For Qin Guan, every day was very tense. Just before the arrival of new year's day in 1980, Qin Guan came to the Ministry of aviation again to participate in an important aviation equipment conference.

After many efforts, Qin Guan has finally won everyone's recognition. Now, when Qin Guan sits on the podium, no one feels wrong about his position.

The meeting was presided over by Minister mo. at the same time, general Zhang, commander of the air force, and others also attended the meeting.

"First of all, let's thank President Qin with warm applause." after the meeting, Minister Mo first said: "with the efforts of President Qin, we can finally have the world's most advanced third-generation aircraft into service."

The follow-up negotiations with the people of the Sabbath state were quite smooth. Seeing the male cat fighters over there, they can fight the packaging ship, and the reception work here is about to be done. Think about the beginning of this year, the air force only had the J-7 as the main force, and even the J-8 has not been completed. Now, the air force is about to achieve leapfrog development. All this is the credit of Qin Guan.

Therefore, everyone was very excited. Hearing what minister Mo said, the moment and fierce applause were dedicated to Qin Guan.

Qin Guan quickly stood up: "I just made my own efforts, and this is everyone's credit. The development of our aviation industry is the joint efforts of all of us."

Qin Guan is modest.

"Mr. Qin, your contribution can be seen by everyone." minister Mo said: "you are very helpful to the development of our aviation industry. We can make today's achievements. You are the first hero. Now, we will continue to start today's topic. The first content is about the imitation and upgrading plan of male cat fighters."

At the beginning, Qin Guan just made a simple proposal without refinement. If he didn't get a male cat fighter, everything would be in vain. Now, the male cat fighter is right in front of him, and the imitation of the male cat fighter is about to begin.

After hearing what minister Mo said, the general manager Gu of 6601 Institute was silent. Originally, 6601 Institute was the big brother in the development of domestic military aircraft, but who would have thought that new projects had nothing to do with his own side.

The task of imitating the male cat fighter was entrusted to Lao Lu.

"Lao Lu, tell me," minister Mo said.

Hearing minister Mo's cry, Mr. Lu stood up. In the past, their 6650 Research Institute was a foil. He couldn't say a word for almost the whole meeting for several days, but now he can finally play the leading role. He was very excited.

"Don't get excited, sit down and say," minister Mo said to Mr. Lu.

Mr. Lu sat down and said to the crowd, "we are ready. As soon as the male cat fighter arrives, we will start mapping and imitation. In the mapping, we can understand all the technologies of the male cat fighter and help the existing male cats of the air force upgrade."

"Lao Lu, be careful that the wind flashes your tongue." President Gu has opened his mouth to one side: "do you really have confidence?"

There are still many words behind Mr. Lu, who has been interrupted by Mr. Gu. After hearing Mr. Gu's words, Mr. Lu's face is red: "we have made a military order and completed it in one year. If we can't complete it, we are willing to accept any punishment, including sending me to prison." Mr. Lu said.

"Mr. Gu, we didn't come to listen to your frustrating words." Qin Guan said above.

Hearing Qin Guan's words, President Gu could only whisper and wait for Lao Lu to continue his introduction.

"We have studied the variable swept wing technology for many years. We have learned that the key to the variable swept wing of the male cat fighter is to use the titanium alloy wing box, and the welding of this wing box is our difficulty." Lu said: "We can only turn to Grumman for this technology. Therefore, Grumman will participate in this male cat upgrade. We hope to take this opportunity to introduce this technology from Grumman."

The key to the development of the male cat fighter by Grumman company is the wing box. Grumman company has developed its own vacuum beam welding technology, which perfectly solves the problem.

If you don't use titanium alloy, you can only use steel, which will lead to the complete overweight of the structure.

"After talking for a long time, I have to ask someone. Now, I don't know how much foreign exchange reserves to waste." President Gu suddenly spoke again.

"Old Lu, go on," said Qin Guan.

"As long as we solve this problem, we can overcome the rest. We have advanced electronic technology. There is no problem with avionics technology. Our engine can be replaced by the current Spey improved engine. As for the flight control system, we plan to introduce the developing four redundancy digital telex." veteran Lu said his own development plan.

"1980 is our key year of Surveying and mapping. By the end of 1981 at the latest, we will be able to manufacture imitation prototypes. If not, I am willing to accept any punishment."

Lu always went out of his way. He knew that whether 6650 institute could suddenly leap into a powerful unit for domestic military aircraft development depends on this time.

"Vacuum beam welding technology is the key. If Grumman company refuses to provide this technology, I can help find a way. I believe there are more ways than difficulties, and we will be able to overcome them," Qin Guan said.

There is nothing Qin Guan can't solve. Now, since Qin Guan says he wants to help solve it, it means that there is no problem at all.

"Our aviation industry department should fully support the male cat imitation mission, which is related to the future development of our air force," minister Mo said.

General Zhang, the commander of the air force, also said: "yes, it is not enough for us to only have these 79 male cat fighters. It is our need to imitate a huge series on the basis of this aircraft."

The air force is very concerned. The air force has been longing for double engine heavy fighters for a long time. Now we see that this aircraft is finally coming true. The air force has long planned subsequent projects.

"We decided to give the imitation male cat fighter a J-11 number," said General Zhang.

The number of J-11 is empty. Chao-7 gives the number of j-14. The air force keeps it for the imitation male cat.

Hearing General Zhang's words, Qin Guan also sighed. In history, this number was for the imitation Su-27. Unfortunately, I had already exchanged blue shark, but 6601 has not made progress. Otherwise, it should be Gu Zongcai who is standing here to explain!

"General Zhang, I have an opinion." at this time, President Gu said, "I think it's enough for us to buy a batch of male cat fighters at a low price. Our domestic aviation industry doesn't need to waste huge efforts to copy. Our j-8-2 fighters are enough to meet the needs of the air force."

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