President Gu put forward his own suggestions.

Whether it is purchased or produced by itself, in short, the male cat fighter, temporarily called the J-11, is an expensive aircraft. According to the current currency value, the cost of domestic production will definitely exceed 8 million, which is too expensive.

In contrast, the j-8-2 is much cheaper.

Without the valuable turbofan engine, the massive use of titanium alloy and the complex control system, the cost of the j-8-2 can be controlled within 5 million. At this time, is it necessary to equip the J-11?

Gu Zong thought it was unnecessary. The jian-8 of his own side was enough.

Now, at this important meeting of the Ministry of aviation industry, Gu always has his own plan, which is to explain to you the benefits of equipping his own j-8-2.

After Chen Rui flew the jian-8-2 fighter and completed his visit to Sabbath, he flew back to China and landed at plant 1112. 6601 attached great importance to this project and immediately launched the task of technical penetration and imitation.

The avionics system is left to 114 institutes to tackle key problems. They are mainly engaged in the airframe. After research, it is found that it is indeed much better than the airframe they have trial produced. It is OK to transform it completely according to the new scheme.

Because they are mature, it is very easy. They can deliver this advanced aircraft to the Sabbath air force since 1980.

However, the j-8-2 has become a foreign trade aircraft. So far, the air force has not stated that it wants to be equipped. How can Gu not be anxious?

As a big brother in the development of domestic military aircraft, Gu always has his own dream. He hopes that the fighter developed by his side can fly in the blue sky of the motherland. Now, he can't win the order of the air force. Of course, he has to strive for it.

At this meeting, we must work hard!

President Gu looked at the crowd and said, "this time, President Qin went to the Sabbath and Chen Rui test flew the j-8-2, which perfectly won the order of the Sabbath air force. As we all know, the vision of the Sabbath air force is very high. Since they can give up their own male cat fighter and choose our j-8-2 fighter, it is entirely because our fighter has excellent performance."

President Gu gave an example. These male cat fighters were not wanted by the people of Sabbath and sold at a low price. The j-8-2 can win the orders of the people of Sabbath, which shows that the j-8-2 is better than the male cat fighters!

Mr. Gu said it very seriously.

"Our j-8-2 has low cost and excellent performance. Therefore, I suggest that the Ministry of aviation suspend the mapping and imitation of male cat fighters, which wastes a lot of money and energy. Relying on our j-8-2 is enough to protect the sky of our motherland."

"Even, we can carry out follow-up research and mount those undead birds missiles on our j-8-2 fighter. Our nose still has potential to be tapped and can accommodate larger caliber radar antennas. We also have space to mount them."

The undead missile came with the male cat fighter. If the domestic mapping and imitation is not carried out, the undead missile will be enough on the male cat fighter. However, the 100 kilometer range of the undead missile must be the most attractive to the air force. If it can be mounted on the J-8 2, it can increase the interception performance of the J-8 2.

If j-8-2 can also carry undead birds, what is the need for male cat fighters?

"President Qin, as you said before, the variable sweep wing is out of date."

Gu is always very smart. He uses Qin Guan's words to explain his views everywhere. Now, hearing Gu's words, Qin Guan feels that he is going to be speechless.

"Please support our domestic aviation industry and our own fighter R & D." President Gu continued: "up to now, our country's aviation industry is taking the road of mapping and imitation, and our j-8-2 fighter is completely developed by ourselves. We should adhere to independent R & D!"

President Gu almost burst into tears.

The J-8 is not independently developed, but amplified on the basis of the J-7, while the J-10 is an independently developed project.

But now, the J-10 is exchanged by Qin Guan from the weapons cemetery. Therefore, in everyone's eyes, it is also a mapping imitation. In contrast, the J-8 is completely autonomous.

In this case, the state should support it!

After hearing president Gu's words, Minister Mo was moved: "General Zhang, I think President Gu's words also have a certain reason. Our air force, are we considering jian-8-2 fighters?"

As the commander of the air force, general Zhang has a great say. After all, the air force is the main force in purchasing fighters. Although the Navy also has airmen, it can only eat from the teeth of the air force.

President Gu continued: "General Zhang, you should know that the male cat fighter is specially developed for the Navy. It has a ship hook and a strengthened landing gear. Generally speaking, the aircraft of the navy are 10% heavier than those of the air force. Therefore, the male cat is not suitable for the needs of the air force. Our j-8-2 is specially developed for the air force."

What President Gu said is true. The male cat fighter is a carrier aircraft of the eagle Navy. In order to adapt to the pull of ejection take-off and the impact force when landing, the landing gear must be strengthened, and there are additional landing hooks and other equipment.

Because the male cat has variable swept wings and has no wing turnover mechanism, if the wing can be overturned, it will gain a lot of weight.

In short, male cats are just not suitable. We picked up a big bargain and bought a batch of male cats at junk prices. That's OK. If it's self-developed, it's not cost-effective!

General Zhang looked at Qin Guan and said, "President Qin, what do you think?"

General Zhang respected Qin Guan's opinion. At the same time, he also kicked the ball to Qin Guan!

Hearing General Zhang's question, everyone looked at Qin Guan. Qin Guan knew that what he said now would directly determine the life and death of jian-11.

Isn't the air force itself clear? You have to say it yourself!

Qin Guan said faintly, "we can't discuss anything here. Practice is the only standard to test the truth. Which of the two aircraft is more suitable for the air force equipment? Don't you know when we hold an air confrontation next year?"

The air force doesn't know how much the j-8-2 weighs? As long as we really fight once, we can clearly see the gap.

At first, Chen Rui beat the male cat with MIG 21. It was just a trick. Success can't be copied. It won't work next time he uses this trick.

After all, the j-8-2 is still the foundation of the second generation aircraft. It focuses on high altitude and high speed, and what about the male cat? It is an excellent fighter in almost all airspace.

"Then let's invite Chen Rui to fly J-8 2." President Gu said immediately.

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