Earth shaking changes have taken place in the face of the motherland. Qin Guan is in Huating and looks at the new area undergoing rapid development. People are filled with emotion about the changes here. Buildings have sprung up one after another, and there are many cars on the streets. The whole city has radiated the style of an international metropolis.

After returning from Huating, Qin Guan came to the shipyard in the north. In the shipyard, Makarov excitedly reported to Qin Guan that the third aircraft carrier had completed all outfitting!

With the construction of the first two aircraft carriers, experience has accumulated, and the outfitting of the third aircraft carrier is much ahead of schedule. Although it is still in sea trial, the navy has already been unable to wait. The third nuclear powered aircraft carrier has been officially named for the Oriental Pearl number.

This is to commemorate the Pearl of the Orient. The territory of the motherland will be recovered in recent years. Now it is so natural to name it.

The construction of the two planned 40000 ton dock landing ships has begun. After the commencement of the construction of the two dock landing ships, new aircraft carriers will continue to be built. The navy has enthusiastically started naming the latter two aircraft carriers. The fourth aircraft carrier in the Navy sequence will be named Shi emperor and the fifth is capital.

The last ship, naturally the most technologically advanced, is named the capital, which is also of commemorative significance. As for the former, it breaks the previous principle of naming according to place names and has a deeper meaning. Everyone knows what the first emperor means.

Talking about the development of the Navy, the navy commander was very happy. At the dinner that day, Qin Guan thought of a plan to publicize the military soul of the Han Navy. Since he had begun to fight pirates, he naturally wanted to make a film about fighting pirates.

When Qin Guan wrote the script, it was also famous. Top gun was popular all over the world. Everyone was looking forward to making this naval film famous in one fell swoop and making the navy of the Han Dynasty famous.

Of course, this matter attracted everyone's attention. When Qin Guan came out with the script a few days later, everyone was amazed. The script was really beautiful. It was a pity that President Qin was not a writer.

However, Qin Guan has new requirements. The actors in the team need to be found from the team. In fact, they are selected from the army according to the cast given by themselves, so that they must cooperate. This is an order.

Only real soldiers can perform that kind of murderous spirit. If they are performed by a group of small fresh meat, they will definitely ruin the performance.

Therefore, many people who are still on mission at sea can't help complaining secretly. Mr. Qin, you are so mean.

In the curse of countless people, Qin Guan's film, which broke the box office record again, entered the tense shooting. A few months later, it moved to the screen. The reason why it was so fast is that those actors who were seconded are looking forward to completing the shooting as soon as possible, and then hurry back to participate in the escort action.

The name of the film is hurricane rescue. When Qin Guan entered the cinema and came to see the film again with his wife and children, he still liked the content of the film.

The opening is a song "the last battle". The song echoes in the cinema. In the song, the audience is brought to the world of film.

"We looked for a sheltered trench amid the sound of machine gun fire

When the house built by sand in childhood was destroyed, just build it again

But your bloody bullet hole army coat

But I can't even raise my farewell hand... "

Just this opening MV was shot for seven days. It even caused a sensation in the western world. The bloody battlefield picture and the robe friendship between soldiers always have a strong impact.

Then the plot begins.

On a certain day in a certain year, the Han merchant ship on the high seas of a country on the black axis was hijacked by pirates. Some crew members were killed by pirates and others were taken prisoner.

After receiving the merchant ship's request for help, the Han Navy, the 071 command ship "Kunlun", sent a Sea Wolf Commando to deal with the emergency

Calm response, the commando took two straight 20 Seahawk helicopters, and two groups of 20 people sneaked into the merchant ship for a surprise attack. After a fierce gun battle, the commando successfully killed the pirates and rescued all the hostages.

In the process of closing the net, there was also a small episode: two pirates jumped onto a motorboat to escape the attack, and the Sea Wolf Commando naturally wouldn't let them go. When they quickly tried to sail back to the territorial sea of a country, sniper Zhao Shun killed all the escaped pirates. In the sight glass, he was surprised to find that one of the pirates was a minor Childish child!

At that moment, he hesitated. His finger ready to press the trigger loosened, let the Seahawk helicopter close to the speedboat and shouted for the two pirates to be captured. However, the Little Pirate did not have any affection for his neighbors. He pulled an RPG-7 rocket from the speedboat and fired a rocket at the straight 20 Seahawk. Fortunately, the pilot did not mess in the face of danger. Relying on his excellent technology, he managed to avoid the flying rocket at close range, and Zhao Shun quickly shot and killed two pirates under the severe reprimand of Liu Rui, the captain of the headset, But this left him a huge psychological impact shadow: he couldn't forget the scene of the little pirate's brain coming out under the bullet of the powerful sniper rifle

On the way back, although the Seahawk pilot didn't say anything, the more serious captain Liu Rui asked Zhao Shun to apologize to the other party: because of his stupid concept of benevolence and righteousness, his brothers almost fell! Although Zhao Shun himself realized that his choice was a wrong choice at that time, he still couldn't be completely relieved of killing the little pirate.

Yes, at the beginning of this chapter, some of the scripts of operation Red Sea were used for reference. Of course, Qin Guan also made some changes. When he came here, he didn't need to copy all of them. Otherwise, it would be too humiliating to his genius's brain.

Before we had time to think more, the "Kunlun" formation received an urgent order from its superiors: there had been political unrest nearby, terrorist organizations and rebels invaded the capital, and the local Han people were in danger of life and property. The formation received an order from its superior to change its course and go to the country to carry out the task of evacuating overseas Chinese.

For the Navy, escorting and evacuating overseas Chinese are the main tasks. Of course, it should be shown in this film. In fact, shortly after the film was broadcast, the Navy encountered a similar task, so that many people say that President Qin has a very superb foresight.

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