
Chapter 2043: Poor condition

"Ka!" Knight's voice rang through the crew. He let out a long sigh, and the worries between his eyebrows gradually relaxed. The performance of Hugo in the scene just now finally returned to the standard, and the effect was beyond imagination. . Although Hugo was in a really bad state today and delayed the shooting schedule, he was always able to get out of the predicament and dedicate a wonderful performance. This skill made Knight admire.

Hugo didn't stand up immediately, but sat on the spot and rubbed his temples.

The scene just now consumed almost all of Hugo's energy. The state of struggling after being forced to the extreme was really too bad, as if he was dancing in the wind on the edge of a cliff. After the performance, Hugo had almost no way to think. He didn't know how he performed in the scene just now, and he didn't know whether he was Hugo or Malcolm. He just felt tired, endless tired.

This tiredness caused his head to twitch slightly.

"Hugo, are you sure I don't need to buy some antibiotics?" Samora handed the lemon honey water over. He could notice Hugo's frowning eyebrows, the heavy and painful expression almost full of intensity. Can't be opened.

Hugo picked up the warm water and took a sip, but the sweet and sour taste made his brows closer to the center, "No, it's not that exaggerated." Now even a cold is not counted, just a cold. "You'd better make me a pot of coffee." Hugo felt that honey and water were still not refreshing enough.

Samora hesitated for a while, and finally she could only shook her head, and reluctantly agreed, "Then you can at least finish this glass of honey water."

Hugo twitched the corner of his mouth dejectedly, but after all he raised his head and drank the whole glass of water. Then Hugo stood up and walked towards the monitor with Hailey, "How was the shooting just now?" Although Knight paused until the whole scene was filmed, Hugo still had some problems. Too sure.

Knight gave an affirmative smile, "Very good, no problem!" Having said that, he still moved aside and let Hugo come behind the monitor. He now also understands Hugo’s habits, and he is meticulous about the shooting situation, but leaves the director to the crew. As a producer, Hugo gives the director enough rights and freedom, which is nothing for Knight. Windfall.

Hugo began to watch the replay of the scene just now. When he was not in good shape, it was very difficult to enter the show. I feel that my performance is always lacking for a moment. It is difficult to express this situation in words-unlike the first scene before, I can say one reason, it is more of an intuition, and it is even difficult to say one. Solution.

For example, in the scene just now, as Knight said, there is no problem. Including Leonardo and others came over to watch, and they all said that there is no problem. Hugo also knows that the overall feeling is in place, including the details, movements, eyes, etc. are very accurate, but Hugo always feels that it is lacking. What-the problem is that he can't tell the specific content of "what".

To make matters worse, in the affirmative words of others, Hugo even began to doubt his own judgment: Is there really no problem in the scene just now? His feeling is just to be critical and critical.

This possibility made Hugo very frustrated.

Standing still thinking for a while, Hugo shook his head after all, "Nate, give me some time to adjust, let's do it again." Although he has not dealt with such a situation before, Hugo knows that even in the face of Even if it is difficult, he cannot compromise--even if he compromises with himself, he must continue to work hard and try to find the right solution. Otherwise, what about a similar situation again in the future? For example, if you are really sick, for example, something outside of the crew is really distracted... Then, should Hugo continue to live by then?

No, he didn't want to.

Knight opened his mouth. He didn't know what was wrong with this scene, but he knew that Hugo's current state was really wrong, so he worriedly asked, "Hugo, are you sure? We all felt that this was just now. The play is good enough without any problems."

Hugo's temple twitched slightly again, and he shook his head, "I can't tell, but I think the whole atmosphere seems to be lacking. Let's try again."

Knight looked at Hugo in amazement, but the firmness in those amber eyes made him nod slightly and agreed. Hugo pulled the corners of his mouth, but didn't smile, "I'll go to the door to breathe some fresh air."

Joseph stood by with a worried face. He knew that Hugo was in poor condition today. It was definitely not that simple, but he didn't know what was going on, because everything was fine before Hugo went back to the room last night. Joseph thought for a while, exchanged a look with Leonardo, and then Leonardo quickly followed Hugo and went to the corridor outside the door.

"You are in a real state of **** today, but there is nothing wrong with the scene just now, do you know?" Leonardo and Hugo are already familiar enough, and they don't need to be concealed. Leonardo knows that if Hugo is willing to say it, he will say it; if not, then he only needs to let Hugo know that his friend has always been there. that's enough.

Hugo glanced at Leonardo, "I don't know." The deep exhaustion in the voice was revealed, "Because I am not sure whether my state is correct during the performance..." Hugo is not sure, his Was the loss because of Malcolm’s grief, or because of his own intricacies, "So, I’m not sure if the scene just now is correct."

I remembered the phone call last night again in my mind, Hugo put his right hand in his hair, and then stirred it a few times, his irritability could hardly be concealed.

Leonardo could feel that Hugo was troubled, but could not find a catharsis, just like himself in the past six months. Leonardo wanted to enlighten Hugo with a few words, but found that he didn't know what to say, because he was able to give Hugo too little help.

Leonardo was leaning on the wall with some worry and some depression, maybe being with Hugo now is the only thing he can do.

"Leo, you say..." After Hugo opened his head, he paused and fell silent for a long time, so that Leonardo couldn't help turning his head to look at Hugo, wondering why there was no Below. As a result, Leonardo saw the struggle and entanglement between Hugo’s eyebrows, as if a ball of wool was completely messed up after being played with by the cat, and he couldn’t even find the beginning and the end, let alone untie it. Up.

Leonardo almost thought that when Hugo gave up, Hugo's voice came again, "Because I am too afraid of losing, so I refuse to have it. Is this wrong?" The voice was lightly as if it fell gently on the sun. The butterfly, just glide slowly with the breeze.

"You mean, because you are too afraid of the end, you refuse to start?" Leonardo's interpretation made Hugo breathless, and when he interpreted it in this way, the sense of stupidity came to his face. Everyone knows that "refuse to start because they are afraid of the end" is the most stupid, most shameful and speechless excuse in the world, because there is no beginning, so what is the end? If you refuse to start just because you are afraid of the end, you will never know the result-let alone the process.

In fact, Hugo's dream is not the case. If you are afraid of failure, then Hugo should not start the road of a rock band; if you are afraid of ending, then Hugo should not try to become an actor; if you are afraid of losing, then Hugo should not stand under the spotlight... Because all this life will end sooner or later, just like life, after all, there is an end. It's just that everyone has autonomy in the journey from the beginning to the end-it is never the end to determine the scenery of this journey, short or long.

If you are afraid of ending, you should not start; if you are afraid of losing, you refuse to own. This is an excuse for everyone who refuses to fight for their dreams, and it is also the best excuse for cowards and losers.

Once upon a time, this was Hugo's firmest and most persistent belief, and it took him all the way to the peak, but now Hugo himself has proposed this paradox, which is simply absurd.

Leonardo saw the bitterness of Hugo’s mouth slowly spreading. Although he didn’t know what, he could clearly feel Hugo’s powerlessness and helplessness. After thinking about it, "Hugo, you know, in fact, we all understand the truth. We all understand the truth of life, the truth of dreams, and the truth of love. I believe you know these things better than I do... But the reason why we are not "Perfect human"," Hugo raised his eyes and glanced at Leonardo, both of them had smiles, "It's because of emotions that we can't control. To be more precise, even if we want to It’s impossible to control it. It’s like love. It doesn’t make sense. It starts at the beginning, like a tornado. Sometimes, you know that the other person is definitely not in love, and you know that the relationship is destined to be. It ended in tragedy, knowing that it was a taboo or even forbidden love, but still fell in love irretrievably. There was no reason or reason at all. No matter how great a philosopher, there is no way to resist it. "

Hugo raised his head and looked at Leonardo deeply. He originally thought Leonardo had said so deliberately, but seeing Leonardo’s clear blue eyes, Hugo knew that Leonardo Nardo is just a simple example. But this random example hit Hugo so hard that he couldn't help but curl up again.

Leonardo did not notice the slight changes in Hugo, but continued with a slight smile, "But this is the most beautiful place in love, isn't it? Because there is no way to predict the result; this is also the most life A wonderful place because of an unknown future."

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