
Chapter 2044: Lingering

Charlize poured herself a cup of coffee, and the strong coffee aroma wafted through the kitchen space, making her want to close her eyes and savor the aroma carefully. Sure enough, Hugo's coffee beans are always of high quality, which makes people love it-she brought this bag of coffee beans from Hugo Malibu Villa. Speaking of which, the habit of a cup of coffee every morning is because of Hugo. Cultivated.

Hugo always has this ability, unknowingly affects the people around him, before he can react, the pace has been adjusted to the frequency of Hugo. It won't make people uncomfortable, on the contrary, it has become a habit of oneself, making people laugh dumbfounded.

It's just that Hugo always said, "Coffee is a bad habit, I am a bad influence, you shouldn't learn from me", that smiled expression with a trace of playfulness and cunning, makes people can't help but laugh.


When Charlize realized it, he realized that he was standing in a daze in front of the coffee machine, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. This situation has occurred several times in the last two weeks, causing Charlize's heartbeat to be a little chaotic, and he was stunned for a while.

Since "Female. Devil" was finished, she has returned to Los Angeles. She originally planned to go to Long Beach to rest for a while, but the mixed thoughts in her mind made her feel inexplicably timid. She didn't want to go to the rain. In Guo's villa, even she herself couldn't tell the reason. But even so, staying in Los Angeles, she still thought of Hugo uncontrollably, and it seemed that every moment in her life could awaken the memories deep in her mind.

Charlize's heart shrank suddenly, took a deep breath, and shook his head, as if in this way he could get rid of all the chaotic thoughts in his mind. I picked up the coffee and took a sip. The mellow taste settled the irritability a little bit. I put the coffee on the coffee table and opened the door to see the newspapers and magazines neatly arranged at the door. These are the publications published today. He took it up by his waist, closed the door again, and started to read the magazine in his hand while walking toward the hall.

On the top is this month’s Variety Magazine. The cover character is the movie poster of Truman’s World. Over the past period of time, the heat wave caused by this movie has not dissipated. On the contrary, it is still accompanied by time. Elapsed and constantly fermented. Charlize temporarily put the magazine aside-such a professional magazine is very rich in content, you can read it slowly during the afternoon tea, and then Charlize saw the newspaper under the magazine, and suddenly stopped in his hand. .

I carefully looked at the front page headline, my brows wrinkled uncontrollably, picked up the newspaper alone with some annoyance, then threw everything else on the sofa, and carefully looked at the front page photos.

This picture is very familiar—because the protagonist is herself, and the other protagonist is the lingering Mr. Perfect. In the photo, she is sitting next to the window of a coffee shop, with a cup of coffee and a thick book in front of her; while outside the glass window of the coffee shop, there is a tall, well-proportioned man standing with a man's hands. He was holding a large bouquet of roses, which seemed to be at least fifty or so, and then smiled brightly at her.

Of course she knew what was going on, it happened the day before yesterday afternoon. She stayed at home a little bored, and then went to the bookstore to hang out for a while, and accidentally saw the book "Sense and Emotion". She didn't know why, so she bought this book in a wicked manner, and then Go to the coffee shop to enjoy a rare leisure time.

As a result, Mr. Perfect knew her whereabouts without knowing how, and then came to the coffee shop with a large bouquet of roses. The coffee house was designed in French style. Outside her location is a small flower bed. Although it is on the first floor, the foundation is relatively high, about a few feet above the ground. When she was reading, she suddenly felt that there was a commotion in the coffee shop. She raised her head and looked out of everyone’s sights. Then she saw Mr. Perfect standing outside. He caught her sight and faced her. With a bright smile, he lifted the bouquet.

Afterwards, Mr. Perfect started to sing "I will always love you" outside the coffee shop with his somewhat opaque voice. This song that became a classic love song accompanied by Whitney Houston, the lyrics are very meaningful. "If I stay, I will become your bondage; so I leave, but I know that every step I take will think of you, and I will love you forever."

Although Mr. Perfect’s singing is not perfect, or even out of tune, his little nervousness, timidity, and hesitation in singing make the happy, sweet, romantic and affectionate emotions in the song more beautiful. stand up. Many customers in the coffee shop were moved by Mr. Perfect, and some of the girls couldn't help tears in their eyes.

Later, Mr. Perfect walked into the coffee house, put the bunch of flowers on Charlize’s table, and left a card. After that, he said nothing or gave Charlize a chance to refuse, and turned around. Left. This chic and romantic move has become the talk of countless people in the coffee shop.

However, Charlize didn't feel anything, because she had no feeling for Mr. Perfect anymore, no love, no hatred. No matter how romantic, no matter how beautiful, no matter how sincere, it has nothing to do with her. In fact, this is not the first time. In the past two weeks, Mr. Perfect has arranged four romantic confessions, and she has been rejecting Mr. Perfect for the first three times. As a result, he simply refused to speak to her that afternoon. Opportunity, turned around and left.

This makes Charlize very helpless.

Finally, Charlize left directly, leaving the roses and the card in the coffee shop, not taking them away. She could even hear the heartbreaking voices of the young girls in the coffee shop, as if she had rejected Mr. Perfect as a heinous thing, but Charlize could not explain to everyone one by one, and almost fled in the end.

Originally, Charlize thought that this was the case, but he didn't expect it to be filmed by reporters and became the headline of "USA Today" today. Above the photo, she raised her head with a smile at the corner of her mouth, and looked at Mr. Perfect under the sun. The eyes of the two people just catered to each other, looking dreamlike and illusion, with the huge title "Old Love Burning, the old couples continue to lead the relationship", the persuasive power is simply broken.

Charlize couldn't help feeling frustrated, and recalled carefully, why did she laugh at the time? Think about it seriously. At that time, the smile at the corner of her mouth should have been outlined because of "reason and emotion." Her mood relaxed and her expression was naturally more relaxed. Before she realized it, her eyes touched Mr. Perfect. The result was taken out of context by media reporters.

This is the second time she and Mr. Perfect have been photographed in the past two weeks. Last time, the distance was a bit farther away. She was shopping in front, and Mr. Perfect followed not far behind, as if they were out shopping together. But in fact, Charlize went to fetch dry cleaning clothes that day. She didn't see Mr. Perfect, and she didn't know about it until she read the newspaper.

Charlize felt in a bad mood, she should have thrown the bunch of roses directly on his face at the time! She maliciously wondered whether Mr. Perfect had specially found these paparazzi and took these photos secretly to create public opinion and make everyone mistakenly believe that they were together, so that Mr. Perfect could pass the audition smoothly.

But after the anger, Charlize also knew that this possibility was not high. Although she had no feelings for Mr. Perfect, she knew that he was not such a personality. More likely, the paparazzi have been watching her whereabouts-since she came back to Los Angeles, she has accidentally filmed Mr. Perfect.

In fact, this is also the reason Charlize originally planned to go to Long Beach. Staying in Los Angeles is a target of a gun. It is difficult to clean it off completely. But when I think of the villa in Long Beach, the shadows of Hugo, the traces of Hugo and the smell of Hugo are everywhere. ...Charlize could only let out a long breath.

Looking at the front page headline of "USA Today" in his hand, I turned to the inside page and read the detailed report carefully. This made Charlize angrily. Sure enough, the uncrowned kings' ability to look at pictures and speak is not admirable. Obviously she and Mr. Perfect didn’t say a word, but the reporter completely made up the whole story. Even how they broke up, how they reunited, and how they reunited had a complete storyline. Charlize felt that these reporters would not go. Being a novelist is really a waste of talent.

Charlize threw the newspaper aside in boredom, but suddenly realized one thing: What would Hugo think if he saw this

But before Charlize came up with a reason, she denied herself first. Hugo would definitely not read this report... Even if Hugo saw it, what special thoughts might he have? At most, he called and teased himself, mocking his obsession with Mr. Perfect.

Charlize froze in place, took out other newspapers and flipped through them, and then wailed. Not only "USA Today", but also "San Francisco Chronicle" and "Seattle Post" also reported. this matter. Hugo's chances of seeing this report skyrocketed.

Charlize leaned depressed on the back of the sofa, she didn't know what she should do with Mr. Perfect, she had clearly rejected him, and they were completely over. But why does he seem to not understand? Do you really want her to meet with him once, and then spread out all the words face to face? Or should she stand in front of the media and criticize him in a fuss?

Thinking of this, Charlize couldn't help but feel a headache. She didn't know what was wrong with Mr. Perfect...

"Dingling, Jingling," Charlize was taken aback by the sudden ringing of the phone, and he jumped up from the sofa and hit his calf directly, grinning in pain.

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