In foreign countries, no matter how open you are and how free you mate, it's your business in foreign countries. Don't bring these bad things to China.

Xiang Jing almost observes in the dark. She is also very dissatisfied with the ocean horse, but she has nothing to do with herself, so she doesn't have to fight with the ocean horse. But now, she dares to challenge herself, and Xiang Jing is absolutely impolite.

Goods like you will be soaked in pig cages!

Soaking in a pig cage is a kind of lynching, which specifically punishes those bad women. If this tradition still exists in future generations, look at those shameless rotten people who cheat and talk about love.

If you really want to pursue love, you should divorce first. After free people, you should pursue whoever you want. While enjoying the material conditions brought by the other party of marriage, you should live a rotten life. Such people should be immersed in pig cages.

Now, when Sandra heard Xiang Jing say "dip the pig cage", she was very strange: "what is dip the pig cage?"

"Anyway, you are so energetic that you can't sleep for the time being. Let's go. I'll show you." Xiang Jing said.

Sandra was also interested: "OK, where are you going?"

"Dashu Bay, there is a river here. Let's see what is a soaked pig cage." Xiang Jing's tone is still friendly. After all, people are invited guests from the factory.

Dashu Bay is surrounded by the river. At this time, the river has been frozen. During the day, someone will skate on it. Now, the night is dark and quiet all around.

In the silence, the cry of a pig was so sad: "Zi, Zi..."

The pig was tied up and thrown into a cage. It was delicious and delicious every day. The life was very moist. Before the new year, it was tied up. It immediately realized that the end of its life was coming. It was very nervous and uneasy. The cry was like asking for help.

"A pig cage is a cage for raising pigs." Xiang Jing explained, "now, we just take pigs as an example. If a woman has abnormal communication with a man here, it is the woman in this cage."

"It's cruel," Sandra said. "Everyone is free. How can you tie their hands and feet and lock them in a cage?"

"Bang, bang, crash!" because the river was frozen, several workers broke the ice on the river with steel chisels and knocked out an ice hole.

Just in a cage, what is it? The point is to soak the pig cage! What is immersion?

Put it in the water, of course!

Two big stones were put in the pig cage. Xiang Jing said, "soak the pig cage, start!"

The workers carried the pig cage and walked slowly to the river. Then, little by little, they pushed the pig cage into the ice hole.

"Cruel, too cruel," Sandra said. "Although it is a pig, it is also a life, God."

Sandra had begun to cross her chest and murmured, "please forgive these people's sins."

The pig's cry is more urgent. When its body contacts the river, it cries more urgently. It already knows that death is in front of it.

The cold river overflowed its body. At this time, it was struggling. One leg was loosened. It wanted to turn over and stand up and escape from this terrible place. However, the river had flooded its body.

It tried to raise its head and wanted to breathe the last breath of air, but several people had let go.

"Wow!" the whole pig cage, all into the water, was submerged by the river. You can hear the pigs struggling fiercely underwater, but the movement is getting smaller and smaller.

"At this time tomorrow, let's pull up the pig cage. If the pig is still alive, it means that God has forgiven its fault."

"God, that's impossible. It's already drowned and frozen," Sandra said. "How can you do this to it?"

"Yes, this pig is wronged. We just use it as a display," Xiang Jing said. "If there are women who are not chaste here, that's how we deal with them."

Sure enough, after hearing this, Sandra suddenly shook her body.

How cruel! I'm going to be immersed in a pig cage. If I go down, where will I live? Must die!

Sandra's heart was filled with fear. When she called herself here today, she clearly came to frighten herself. There is an idiom called killing chickens for monkeys. Yes, that's what it means.

Sandra's heart suddenly felt a burst of nausea. She looked at the thin Xiang Jing and said, "in our place, such lynching is illegal. Only after the trial of the court can people be executed."

"However, this is the state of Han." Xiang Jing's face wore a harmless smile: "in the dead of night, who saw the pig cage? The body is frozen and can only be found at the beginning of next spring. At that time, all the evidence will be gone. Even if the police come to investigate, the most common thing is to accidentally slip into the river and die."

"I, I want to go back, I want to go back," Sandra said. "This is a barbaric world. I don't want to stay here. I want to buy a plane ticket to go home."

"It's up to you." Xiang Jing yawned: "when Bala, we're back. It's so sleepy. We work at sunrise and rest at sunset. Men and women, keep a distance and abide by their duties. The pig cage doesn't like it."

Sandra's teeth were biting her lips tightly, and her hands were about to tighten. At this time, she really wanted to fight Xiang Jinggan.

But she held back.

What the other party said is right. Here, it is deserted and surrounded by grasslands. Find a place to kill and bury yourself. No one knows.

How could I have a brain to promise such a task!

Moreover, on his way to the factory, he has always been making trouble for each other. In fact, he wants to give each other a blow and establish his authority in the factory. No matter what he does in the future, no one cares. Who knows, he actually met a nemesis.

Xiang Jing is thin and weak, but there are many enemies to clean up. If this foreign ocean horse wants to have fun here, whip it! See if it will be honest in the future.

Get scared and go straight back? That's not my business. I just want to be angry.

It's really fun to look at the ocean horse!

Look at He Ri, Bala, who is like a bear. It's a shame that he was almost ridden by an ocean horse! You have to do it yourself.

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