Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 128 coins

Chapter 42 New discoveries in Hill (1)

Class S dungeons are uncommon, so sometimes there was competition when they appeared. What Seong-jun is going through right now was the case that there was competition.

“It is now confirmed that another guild has taken ownership first. ”

Hansoo, who has been Seong-jun's successor for some time, recently announced that he is attempting to take over a Class S dungeon from another guild.

Seong-jun frowned.

Class S dungeons were not unexpected, as they were rare, but they did not feel comfortable about the competition.

“Priority…… I think I have something. ”

“Yes, I'll figure out the quantity now. ”

“You don't have to. Please use them all. That should be enough, right? ”

“Th-that's enough, of course... Are you sure you're okay? ”

Cow asked to confirm this. At this time, the number of first ownership of Seongjun was not small. You might think it's a waste to use them all, but Seong-jun nodded without hesitation.

“It doesn't matter. I'll go home and wait for you, so just let me know what happens later." ”

“We'll get back to you in two hours. ”

Seong-jun returned to the officetel and spent time on the Hunter dotcom. I was ambitious and tried to target a Class S dungeon, but it was not a common class.

And exactly two hours later, Cow called.

- Hunter! Class S Dungeon First Occupied!

She gives the good news in an excited voice. Seong-jun was relieved. Although he used all of his first ownership, he could not guarantee the results. If the opponent uses more first possession, it is a losing contest.

“Really? That's good. ”

- We have scheduled as soon as Hunter asked.

She said.

“What is the approximate schedule? ”

- Three o'clock in two days!

“Very well. Good work. ”

I didn't feel a bit fast, but it was also true that Seong-jun asked me to catch him early and I rested long enough, so I didn't leave anything out.

It was my first time in a Class S dungeon. Although Seong-jun is said to have excellent combat strength, the Class S dungeon is wide and takes a long time to target. So he visited Hunter's Mart after a long time and bought what he needed.

Time passed quickly, and it became 3 p.m. two days later. Seong-jun finished all the preparations and appeared at the entrance to the dungeon.

“Mr. Kang Sung-joon? Can I go through the last verification process? ”

A staff member from the Dungeon Administration who was waiting politely asked. The verification process before entering the dungeon was important even if Seong-jun became an SS class hunter.

“Here you go. ”

“I see. You're clear to enter. ”

Seong-jun showed the Hunter's license to the staff. After a simple confirmation procedure, Seong-jun was able to enter the dungeon.

- Warp gate.

Lischewald says that there is an unusual warp gate, like an S-grade dungeon. Seong-jun went up to the Warp Gate without saying anything and ran a magic spell. Then the white flashing light flooded his vision.

When I woke up, I was in a completely different space.

“Fort type dungeon...?

There is a huge fortress about 300 metres away. And on the way to the fortress, I felt a lot of horsepower.

“I think it's a golem. I'll ask you to scout.”

- At the Lord's command.

Lischewald pauses. And after about 10 minutes, I came back.

- Iron Golem.

Lischevald reported the reconnaissance results.

“Golem types are a bit annoying.... ”

Iron Golems are tough to deal with, but they're big enough to be an SS class hunter and a user, so they're just annoying opponents.


- All together. Stage nine. If the Lord approaches, they will attack in unison.

“You mean ambushed? ”

- Yes, but it's already been discovered by me and the Lord.

In an ambushed situation, the advantage is lost considerably.

“Let's go.”

Seong-jun and Lischevald walked to the place where the Iron Golems were ambushing. As Seong-jun approached, the earth shook like an earthquake as the Iron Golems were ambushing the ground.

- Intruders!

- Unacceptable!

Unlike Stone Golems, the stone golem is equipped with a magical voice. They are more agile than stone golems like Class A magic. Suddenly, all 9 stages appeared.

A stage I had swung at me with a sharp pickax attached to my arm, and the rest fired a steel projectile the size of which seemed to put together several adult male heads.


Seong-jun sent the blast to come after the Iron Golem, which narrows the streets to him first. Though the Iron Golem is agile, it was difficult to avoid the attack of Seong-jun's error, which was more than 50% of the tune.

The attack aims for exactly where the Iron Golem can't escape.


The Iron Golem deploys an evasive maneuver, but eventually his right leg collapses powerlessly as it is severed by the assault.

As the gigantic body collapsed, a heavy rumbling was delivered to Seong-jun.

“Shield. ‘

Steel projectiles were blocked using shields assigned to the Dragon's Blessing.

- Coming.

Rishvald warns. The golems have begun to charge towards Seongjun as the ranged attack is blocked. Seong-jun raised his sword with a calm expression. Soon his body disappeared.

Bang, bang! Bang!

Seong-jun showed up again. The Iron Golems, destroyed by the Nuclear, collapse powerlessly.


Seong-jun regained his strength and magic with 'Absorption’, then moved on to the fortress. There is no magical power left in the fortress.

The lookout guarding the road seems to have all the Iron Golems.

- It's steel, and it's imprinted with defensive magic.

Reaching the gate, Leishvald finished his analysis and reported. Imprinting Defense Magic on the Steel Gate increases the Power Elixir, but it had no great significance before coming.

Seong-jun carved the gate with the sword with the error and entered the fortress.

- Living Armor.

Lischewald reports that hundreds of Living Armor have surrounded Seong-jun, with numerous horsepower reactions that are frightening to enter the fortress.

Among the living armor, the command ranks classified as Class A horseshit were also seen for more than 20 years.


While Living Armors were closing in on the siege, Seongjun calmly called Lischevalt.

- Go ahead, Lord.

“Can I tear Living Armor's armor with a tuning sword now? ”

- The armor worn by a normal living armor, which is just a Class B horse, is not very thick. We should be able to clear it with a Gust Blade or a Storm Blade.

In Rishvald's statement, Seong-jun nods and raises his sword. Living armors, who were looking at the opportunity as they drew up their magic, closed the streets in no time.

Among them, one of the commanders, along with 19 other Living Armors, passed to Seong-jun.


Seong-jun joined the fight to cultivate a command rank and infiltrated beyond the 19 living armor.

“Storm Blade.”

As you spit out the starter fish, the machete thumps in fear of swinging the sword. Living armors collapsed powerlessly, leaving only commanders in thick armor. They were not even opponents of Seong-jun.

Seong-jun slashed them with a dazzling sword. The Living Armor commanders were also excellent swordsmen, but it was difficult to cope with Sungjun's swordsmanship.


Sung-joon, who even wiped out the Commander's Living Armor, ordered Lischevald to scout the dungeon. Soon, Leishvald returns from reconnaissance.

- I think there's a facility in the basement. The door was locked and there was heavy magical interference that prevented me from getting in. Maybe there's a boss.

“Do you have the key? ”

Seong-jun asked. If I didn't have the magic key to open the door to the basement, I had to use the 'Angel's Universal Key'.

I thought that was a bit of a waste.

- It has a resistant tower. On top of it is a small box with a key in it.

Lischevald replies:

“Then I'll go there first. Guide me.”

- Yes, sir.

Lischevald led Seong-jun to the fortress. On the way to the fortress, countless Living Armor and Iron Golems blocked their way, but Seongjun was easily defeated.

The problem was that the fortress was very spacious. It took me five hours to get to the tower through combat.

There was no magic in the tower. Seong-jun went up to the top and took out the key that was being stored in the box.

“Now take me underground. ”

Seong-jun went with Lischevald to the basement. In the Mansion of the Resistance, there was a small iron gate leading underground. It was small, but I had to use the key because it was imprinted with a powerful defensive magic to defend against the error.

You feel a terribly strong horsepower reaction opening the basement door and going down.


Seong-jun used the Hidden Items to launch a surprise attack and killed the pilot.

- Intruders?

It was a voice made of magic. Living armor stands in the dark under a still, shining torch with a giant sword.

- Master class living armor.

Among the living armor, the master class was classified as a lower tier, but it was a tricky one to deal with because it was classified as a Class S horse and uses a higher quality sword and error armor.

‘It's not stage one. ’

I saw two more stages. A total of three, each armed with a sword, longsword, and spear. Although Seong-jun tried to kill him, he neglected and eliminated him due to prolonged combat, and master-class living armors detected a hidden magical flow.

- Armor!

They turn on their arms and raise their weapons in unison.

We need to ambush them now!

Lischevald has spoken. He is not wrong. If I hesitated a little longer, I could have even been caught.

Seong-jun acted instead of answering Lischevalt's words. You narrowed your distance for a moment with a master class living armor with a longsword. A high-speed maneuver frees you from hiding, but the target, a master class living armor, is too fast to respond.


- Oh, my God!

Seong-jun cut down a master class living armor with a longsword as he fights. Although Armor was protecting the whole body, Seong-jun's error was unfortunately stronger. He collapsed and the other two stormed in, but Seong-jun responded with a counterattack mixed with deception.

The remaining two collapse within minutes. However, I was on the side of Seong-jun for a long time.

“How far is it to the boss' room? ”

- Assuming your battle speed, you have 10 more hours to go.

I sighed, but Seong-jun continued to attack the dungeon. I took a break for about two times in the middle. Because of the ‘absorption’, even though I had a short rest, my health and magical strength were low.

- This is the boss' room.

Lischewald says you can feel the powerful magic within you.

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