the palace. The question is, do you think you're very attractive?

"Your pronunciation is not very standard, but since you can speak Chinese, you should have heard a lot of words." Xiang Jing said, "have you heard of soaking pig cages? In our place, all women who do not abide by women's morality will be soaked in pig cages."

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