20 people from the first and second squadrons of the Sea Wolf Commando are ready to go. Many military fans are excited about the details of preparing weapons.

The sea wolf commandos used type 90 rifles, that is, 6.8mm assault rifles, M249 general-purpose machine guns, M21 sniper rifles and 40mm lg5 grenade launchers (the shape of this thing looks super like a large rifle. It can use a 40mm grenade of universal standard, has a bullet drum that can be fired many times, has a unique computer automatic sight, and a laser rangefinder) After finishing the equipment of at4 portable disposable rocket launcher, avant-garde 2 portable air defense missile, C4 explosive and other weapons, all personnel take two tilt rotor aircraft to the mission area.

Just after the tilt rotor aircraft arrived at the port of the country, due to the urgency of time, under the general principle of "evacuees can fight back when attacked, on the contrary, they must avoid exchange of fire to avoid diplomatic conflict", the Sea Wolf Commando quickly got off the aircraft and drove two 6x6 high mobile combat vehicles from the tilt rotor aircraft, which is a domestic "SM" Mobile platform, a fire support vehicle: equipped with 25mm double barrel high-level machine gun, 7.62mm six barrel Gatling machine gun and 40mm howitzer launcher; a fast assault vehicle: equipped with a 12.7mm heavy machine gun and a 7.62mm general-purpose machine gun.

The military fans who watched it shouted with delight.

Fortunately, before they entered the city, they met the checkpoint of the government army. Liu Rui took out the official documents of the foreign affairs and armed forces negotiated by the Ministry of foreign affairs and the Ministry of national defense with the Ministry of foreign affairs and the Ministry of national defense. After calling his superiors and confirming the authenticity of the documents, a colonel officer of the government army released the Sea Wolf Commando without saying. He learned that a large number of Han friends were still stranded When he couldn't get away from the city, the Colonel named Ali asked his adjutant captain alslan as a guide to lead four "taituola" heavy trucks and two btr-80 armored vehicles to accompany the sea wolf into the city and help pick up the Han Chinese nationals.

Liu Rui thanked Colonel Ali, while Ali laughed and said that Han was a real good friend, not those western countries with ulterior motives. Han's long-standing diplomatic means of equality and reciprocity won the country's greatest goodwill. This diplomatic achievement won valuable assistance for the sea wolf commandos.

The team was led by a btr-80 armored vehicle, followed by a btr-80 armored vehicle, while the Sea Wolf Commando drove two "SM" high aircraft action combat vehicles to protect four heavy trucks.

The vehicles were driving on the ups and downs and falling roads. Everything they saw was a tragic scene of devastation. This country used to be famous for its prosperity and beauty has become a hell on earth. The team members were very heavy. They clung to their weapons and looked at the area filled with smoke and gunfire in the city. Commando Zhang Tiande stripped a few sweets Put the fruit into your mouth and chew it to relieve this tension.

When Liu Rui contacted the embassy staff, the convoy was about to enter the embassy area. In front of the security post outside the embassy area, an RPG-7 rocket accurately hit the btr-8 armored vehicle as the pilot vehicle. A large number of government officers and soldiers fell around, and the scene was chaotic. The anti-government armed forces took advantage of the situation to launch a new round of attack on the embassy area, and there were constantly armed points around Zizi attacked the security post with a gun. At the critical moment, under the leadership of Captain Liu Rui, the wave commando was not afraid of danger. He quickly took over the command of captain alslan and left a intact btr-80 armored vehicle (equipped with a 30mm machine gun and a 7.62mm parallel machine gun) It was grouped with a fire support vehicle equipped with a 25mm double barrel high-level machine gun, a 7.62mm six barrel Gatling machine gun and a 40mm howitzer launcher. Taking advantage of the firepower and range of weapons, it destroyed the anti-government fire points in the surrounding buildings and control heights. At the same time, high-speed motor vehicles came forward and used high mobility to continuously use a 12.7mm heavy machine gun and a 7.62mm general-purpose gun on the vehicle Machine guns attracted the attention of the rebels.

At this time, the wave commandos occupied the commanding heights of the building with lock guns and helped the fire support group beat back the attack of the anti-government forces. Unwilling to fail, the militants forced several civilians to sit in self exploding cars in an attempt to impact and destroy the security checkpoints in the embassy area. In the face of this worrying situation, although they understood the innocence and tragedy of these civilians forced to perform suicide missions, Captain Liu Rui still ordered to concentrate fire on the self exploding car, and sniper Zhao Shun personally operated the lg5 grenade launcher to explode an oncoming self exploding truck.

The scene of the explosion made people's blood boil.

The stop of the self exploding car made the attack momentum of non-governmental armed elements one of them. Four heavy trucks also took the opportunity to quickly drive into the embassy area, loaded with nearly 100 Chinese nationals and embassy staff, and two high-speed motor vehicles and a btr-80 armored vehicle escorted the four heavy trucks out

Along the way, the anti-government forces chased the convoy and kept firing guns along the way. Chen Lai, who was sitting on a high motor vehicle and was operating a 12.7mm heavy machine gun, was suddenly hit by stray bullets. He was bleeding and fell into Zhao Shun's arms. Zhao Shun quickly tore open the first-aid bag. Because the convoy was in an emergency, it could not stop to deal with Chen Lai's injury comprehensively. As a result, the cheerful sunshine boy was still alive He swallowed his last breath in the arms of his comrades in arms. Zhao Shun held his brother in his arms and wept silently... (the music of the last battle sounded here)

Finally, the convoy safely entered the port area. In the face of a large number of pursued anti-government elements, the "Kunlun" landing ship and the "170" destroyer impolitely used the ship's heavy ground fire, including 127 mm naval guns, 7-tube 30 mm automatic Gatling anti-aircraft guns, 122 mm rockets and so on, and the crisis was relieved, Chinese nationals and embassy staff were safely sent to the landing ship

Zhao Shun also held Chen Lai's already cold body, held his hand and murmured, "I'm going home, I'm going home..."

The sea wolf had no time to mourn the loss of his comrades in arms, but the matter was not over. Just as covering the evacuation of overseas Chinese, the formation received reliable news that Chinese hostages and other foreign hostages were hijacked by terrorists to the land desert of the country: as the civil war in the country gradually became fierce and out of control, warlord forces slaughtered civilians and kidnapped foreign hostages for ransom, This happens almost every day. Five Chinese tourists, employees of Chinese funded institutions and several Westerners had no time to withdraw and were kidnapped and taken hostage by local armed forces. One of them is Lena kantrick, a journalist who supports local public welfare services. She is the daughter of a British senator and was kidnapped and detained there. Fortunately, the militants do not know her true identity, but treat her as an ordinary foreigner hostage. Because Eagle country is unpopular with all countries in these areas, many extremist armed groups hate Eagle country very much. Therefore, through some diplomatic operation and friendly conversation, that is, interest exchange, Eagle country requests Han country for assistance. Therefore, the Han government decided to let the military send elite Navy special forces nearby to secretly sneak into this desert to rescue our hostages and foreign hostages.

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