Where was that? He developed stealth aircraft with Xiong Guo. Later, Kumar took over the conversation. Now, we must get back on track.

Others can take their time. Only this stealth plane is equipped. How should we deal with it? This is a real threat!

At this time, Sandra asked Rao this question.

Normally, the stealth aircraft is developed jointly with Xiong Guo in the research and development, which is the best. But now, because Xiong Guo has put them together on the aircraft carrier, will the fighters be teased by Xiong Guo people again?

This is a problem they must consider. Now, Rao is obviously thinking about it.

"If we don't cooperate with the bear country, we can only find the chicken country. However, over the years, the chicken country has always only exported fighters and didn't export these technologies, and there is no precedent for joint research and development." as a technical consultant, atta analyzed the situation again.

Who else can they find? There are only a handful of countries in the world that have the ability to develop fighter planes. Some do not have a good relationship with them. If a good bear country pits them, there is only a chicken country left.

However, the chicken people have never had such a precedent. The chicken people generally only export fighters. Moreover, the chicken people have no development plan for stealth aircraft so far, which makes people have a strange feeling. It seems that the chicken people have begun to decline.

In fact, that's it. The chicken country has begun to decline.

Dassault's fighter planes exported by them are expensive and their performance is not good, but some countries can only buy Dassault's fighters if they can't buy bear country and Eagle country.

However, the situation has changed a lot in the past ten years. Under the impact of Han weapons, it is more and more difficult for chicken country to export fighters. Why take the risk to export fighters to Baodao? Isn't it for profit?

Unfortunately, it didn't succeed in the end.

When China occupied Dassault's market, Dassault shrank. If the fighters they produced could not be sold, they could not raise more R & D funds. Therefore, their R & D projects, from Rafale fighters, had stopped.

In fact, even in that parallel time and space, Dassault's R & D project stopped here. They constantly boasted about how powerful their Rafale fighters are, and successfully sold several batches. They just don't know whether the purchasing country thinks it's a pit. The price of their Rafale fighters is even more expensive than the F35, up to hundreds of millions, and the ones that get a pit are, There is the white elephant country.

However, in that parallel time and space, there are not many threats from the fourth generation aircraft, and most countries can only equip the third generation aircraft. Therefore, this sense of urgency is not strong, but it is different now. Under the current situation, the Han country has begun to lead the trend of military aircraft R & D in the world, and even the eagle country is tired of coping, let alone other countries.

Lost the order, Dassault company does not have enough funds, where can we carry out the project of the fourth generation machine! Now, if the white elephant country wants to seek cooperation with the chicken country, the chicken country may really agree. After all, the chicken country has no money.

The chicken state has this idea, but there is no money, and the white elephant state has money and no technology. The two sides can absolutely hit it off.

However, we don't know how many pits there will be. Fortunately, the white elephant country has never been afraid of pits.

They are used to the pit.

"If you don't try, how can you know if it's ok?" Rao said. "Since we have this demand, contact Dassault. If you want to jointly develop, we must occupy the leading place. The R & D site should also be in our white elephant country. This is a basic premise and the basic bottom line."

Only when R & D is carried out in the white elephant country can it show that the project is developed by the white elephant country. At that time, there will be that sense of pride. If it is changed to other places, it can't boast that it is their own R & D.

Sandra nodded, so that the air force had a new fighter R & D project.

In fact, the research and development of LCA fighter has brought a lot of shadow of Dassault. Look at the layout of this aircraft, tailless delta wing, which is clearly Dassault's best. Now the three generations of aircraft use duck layout. This tailless delta wing is absolutely Dassault's only one.

However, the development of this LCA fighter is just to invite a few phantom experts, but to develop the stealth aircraft, it is absolutely necessary to carry out positive cooperation with Dassault. This is a major event between two countries and two companies, which is definitely not as simple as a few experts.

Anyway, at least the air force has set up another project.

With a project, you have money.

Although we don't say, everyone knows the benefits.

Rao looked at the crowd and looked serious: "Now, although the holy nation army opposite us is still unable to compete with us in quantity, it has achieved local advantages in quality. In order to boost our army morale, show the country's scientific and technological strength, and reflect our strategic advantages, we will conduct a test firing of AgNi missiles in the near future to strengthen our national and military prestige!"

This is already necessary for them.

After all, the holy country opposite has really begun to have quality advantages, even if they won't admit it to the outside world.

The navy of the holy state has advanced anti-aircraft ships, which have been tested in the oil war. The tanks of the holy State Army are constantly producing. It is not even known where to get a batch of T-80 tanks. The army has changed its blood. As for the air force, the advantage has always existed. Recently, it has obtained paving claw radar, E-2 early warning aircraft and new stealth aircraft, In order to boost morale, the white elephant country will also take out the magic weapon of watching the house.

Agni ballistic missile!

Hearing his words, atta frowned again. Your Excellency, the missile is still in the test stage, isn't it? It is said that there are still problems with various systems. The guided gyroscope can not communicate with the missile borne computer normally. Is it necessary to test fire such a ballistic missile?

As expected, it will take at least two years to eliminate all kinds of problems before we can have the ability to serve. Now, we have to fight one?

If you play well, although everyone is happy, if you can't play well, it will be a shame!

It seems that he knows atta's concerns. Rao said: "this test can only succeed, not fail! The basic test plan has been made. This time, we will launch from the launch site in the West and fall into the sea."

It's no problem to hit the sea. We don't explain the splash point in advance, or deliberately say that what we said is wrong. In short, accuracy is not a problem. As long as we can hit it, it will be successful, almost the same as the missile test of kimchi country.

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