"White elephant people, plan to test fire missiles?" for Qin Guan, his journey in the holy country is said to have come to an end. His special train has come, and he plans to drive back all the way along the railway that has been completed.

At this time, he heard such a news, so Qin Guan knew that he had another chance to stay here for a few more days.

"The white elephant people are really powerful." Qin Guan sighed with emotion: "I don't know what their test firing plan is? Which shooting range are they going to hit?"

The land area of Baixiang country is not small, which is also the capital they can be arrogant. They think that a vast territory is a big country and a large population is a big country. However, in fact, a country with imperfect basic industries and little scientific research ability, let alone what a big country they are.

Qin Guan thought in his heart.

"They plan to test fire from inland and then hit the high seas. The target sea area has been announced," the scholar said to Qin Guan.

Qin Guan nodded: "I see. Did they launch intercontinental missiles?"

In the 1980s, the state of Han also launched an intercontinental ballistic missile into the high seas. At that time, it was code named 580 plan. Qin Guan was also a witness. Because the intercontinental ballistic missile flew too far and exceeded the East-West length of the state of Han, it had to launch into the high seas. Finally, when salvaging the equipment cabin, There have also been some small frictions with the navies of other countries.

As for now, the white elephant people are actually going to launch into the sea. I don't know what they think.

In Qin Guan's question, the scholar said, "it's their Agni missile. The range is estimated to be about 2000 kilometers."

Qin Guan's face suddenly showed a suddenly enlightened smile: "I see. They are not sure. General Jamal, our paving claw radar is useful this time."

Paving claw radar can irradiate the whole continent of the white elephant country and track any aircraft over the white elephant country. The height of ballistic missiles is sufficient. Therefore, paving claw radar will certainly have sufficient opportunities to capture this aircraft.

so what?

General Jamal listened carefully to Qin Guan's words: "are we going to salvage their equipment cabin first?"

Qin Guan nodded: "yes, of course, we should carry forward this spirit of international friendship and mutual assistance. We are duty bound to help them salvage warheads. Our Han navy can also help."

What the white elephant people want to do is obvious to all. After the j-31 fighter plane enters the air base of the holy country, the white elephant people will test fire ballistic missiles. Even if there is no nuclear bomb, it is just a conventional warhead, which is a provocation to the Han country.

The white elephant people are provoking, so, similarly, our side will let the white elephant people lose this idea and slap them in the face.

"President Qin, is it appropriate for us to go out?" the scholar asked Qin Guan.

Qin is always afraid of accidents, but this involves the key national strategic level. How about taking the initiative to provoke the white elephant people?

The holy state is not afraid to provoke. On the one hand, the holy state and the white elephant state were originally confrontation. It is naturally the best to hit each other's face. On the other hand, the holy state is now supported by the eagle state. Even if they hit the white elephant state's face, the white elephant state has no temper.

The Han state is different. What if the people of the white elephant state suffer a loss and then make trouble for the Han state on the border?

Qin Guan smiled: "it was just an accident. We accidentally passed by, salvaged it, and then sent it back to them with gongs and drums. If they still want to trouble us, isn't it the wolf Mr. Dongguo met?"

Yes, the white elephant country was originally the wolf. The scholar secretly thought of it in his heart. However, since President Qin has said it, he can't refuse it. Besides, this transfer is just a suggestion. After reporting it, there will be a superior to make up his mind.

"That's very good," general Jamal said. "We only planned to test fire a missile. If we could salvage their warheads, we would slap them in the face. Our navy would also send out once."

Of course, general Jamal knew what would happen if they were in the past, and there would be confrontation and friction. However, if they could salvage each other's warheads, it would obviously strengthen their national and military prestige. Therefore, this kind of thing is worth doing.

"The white elephant country has also announced that they want to build aircraft carriers themselves," the scholar continued. This news has just been released by the white elephant country recently.

"The people of the white elephant country always take themselves too seriously." Qin Guan said, "all the weapons developed by the three armed forces have become a laughing stock. Now, they still want to develop their own aircraft carrier? It seems that I have to write an article and carefully analyze the weapons development of the white elephant country."

Qin Guan has the desire to write again. When talking about the white elephant people wanting to build their own aircraft carrier, Qin Guan really can't help it.

This is definitely the only big joke in the world. This aircraft carrier has been designed and demonstrated for many years. Then, it purchases steel from Xiong state for construction. After construction, it often stops working and waits for steel. The shell is easy. It doesn't even have a bridge, so it is pushed into the water, because the shipyard wants to empty the dock to make other ships.

There are countless funny things. What started to launch is an empty shell without an engine, but the deck has been welded, so in the later stage, the deck has to be cut open and then stuffed into the engine. It has been launched several times, creating countless world records, with the longest construction time and the most launching times.

By 2020, it will still be an empty shell.

"President Qin, if you want to write an article, we have a lot of information here that can be provided to you," said general Jamal.

Over the years, the holy state has been paying attention to the development of the white elephant country. Of course, they are the first to know what is going on. They know more about the weapons research and development of the three armed forces of the white elephant country.

Yes, all of them are chicken ribs. When white elephant countries put forward the indicators, they set high goals. They want to be the first in the world and break away from their own industrial foundation. When they finally make them, they are low-grade and inferior products, which makes people laugh.

"OK." Qin Guan said, "a country that can't even produce bullets and shells by itself should promote the self-reliance of their white elephant country everywhere. I'll dig their old background hard."

For Qin Guan, it was a completely handy article, and all kinds of materials were well known. The next day, an article by a famous military critic appeared in various newspapers, media and the Internet.

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