
Chapter 1510: Bonfire Night Talk

Hugo's words silenced everyone. Although Hugo didn't say it explicitly, they all knew that Hugo was not only talking about himself, but also glorious to death.

In the past two years, Glory to Death has achieved too much brilliance. They are enjoying the applause and surrounded by lights. They are wandering amidst crazy screams and enthusiasm. Their vigor has been sought after by the media and praised by the audience. It was gradually consumed and exhausted, so they began to feel emptiness and began to be unable to satisfy the status quo. Hugo's focus on actor work is an important reason for the gap between Glory and Death. This is undeniable, but it is their spiritual emptiness that really makes Glory and Death begin to be decadent.

So Pedro couldn't restrain his curiosity, and was completely indulged in poison. Therefore, Alfonso will begin to want to expand his territory and use more money to meet the needs of his life and his family; therefore, Neil and Fuguin will continue to create, but they can’t find a direction. Hugo is no exception.

Hollywood is a very small circle. Here, it seems that as long as flashing lights, cheers and applause can fill all the space, there is alcohol and drugs every day. Quality and sex. Drunk in love and dreaming of death, maybe one day you can wake up, maybe you will sink forever-such as River Phoenix, such as Macaulay Culkin.

The bonfire in front of me suddenly burst out with a burst of sparks, and the night at the top seemed to be ignited, rapidly burning into ashes, and then falling scattered and scattered, letting Hugo regain his senses. In fact, Hugo did not intend to say these things at all. He was not ready to share his thoughts with the members of the band again. He coughed slightly, smiled and changed the subject, "Now we are in the Grand Canyon, tomorrow I am going to watch the sunrise in the morning. It must be spectacular. Does anyone want to sign up?"

Hugo’s words were lightly ignited above the bonfire, and then turned into a light smoke, which dissipated in the air without causing any waves, which made the smile at the corner of Hugo’s mouth slowly converged. At this moment, Ah Fang Suo suddenly said, "Last summer, my father had a car accident while driving while drunk and crashed four cars."

Alfonso's jerky voice radiated a chill in the burst of sparks, which made people involuntarily fought a cold war. All day today, Alfonso spoke a handful of times. To be precise, Alfonso has been like this since the Oscars, and he has never talked deeply with the band members. So when he spoke without warning at this time, everyone was shocked.

"Is he okay?" Neil asked worriedly.

Alfonso shrugged slightly. "There are no missing arms or legs." In an understatement, there was a hint of sadness. Alfonso raised his head and glanced at Hugo. "Joe doesn't know, and the situation of the Gibbs family is not very good. Okay." Then he quickly withdrew his gaze and looked at the campfire in front of him again.

Hugo was originally shocked, why Joseph didn't say a word, but after listening to Alfonso's explanation, Hugo could only sigh lightly.

Joseph's brother Paul entered the University of Tennessee and successfully joined the university's football team; his youngest sister was also admitted to the University of Tennessee last year, and only his parents remained at home. Last summer, Joseph’s brother Peter broke the news without warning in the army. It lasted for three months. This incident also caused the Gibbs family to be very tortured. Later it was confirmed that Peter was only participating in a secret mission. , Temporarily banned from communicating with the outside world, just a false alarm. But during those three months, the Gibbs family was indeed a mess, and the time Alfonso said should be that time.

"In August, my mother fell to her pelvis at work and needed to lie in bed to rest for two months... My house was a mess during that time." Alfonso never talked about his family, Hugo. Most of what we know comes from Joseph.

Alfonso is Spanish and has a huge family. He has seven people in his own family-five siblings including him, and his uncle, uncle and other families are all united together. Their family is much more complicated than Joseph's. Although Joseph is half Hispanic, their family has stayed in the United States for more than three generations, so the whole family is relatively simple.

Although Joseph didn’t talk about the situation of Alfonso’s family in detail, Hugo actually knew that most Hispanics in Texas joined gangs. For example, Joseph’s brother Peter also did the same. They are all illegal activities, smuggling arms and drugs. Brand, population, etc... Imagine that Alfonso gave up his music dream, fled Houston, and came to Los Angeles to become a car dealer. You know how much courage he expended.

Therefore, during that period of last year, a bunch of messy things swarmed around the house, and the pressure Alfonso was under was unimaginable.

"And my brother, he..." At this point, Alfonso waved his hand, seeming to want to put aside the past, "But anyway, I needed money at that time, so I just started doing business again. , I bought a house in San Diego because I needed to take my brothers and sisters over, and they had to leave Houston. Originally I wanted my mother to go there too, but she didn’t want to..."

What Alfonso said was fragmented and fragmented, and there was not even much useful information, but he could feel his difficulties. "But these are just excuses. The real reason is that I am jealous. I am jealous of Hugo's success. I also want to get more attention. I am not reconciled to just being the keyboard and guitarist of the band, but I difficult it is."

Alfonso's words stopped uncontrollably, and he didn't know how to organize the language. After Oscar’s night, he always had countless thoughts rolling in his mind, what Hugo, Henry, Pedro...he thought a lot, and all the past came to his mind bit by bit, which made that The head that had become overheated because of jealousy cooled down.

However, the more he understands the causes and consequences of things, the more guilty and ashamed of Alfonso, the more he is unable to speak. He even feels that it is a luxury to ask for the forgiveness of his teammates. He doesn't know how to express what he thinks in his heart, or what the future of the band will be, but the fact is, he is lost.

"Dude, I'm sorry." Alfonso, who is usually very eloquent, is already out of words. He can only look at his teammates and whisper. This simple sentence of sorry hides countless heavy and complicated things. emotion. This time, Alfonso did not evade anymore, but looked at his teammates intently, and finally met Hugo's eyes, calmly facing Hugo's gaze.

After a long time, Alfonso turned his head and looked away, looking at Pedro, and said in a mute, "I'm really sorry." Maybe he was really too selfish, and he had never noticed Pedro. Luo's anomaly—or, he had discovered Pedro's anomaly a long time ago, but he was so focused on enjoying attention and jealousy of Hugo that he was unwilling to explore these anomalies.

Looking at Pedro's clear eyes, Alfonso lowered his head in shame, almost overwhelmed by the intricacies and bitterness of the tip of his tongue.

Pedro gently twitched the corners of his mouth, "Alfonso, you did not sorry for me, Hugo, Neal, Fogin, neither did you apologize to me, from beginning to end, I made every choice... …"

"Pepe!" Neil interrupted Pedro aloud, who had just quit today. When the drugstore came out, he was not sure whether Pedro's mentality was strong enough and healthy enough to form such a difficult problem.

Pedro shook his head, "I know, Hugo said that day, these are my choices, I have my freedom, my rights, this is a fact. But Hugo, we are friends, Isn't it?" Pedro looked straight at Hugo, his eyes showed a light red against the bonfire, and there was a layer of water mist rolling in.

Pedro's vocabulary is "friend", not "teammate". This made Hugo's heart astringent, and all the suppressed emotions rolled over. He wanted to open his mouth and say "yes", but he couldn't say anything when the words reached his lips. Hugo avoided his eyes in embarrassment.

He couldn't help it, he couldn't help it after all, maybe he was just a coward. After trust was betrayed time and time again, he began to fear and shrink back.

Hugo's gentle dodge made Pedro's mouth full of bitterness. He knew that the trust between him and Hugo was broken after all. Hugo used to persuade him to stay away from poison every time. He just felt irritable when he was drinking. On what basis Hugo taught him, Hugo has the right to control him; but now, he really knows that it is called caring, that is called caring, and it is also called trust.

"I know that I made a stupid choice, and I also know that I started to get lost in the spotlight and screams. For a long time, I would even wake up in the garbage dump without remembering what happened last night. "Pedro inserted his hands into his hair, holding his hair in pain, "So I need you, I need friends to stand by my side, tell me where to go, and tell me the motivation to persevere. Rain Guo, do you remember?"

Pedro's voice was like a wounded little beast, whimpering between his knees, "'Helena Jenny was born, with a tired soul, traveled west to California and became a magazine cover girl. . But once you change your name, the fragments of the soul will disappear, and now she can hardly recognize herself.'” This is the lyrics at the beginning of “Hollywood is not America ('s...)”.

Then suddenly Pedro raised his head and walked through the blazing flames, looking at Hugo, who was gradually blurring in the dark, "I couldn't really understand the meaning of the lyrics at the beginning, but now, I can't recognize myself either. Up."

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