Unfortunately, Su-27's technology has not been fully understood. It is not easy to improve it. Because of the lack of technical reserves, I once thought of buying it from Xiong Guo, but Xiong Guo has actually lost its production capacity and asked too much, and finally no agreement was reached.

It was not until the prototype Su-33 was obtained from the second Mao country for surveying and mapping that it was an achievement, and finally the carrier based aircraft was obtained.

It was a long, complicated and tortuous process, and even a plane crash occurred. The best pilot of the Navy died near the simulation deck.

Now, there is no need for such twists and turns. The male cat is a ship-based aircraft!

In the past, Qin Guan was not aware of this, or was not strongly aware of this, because Qin Guan did not have too much contact with the Navy. He did not know that in the heart of the Navy, he always had a strong aircraft carrier dream! As early as the founding of the motherland, the leaders at that time realized the importance of coastal defense.

"In order to oppose imperialist aggression, we must build a strong navy."

Under the guidance of this thought, the then Central Military Commission put forward an eight-year construction plan for the development of the marine industry of the ocean going Navy. The plan is divided into two steps.

The first step is to focus on missiles and submarines, and develop small and medium-sized surface ships at the same time; This plan has been developed and eventually became the air submarine fast base of the Navy.

The second step is to build an aircraft carrier.

But the second step is too big. Lacking a realistic foundation, after the 1960s, with the breakdown of relations with the bear country, the ambitious plan finally remained on paper, and the "aircraft carrier dream" became a distant future.

In this way, until the 1970s.

Although the Han country is economically backward, it has the advantages of system. As long as the central government makes up its mind, it will certainly develop atomic bombs and nuclear submarines. All of them have been developed with the manpower and material resources of the whole country.

In April 1970, the Central Military Commission decided to establish an aircraft carrier development team.

At that time, General Liu was the deputy director of the office of the scientific research leading group of the naval shipbuilding industry!

General Liu organized the first special demonstration of aircraft carrier. The development of aircraft carrier is divided into two steps: from now to the end of 1972, focus on completing scientific research and design; Construction started in 1973, striving for the completion and launching of the first aircraft carrier at the end of the fourth five year plan.

At that time, it would have been possible to concentrate national efforts, but for special reasons, the aircraft carrier project was aborted again.

For ten years, the proposal to build an aircraft carrier has remained literal.

Now, the country has carried out reform and opening up, and it is necessary to focus on economic development. It seems that the project of aircraft carrier, which costs a lot of money, will certainly be delayed indefinitely.

But how can the Navy give up?

Perhaps there will be many opposition voices in the central government, saying that aircraft carriers are huge, live targets, expensive and useless. However, the Navy itself knows that without aircraft carriers, it is impossible to have a strong navy and safeguard maritime interests.

With the development of trade, the maritime transportation safety of Han country will gradually highlight.

Now, there is a good chance, that is, the male cat fighter!

This aircraft was originally built as a carrier aircraft. Now that we have it, we have taken a solid step.

The Navy will never give up its aircraft carrier dream! The man in front of the navy is very important if it wants to realize its aircraft carrier dream.

Yes, Qin Guan can play a prominent role. After all, Qin Guan is the person most valued by the superior leaders. The superior leaders will listen to his words.

At the same time, Qin Guan also has various ways to promote the project. It is a miracle to buy male cat fighters from the Sabbath. Only Qin Guan can do it!

Similarly, as long as Qin Guan supports it, it will certainly help the Navy become stronger and achieve its goals.

Now, General Zhao mentioned taking the male cat as a carrier aircraft, just to test Qin Guan's attitude and see if Qin Guan thinks the aircraft carrier is useless or irreplaceable.

"It's a good plan to use the male cat as a carrier aircraft," Qin Guan said. "But I'm afraid we have a long way to go to build an aircraft carrier."

In the face of General Zhao, Qin Guan thought deeply. The Navy's construction of aircraft carriers is definitely not achieved overnight. First of all, he can't exchange ang from the weapons cemetery. Even if he can, it can't only have aircraft carriers and warships without escort.

Aircraft carrier formation is a systematic project.

First of all, we still need a strong country and a strong economy. Without this, everything is in vain. Even if we exchange equipment, the daily operation cost is astronomical.

So, it seems that you can only wait?

Of course not.

"Our first step is to build a larger ocean going merchant fleet and transport fleet, cultivate our sufficient Naval Reserve Force, and establish our sufficient shipyards and docks. First, build large LNG ships for oil and gas transportation and large ships for mineral sand transportation, so as to improve our shipbuilding capacity and cover up the construction capacity of military ships for civil use."

How to develop the country's economy? From the perspective of the Navy, it is to develop the shipbuilding industry!

Han's greatest advantage is its low cost. Relying on its low cost, it entered the market, expanded first and then strengthened, developed the shipbuilding industry and reserved strength for the development of the Navy.

Qin Guan's remarks immediately brightened General Zhao's eyes. As navy generals, they have their own limitations. They only see how the Navy develops, but they don't think about how to integrate into the country's construction. Now, Qin Guan's introduction immediately makes them feel at ease.

Yes, the navy can certainly promote the development of the domestic shipbuilding industry.

"At the same time, if the navy is greedy, it can also plan in advance. For example, on land, we can build a 1:1 cement aircraft carrier model and establish our" nitka "base. We can start to train our naval aviation in advance. Whether it is a shipborne helicopter or a shipborne fixed wing aircraft, we can conduct unified training and drills at the base."

There is no way for the navy to want an aircraft carrier now. However, after the navy has a male cat, the take-off and landing of carrier aircraft can be trained. This is to build a simulation base on land.

It does not mean that with an aircraft carrier, you can immediately have combat capability. A complete set of aircraft carrier systems, of which the essential is the shipborne aircraft land simulation training system.

Due to the great difference between taking off and landing on aircraft carrier and taking off and landing on land, and the more diversified tasks performed by carrier aircraft, the training of carrier aircraft pilots is much more complex than that of land-based pilots.

No one dares to let the pilot directly take off and land the carrier based aircraft. Even Chen Rui and Qin Guan dare not let him experiment.

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