
Chapter 1511: Regain the original intention

Seeing Pedro in front of him, Hugo was a little unbearable. He knew everything that Pedro and Alfonso had experienced, because it was not just them, not just himself, including everyone in Hollywood. Are experiencing.

Hugo himself knew the confusion and struggle so clearly, didn't he? Almost since the Golden Raspberry Award, he has been persuading himself to be firm every day, facing temptation every day. Confusion and challenge, every day I experience countless confusion and confusion. On the night after the Oscar was over, he almost felt as if he had fallen into a black hole, and all the dazedness swallowed him easily. This is also the reason why he has been walking on the road for the past month-it can make him feel My sense of existence is so real and clear.

In fact, everyone understands the truth, but not everything can be developed in accordance with their own established direction. More often, people cannot control their emotions and mentality, because it is a robot that can perform perfectly in accordance with the program design, not flesh and blood. Body.

He has no way to blame Pedro and Alfonso, because deep down, he knows that the reason has never been so simple, and he must also take part of the responsibility. Similarly, he can't just block them just because of one of their mistakes, can he?

Even so, Hugo still has no way to overcome the hurdle in his heart. He can only close his eyes in embarrassment and turn his head away. He has no way to face Pedro or his other teammates. . Hugo knew that this was wrong, and avoiding would not solve the problem, but he cowardly chose to avoid it.

The fire light projected on Hugo’s face, casting a thin shadow on the deep facial features. Neil could clearly see the pain and struggle between Hugo’s eyebrows in the shadow, which made Neil He clenched his fists involuntarily. Although the problems of Alfonso and Pedro are very serious and people have to face it, the four of them have forgotten that Hugo is the one who really shoulders the heavy responsibility. They have always been by Hugo's side and witnessed With every step of Hugo's hardships and pains.

Once upon a time, they were Hugo's most important partners, becoming Hugo's reserve force and supporting Hugo's continuous advancement. But now, the four of them have failed Hugo's trust and even hurt him behind his back. This is the deadliest for Hugo. An "apology" is not difficult; but it is difficult to repair trust.

"Hugo, do you remember the first time I met you?" Neil said, breaking the silence in the night. Hugo raised his head blankly and cast his gaze, "I knew you must not remember. Yes, that was on Hollywood Boulevard. You and Charlize were practicing on the street. I didn’t know you at all at the time. I was just astonished because you sang the song "Go Home (, so I took the initiative to step forward. Made a self-introduction."

Hugo raised his eyebrows slightly, tapped his chin, but said nothing. Neil didn’t care, and continued, “Actually, I was thinking about where this guy came from. If I had the opportunity to work with him, it would definitely be a very magical thing. I was absolutely fanatical at the time. I want to make something in music, hoping to make people listen to the music I make."

"But after I got into this business, I realized that things are not that simple." Neil shrugged, "but it made me firmer: I love music."

"At the very beginning, Hugo was just the unknown actor downstairs to me," Fujin only opened his mouth, making everyone laugh, "I was always focusing on my band, you know, brand new One day, I used to think that I would go to the end with them—I mean, I don’t want to make music anymore.” Fujin’s hard words always have an ironic sense of joy, making the corners of his mouth tolerate. I kept going up, "I didn’t realize that I would come with you in the end, you know, an unreliable vase actor, a self-taught amateur guitarist, and a bass player who can’t even step on the rhythm. ,and……"

Fujin looked at Alfonso contemptuously, then curled his lips, but Alfonso took the conversation by himself and confessed, "A car seller." This made Fujin chuckle.

"Actually, before joining Glory to the death, I was very hesitant, because I didn't know any of you." Fujin said honestly, "I don't know your strength or your style. I really move. Mine is still your music, or Hugo’s music should be said. “Don’t be annoyed by the past (''. You will never know that when I hear this song, How shocking, I almost boiled."

"But this is not a song that makes people boil." It was Hugo who was speaking. He saw the familiar enthusiasm in Fujin's eyes, which made Hugo feel extremely cordial.

"Yes, this is the reason, the reason why I want to join you urgently." Fujin was rarely excited, his voice was trembling slightly, "You know, in the music, I can hear that. This kind of resonance for music fanaticism, the kind of excitement that makes me work hard, the kind of madness that burns all the passion and completely releases it, this is the soul of the band. This passion is also the reason why the five of us come together."

Seeing Fujin whose eyes were shining brightly in front of him, Hugo couldn't help but start to feel surging in his heart. This is the core idea that unites the glory to death, and this is also the driving force for the glory to continue to move forward.

From the day when the glory to the death was formed, in fact, they knew clearly that their own pace of progress meant breaking one barrier and bottleneck, because they did not intend to be mediocre from the beginning, they hope to inject rock and roll with their music Soul, so they lead the new metal rock to the top; they want to use their music to revel with all rock lovers, so they fight against Nirvana on the "four-two stage", so they set off a rock frenzy on the Grammys ; They hope to inspire people with their own music-then people who have dreams like them, so they have created one classic after another...

The road ahead for new metal rock has never been smooth. They need to break the old stubborn stereotypes, they need to break the shackles of the popular market, they need to fight the wave of garbage rock, they need to stick to their own spirit... the road from the very beginning From the tour to "almost fame", from the "Road to Glory" tour to "Bath in the Morning Light", along the way from glory to death, almost every footprint is against themselves, the mainstream, and history, and they are so. So firm, so united, and so focused to come to today.

Perhaps their confusion is inevitable, because this is another obstacle to the new metal rock's path, or in other words, this is the next obstacle to the glory to death. Hugo’s bottleneck, Alfonso’s distraction, Pedro’s emptiness, Neil’s doubts, Fukugin’s dilemma... This is a glorious obstacle to death. If they can break this obstacle, they will usher in it. In a brand new world, if it doesn't work, they will withdraw from the stage of history like countless rock bands flying across the sky like meteors.

It's like the problems that Hugo encountered during the "Seven Deadly Sins" and "Death Row".

Hugo shouldn’t be too harsh. To Alfonso and Pedro, to the band, and to himself, he shouldn’t pick up the shackles and imprison himself. It shouldn’t be a question of trust, because they never really Once separated, they have always stood on the path of musical dreams and never left. This should be a question of breaking oneself and breaking the bondage, and if you want to cross this big hurdle, it is impossible to rely on personal ability, because this is a band, a band of five members, and not exclusive to any For a single band, they need to be united, and they need to hold on to each other's shoulders and move forward hand in hand.

Perhaps this is why Hugo has never been able to break through the bottleneck, relying on his alone strength, that thin layer of window paper can never be pierced. He is Hugo, just Hugo, but on the road of music, he should be the glory to death Hugo. This is the foundation at the beginning of the establishment of the glory to the death, and it is also the key to the glory to the death.

Hugo raised his head and looked at Alfonso seriously for the first At this time, Alfonso also looked at Hugo calmly without any dodge. Thinking back to Alfonso’s description of the scene when they met for the first time, and Alfonso’s mental journey after hearing Hugo’s invitation, Hugo knew that the man who fearlessly abandoned his normal work for the sake of music and joined a freshman band. Alfonso is still here.

Pedro in front of him was describing the scene of his first meeting with Hugo. "At the time, I thought he was a cunning businessman on Wall Street and knew nothing about music." Pedro looked thin and weak. Many, the whole body seems to be a size smaller, but his face is very rosy, with familiar healthy eyes, and his translucent eyes are shining with excitement and excitement. This is Pedro he is familiar with.

Hugo can see in Pedro's eyes the soul who once fought side by side, familiar and kind. Hugo recalled that he had just finished the ring. During the period of poisoning, the pain caused by the withdrawal reaction almost overwhelmed him, quit. Poison requires the willpower of the person concerned, which is the decisive factor, but it also needs the help of friends. This is also the reason why drug rehabilitation partners must exist, and science has proven this.

Hugo doesn't know whether Pedro will relapse. No one knows, including Pedro himself, but their partners need to be Pedro's backing so that Pedro will not relapse. "We are friends, aren't we?" Pedro's words just echoed in Hugo's mind.

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