Swordmaster Healer

Master healer, 139.

Chapter 45 Vladimir (4)

“Can you really be quiet? ”

Seong-jun asked a meaningful question to the president. The president nods with a faint smile.

“No matter how much they say it's Russia, we can do that. ”

The president answered confidently.

“Director Na Joon-Heat will help. ”

“Thank you, Mr. President. ”

“You don't have to thank me. because I don't know what it is anymore. They'll say you don't know if you're going to guess in Russia. ”

“That's reassuring.”

Seong-jun smiled. It wasn't the direction I wanted, but there was a solution to the problem. After a short conversation with the president, Seong-jun drove with Jung Jung to the mansion.

“Which direction will you go? ”

Jeongchul asked, he was not curious, but he asked because it was something he needed to know in order to assist Seong-jun with his strength.

“The Korean government has decided to remain silent. ”

Seong-jun delivered what the president had said to Jung-cheol. Jeongchul was quick to see the meaning of ‘silence’.

“‘Silence’... You avoided the worst. ”

I could also think of a time when the ROK government would stop Seong-jun from seeking revenge on Russia. Of course, if that were the case, Seong-jun would go to America without hesitation.

“So you're going to infiltrate Russia? ”

He was asking if he was going to attack the ‘headquarters’. However, Seong-jun shook his head. Attacking the entire Russia from the start was too risky.

“First, I'm going to send a ‘warning’. ”

“Warning…? ”

“I will destroy all the Russian Nodes in Korea. ”

In Seong-jun's answer, Jung-cheol nodded and opened his mouth.

“I heard that the Republic of Korea is a strategic center, so Russia and China have a lot of information nodes. That should be enough warning. ”

I arrived at the mansion. Jeongchul got off with Seong-jun after finishing parking in the garage.

“But do you know the location of the Node? Russian intelligence agencies are moving in secret, so it won't be easy to get information. ”

“The White Tiger and the National Guard have agreed to help. ”

Their support was clear because it was what the president himself said. It's mostly about information aid, rather than providing direct help.

“I don't know about the White Tiger, but was the National Guard really that capable? I first noticed. ”

After the Dungeon Raid incident, the repurposed State Department has often been judged incompetent. Russian intelligence agencies, on the other hand, were excellent intelligence agencies.

“At least you know a little about enemies invading your territory. You only need to know a few places. Let's raid the Node and gather information. but there's a slight problem with the slime tissue. ”

“I heard that foreign nodes at the Russian intelligence agency are connected to each other. It's an inefficient way of working, but that's the way it works. ”

I heard something while running a railway private intelligence agency.

“If it's connected...... If you attack one, the other Nodes will be ready to respond, too?" ”

Seong-jun asked. They have now taken the stairs to the second floor terrace. The conversation continued in the cold breeze of the late evening.

“Probably, right? Of course, we will dispose of all data associated with other Nodes immediately after informing them that they are under attack. It won't be easy to get the data. ”

“I wouldn't have to worry about that. It'll all be over in no time. ”

A cold smile spread over Seong-jun's mouth.

“Sung-jun Kang! I have a visitor. I heard that you are Na Jun-seong. ”

A janitor came up to the terrace and said, I thought there would be a sub-row visit because I promised information support, but it was faster than I expected

“That was quick.”

It was the same idea with the train.

“I'm going back to ward B. ”

Jeongchul thought he could distinguish between places he couldn't. He leaves for Dong B and climbs up the terrace of the main residence through a spacious garden.

“Nice to meet you, Na Jun-seol. ”

“Yes, it's been a long time. ”

Semi-heath sat on a chair on the terrace with an answer. He takes out an envelope from his arms and puts it on the table.

“Is this it?”

Seong-jun asked me a question, and I nodded and opened my mouth.

“Yes. This is the location of the Russian Intelligence Agency Node we have located. Due to the stealth duck, we were unable to acquire any information other than location. ”

“All you need is a location. Even if I had an S-rank hunter, I could kill him. ”

Seong-jun replied with a confident voice. He was an SS class hunter. I also hoped that a Class S Hunter would be waiting for me.

It was clear that if you kill it and absorb its magical power, the tune will increase a lot.

Seong-jun took the map out of the envelope and searched quickly. There were quite a few Russian Intelligence Bureau Nodes that were spotted in the National Guard and the White Tiger.

“You mean this isn't everything? ”

“That's right.”

Joon-Yeol replied: How many Russian intelligence stations are there in the Korean territory? Seong-jun was not a patriotic young man, but he shook his head because he was ridiculous.

“If you attack the Node and hand over the collected data to us, we can decipher and analyze it to determine the location of the next Node. ”

Despite the recent inadequacy of the National Guard and the creation of the White Tiger, it was an intelligence agency. If I couldn't do this much, I had no reason to exist.

“Thank you for the information. It was very helpful. ”

“Since when do you intend to commit? ”

“We'll start hunting tomorrow." ”

In the cold life, like the winter breeze leaking out with the answer, the semi-temperature swallowed dry saliva.

It was just a little leak, but it was enough to make him nervous, a Class S Hunter.

‘The Russians woke the beast……. ’

It was a semi-seal idea.

* * *

Seong-jun decided to attack from Seoul. Three days after he decided to hunt, he wiped out all the medium-sized nodes of the Russian intelligence agency in the capital.

I didn't even touch a small Node of two or four because I thought it was a waste of time.

The only medium-sized nodes that could be thoroughly warned and cause damage to Russian intelligence agencies were attacked and exterminated first.

At least 5 people stayed or were active at the Medium Node, but no one could escape Seong-jun's blade.

“Here's the information I got. ”

Seong-jun communicated information to Semi-heat. After opening the envelope and looking at the contents, Semi-heat opened his mouth in a surprised expression.

“More information than I expected. ”

There was a lot of data that Seong-jun handed over. There was no specific mention of the location of the Node.

However, you can match the data to determine the location of other nodes. The materials handed over by Seongjun were enough to specify the location.

“Usually when attacked, they'll incinerate the data...... How did you get it? ”

“I killed them all before I incinerated the data. ”

Seong-jun answered a semi-seal question. It was a simple and clear answer.

“I see.”

“When does the analysis end? ”

Seong-jun urged the sub heat not to be like him. It was because they received information from the train that Russian intelligence agencies were aware of the attack on the Node and were preparing for it.

“It ends today. ”

At the end of the semi heat, the phone rang in Seong-jun's smartphone. Seong-jun checked the smartphone screen.

The person who called was Eun Joo. I heard that the mansion had been attacked a while ago, but I didn't answer because I was having an important conversation with Semi-Heat. He put his smartphone back in.

“Do I have to answer the phone? ”

“I'm in no hurry. Was there anything more to say in Russia? ”

“The Russian Intelligence Agency's Node was not a legitimate procedure in the first place. Protesting means acknowledging the existence…… which makes Russia in trouble too. ”

Semi-heath replied, "In Russia, formal protests were not possible.

“There has already been an informal protest...... but the President is keeping ‘silence’ as promised to Mr. Kang Sung-jun. ”

“With the president keeping his word, I can rest assured that I can continue hunting the Russians. ”

“Are you planning to attack a large Node now? ”

Seong-jun nodded and opened his mouth.

“If you can locate them and deliver them to them, they'll attack immediately. ”

“Can you take one of them alive and hand them over to us? ”

Semi-heat asked me to.

The National Guard and White Tiger did not have much information about Russian intelligence agencies. This time, I learned more about it than before by handing over a large amount of data obtained by Seongjun while attacking the Node, but it was still lacking. That's why I was going to torture a Russian agent alive for more information.

“It's not that hard. ”

“I will deliver the information by tomorrow morning, no later than tomorrow. ”

“I understand.”

After the conversation, Sub-heol left the mansion. Then at 11 o'clock that night, a semiheater came back and handed him an envelope of documents.

“I've located a large Node. It's solid information, so you can trust it. ”

Sub-heol left the mansion again after saying that. Seong-jun entered the locker room set up in the mansion and opened the envelope.

I don't know why, but the map was divided into several pieces and a small enclosed paper envelope with instructions on how to fit the map.

The location of a large node at the Russian Intelligence Agency was revealed when Seong-jun mapped.

- You're closer than I thought.

As Rishvald said, the large Node was located not far from Seongjun's mansion. Although Seong-jun didn't know it, he was the one behind Vladimir and Nicolai when they attacked the mansion.

“We can attack now. ”

- I'll be on patrol.


While Rishvald was on patrol, Seongjun ordered Shin-chul, Jang-hoon and Jeong-chul to strengthen the fortification of the stronghold and left the mansion. Soon, Lischevald joined us.

- We're done scouting, disguised as illegal gambling grounds, and we're looking at about 40 agents. Most of the facilities are underground. Finally…… we have one Class S Hunter.

Lischevald reported the existence of the most intimidating Class S Hunter, but there was no change in his expression.

“I'm just gonna go and kill them all. No exceptions.”

At 54% coordination, he had the power to overwhelm even a class S hunter. He breathes calmly, then opens his mouth, pulling up his magical strength.


His appearance melts into the darkness as the item's effects manifest. I even erased his existence with Rowkel's unique technology. The hunt for the beast is about to begin.

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