Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 127 coins

Chapter 41 First Time in South Korea (4)

“Tell me about it. ”

-KTV station's "Hunter of the Day" has received a request to appear. I think they contacted us because they don't know Kang Sung-joon's personal contact information.

Seongjun knew about the program 'Hunter of the Day’. Not often, but I've watched it occasionally and it was the most famous Hunter Introduction program in South Korea, a small sign from KTV.

Almost all famous hunters from Class A and above had appeared on the Hunter of the Day.

- Choice is Kang Sung-joon's, but I don't think it's bad to be on the air once. It's very helpful for image making.

Hyunsung said, Seong-jun had thought calmly. From the moment he became an SS class hunter, he felt his reputation was sufficient because it was reported in the news or newspapers, but he also felt he needed some image making to build a guild in the future.

‘And for once, I wanted to go on the air. ’

When I was living powerlessly in the past, I sometimes saw the ‘Hunter of the Day’ when I had time. Every time I did that, Seong-jun had the feeling that he wanted to appear in the "Hunter of the Day" one day.

- Since you're taking a break for a while...... I think it would be a good idea for you to change your mind as well.

Leishvald helped Seong-jun sort his thoughts out. There was nothing special to do, because it was a break for a while, as he said. I think it would be nice to see celebrities' faces as well as make them feel better.

“I'll be in.”

Seong-jun made a decision.

- Then can I forward Kang Sung-jun's contact information to the station?

When Seong-jun made his appearance decision, the contact issue was allowed, but he carefully double-checked the status.

“It doesn't matter.”

We'll get back to you at the station in a few days.

The call ended, around 4 p.m., when a call came from an unregistered phone number, as Hyunsung had said. Since the KTV station was clear, Seong-jun took his smartphone to his ears without hesitation.

- Are you Kang Sung-joon?

Someone asked me politely from beyond my smartphone.

“Yes, I'm Kang Sung-jun. ”

- Ah, nice to meet you, Mr. Kang Sung-joon. I'm starring "Hunter of the Day."

The caller did not give his name, but briefly introduced himself. It was a woman's voice and as expected by Seong-jun, I was the Hunter Associate of KTV station today.

-First of all, on behalf of KTV, I wanted to thank you for allowing me to be a Hunter of the Day, and I wanted to reach out to you because of your schedule.

“Broadcast schedule? ”

- Yes, our production team is ready to schedule all the shots for you.

Because Class A hunters were busy and Class S hunters were prone to behave on their own terms, today's Hunters were accustomed to fluidly rescheduling their shoots for Hunters.

“Really? Good. ”

Seong-jun said honestly. Good is good. He checked the calendar on the side table. There were no special events for a while.

The dungeon was not requested either.

“I'm thinking of taking a break from the dungeon raid for a while, so I don't mind if you schedule it. ”

- Are you sure you're okay with this?

Cho asked again to confirm.

“Again, it doesn't matter. ”

Seong-jun comforted Cho. The sound of relief came from beyond the smartphone.

- So you'll be okay this Friday?

Choreography carefully asked without relaxing.

“That's a fine payment.”

- I'm sorry……!

“No, it's okay. Send me a message with details later. I'll be on time. ”

- Thank you so much!

After the call, Seong-jun received a message from Cho the exact schedule the next day. And it was Friday.

Seong-jun got up early in the morning and drove to KTV station after finishing the shower. After finishing parking, he called Cho Cho.

“This is Kang Sung-jun. This is a station parking lot. ”

- Ah, Mr. Kang Sung-joon! I just got to work. I'll be out in the lobby in five minutes!

The call didn't even end, but I heard a sound as if I was unpacking. Seong-jun put his smartphone in with a light smile and went into the building.

The lobby was equipped with a resting area. Seong-jun waited for Jo to appear while drinking a cup of coffee from the vending machine.

“Mr. Kang Sung-joon! ”

Someone called Seong-jun. Seong-jun turned his head in the direction of hearing his voice. A short, body-shaped woman with a shrine hung around her neck rushed to the door.

“You're Kang Sung-joon, right? ”

She asked carefully. I had seen Seong-jun on TV and on the internet, but I needed to confirm because it was my first time.

“Yes, it's me. ”

“Phew! Thank God! You're better looking than the pictures, so I guess I was wrong! ”

“Hahaha... I'll take your compliment. ”

Since there seemed to be no malice, Seong-jun replied with a smile. Seeing that, Bessie smiled slightly with her small fist.

“Oh! Sorry, I'm late for my introduction. I'm Ina Hyun, acting" Today's Hunter "! ”

I wanted to do something but forgot about myself.

“Yes, nice to meet you. ”

“And this is a temporary pass. This is the only way to get in and out. Don't lose it! ”

Nahyun gave Seong-jun a card similar to the size of the temple.

“We have a lot of time left. Would you like to see the station? ”

Nahyun asked, I still had a lot of time, including prep time for the broadcast. Seong-jun nodded. On second thought, I thought it would be better to watch the station than be idle in the waiting room.

Seong-jun and Na-hyun looked around the station for 30 minutes. Nahyun added a brief description of each place.

After watching the indoor studio, Nahyeon checked the clock.

“Hunter! I think we can go to the waiting room now! ”

“Please guide me. ”


Nahyun led Seong-jun to the waiting room. It was a private waiting room and the interior was spacious. Although it may have been instructed to minimize the waiting time, Seong-jun waited about 10 minutes, received makeup, and then went to the scene.

At the scene, everyone was waiting for Seong-jun.

“How do you do?"

It was winter, but a single woman in short trousers approached and greeted her. Seong-jun's gaze, who was talking to the PD, turned to her.

“I wanted to see you in person. ”

It looked like an idol to me, but unfortunately, I didn't know who it was because Seong-jun was not interested in it.

- I'm a member of the Idol group. I thought you were from Paju. It's not unusual to do the Lord a favor.

Lischevald explained. He was quite thorough.

“Nice to meet you, too. Locals.”

Seongjun also greeted the local with a smile. A bright smile spread in her mouth as she was pleased that the first SS-class Hunter in South Korea knew her name.

“Please take good care of her today. ”

“I'll do the same for you. ”

Soon the PD announced the start of filming. The shooting went smoothly. PD emphasized Seong-jun's humanity.

“Well done!”

After the shoot, the background cleaning started. I was about to take a step away from the scene after a short conversation with Seongjun PD.

The area stood in his way. She passes her number to Seong-jun shyly and disappears. Seong-jun went to the parking lot without saying anything and registered her phone number on her smartphone.

- Are you going to call him?

Lischevald asked. Seong-jun opened his mouth with a light smile.

“If I'm judged to be of benefit. ”

* * *

Imperial Special Forces Command.

A blonde man in uniform was walking down a long corridor slaughtered by elite Ranger soldiers. He was Bolt, the chief commander of the Imperial Special Forces survey unit.

He was investigating a dimensional disconnect in the Empire called a 'two-way transition’ and discovered something important, and was rapidly making his way to the location of the commander, Earl Ares, to report it.

“I am Bolt, Chief Investigator. Clear a path."

Bolt insists, but the SEAL officer stands in his way.

“The Commander of the Special Forces is speaking with Count Anpelico, the Imperial Horse Tower. I was told not to interfere. ”

“Will you tell him I have something to report urgently? It is an issue related to metachronous metastasis. ”

“I'll get it to you right away. ”

One of the rangers guarding the gate went inside and relayed Bolt's message. He comes out after about three minutes.

“You may go in. ”

He sends a distress call, and two other officers open the door and Bolt rushes into the Commander's Office. As the special forces officer said, there were Ares and Anpelico in the administration room.

“Did you say you had something urgent to report on the transition? ”

Ares asked. In the Empire, what is happening now is called a "two-way war" due to the siege of Seong-jun's Awakening Dungeon. The empire was dealing with a serious problem because the damage caused by 'two-way transitions' was accumulating over time.

“At the site of the transition, I noticed several sword wounds and requested analysis of all the towers with higher level analytical abilities. ”

“Is it a result? ”

Ares blinks and asks. I just remembered I received a progress report. Bolt opens his mouth with a calm expression.

“Indeed. In my analysis, more than half of the horses in the tower have concluded that I am certain of the swordsmanship of the greatest knight, Rowkel. ”

“Is that true? ”

“Yes, the Knights Brigade confirmed it once again. ”

“Rowkel... is back?" ”

Ares' eyes falter. If he returns with the most powerful sword, the current empire will suffer catastrophic damage.

“It can't be. Rowkel's death was confirmed at the Imperial Horse Tower, and it turns out there was no apprentice. ”

Anpelico said.

When Rowkel lost his life in the battle of the Great Plain of Lidonia, the Imperial Horse Tower identified the body and tracked down the disciple.

“But I know this phenomenon started in this world. Isn't it possible that Rowkel might be hiding something in this room? ”

“It's unlikely. ”

“Roel...... that sword Rowkel had! Are you sure you're keeping that? ”

“Of course. I'll check it out now. ”

Anpelico pulls out the crystal ball and connects the communication to the Imperial Horse Tower. It was stored in the Black Imperial Horse Tower, retrieved from Rowkel's corpse.

- Lord Horse Tower, I just checked!

The High Wizard's voice comes from the crystal ball. His voice was trembling thinly. Anpelico had no choice but to feel the anxiety rising.

“Roel should be fine, right? ”

- It's gone.

Everyone lost their words. This was the moment when Rowkel's return was confirmed.

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