Swordmaster Healer

Swordmaster Healer 140 Coins

Chapter 45 Vladimir (5)

Seong-jun quietly walked to the Russian intelligence agency's Node disguised as an illegal gambling den while staying hidden.

- Major facilities are underground, but there are also some facilities in the illegal gambling parlor for disguising the ground. I think it's a good idea to prioritize underground attacks.

Lischevald expressed his opinion. I couldn't open my mouth because I was hidden, but Seong-jun thought the same thing. He narrowed his distance to the illegal gambling parlor.

There were two guards guarding the entrance to the illegal gambling den, and they didn't even care to speak to each other.

- They're both hunters. It's Class E, but your muscles show you've mastered lethal arts. Hunters don't look like that with normal training.

Seong-jun examined the security detail. Lischewald opens his mouth again.

- Must be a Russian intelligence operative.

Although their value as hunters is low, hunters of Class F or E are fundamentally superior to ordinary people in their physical abilities. That's why special training makes for a great murder weapon.

Rather than training ordinary people, he often scouts low-key F or E class hunters from intelligence and security agencies in Dungeon Raid.

‘I think the Russian intelligence agency is right...? ’

There is no way two Class E Hunters can read the readings, so you approach and overhear the conversation.

Korean was definitely not and not English. It felt different from French and German. I could be sure that Seong-jun was Russian.

‘We can call for reinforcements, so we need to deal with it immediately. ’

Seong-jun carefully pulled out his sword so that he could not hide. You swiftly stab the nearest guard in the neck.

The guard is released, but he doesn't notice his presence until his throat has been pierced by Seong-jun's sword.


As the pain comes later, he vomits blood and collapses helplessly.

“Th-think! ”

Another guard tried to respond, but his movements seemed to have stopped when compared to Seong-jun. The thrown dagger digs deep into your chest.

At the same time, Seong-jun threw himself into the illegal gambling den. You didn't spend much time cleaning up the body.

There were no odd guests in the illegal gambling den.

‘Rather, it went well. ’

It's a good thing we don't have to distinguish between enemies and ordinary people. That's what Seong-jun thought.

He quickly stepped on the law. There are two Class B Hunters nearby. You wield your sword, closing your distance from them.



I fell scattered red blood without stopping Seong-jun's attack.


Someone shouted in Russian. He didn't understand, but he realized that he had been discovered. Hidden places were unlocked when the guards were taken care of at the entrance, and now we have only a matter of quickly reducing the number of enemies.

The sound of an intruder's voice resounding with a terrifying move is fierce. There seemed to be a lot, but there were items worth using in this case. Seong-jun raised his left hand, pulling up his mouth tail.

The green jewel on your left hand glitters.

“This is a scent that calls for death. ”

When Seong-jun recited the starter language and injected his magic power, the poison spread at a rapid rate. Suddenly, the illegal gambling den was filled with poison smoke.

Few guests had already evacuated, so there was no hesitation to use the 'scent of poison’.

The poison spreads, and the agents inside the illegal gambling den collapse shortly. It was a magical venom of a trait that did not work for hunters of Class S or higher, but was deadly for those who possessed the magical powers below.

- The ground is extinct.

Lischevald finished reconnaissance in three minutes, then reported. Seong-jun nodded and opened his mouth.

“How do I get to the basement? ”

- I'll show you.

Lischevald leads you to the stairwell below.

- A large number of people are building a defense line. You'd better be careful.

“Got it."

Seong-jun thoughtlessly replied and threw himself down the stairs. The movement is so fast that the agents who were building the perimeter react only after his feet touched the ground.

“Shoot it, shoot it! ”

Seong-jun was already there when the agents pulled the trigger. It was not necessary to use the shield, an optional skill of the Dragon's Blessing.

When Seong-jun wielded his sword, everyone bled out and fell.

“Oh, fuck! ”

There was one Class A Hunter. He was the only one who avoided Seong-jun's attack. But that was it. He couldn't avoid the sword that Seong-jun stabbed again.


Grade A Hunter collapses, spewing blood with a painful look. Seong-jun's gaze turned towards the closed iron gate.

He raises his jaw. The real hunt was about to begin.

On the other hand, he was preparing to incinerate important data under the leadership of Class S Hunter Jansen.

“Burn it! ”

“Reports of a breach! ”


Jansen, who was in charge of the data incineration, was appalled by reports of a subway breach.

“What do we do now? ”

“It's just a finale. ”

Jansen answers his subordinate's question. The only way to get to the ground has been taken over, and we have no choice but to fight and die.


A flying dagger pierces the neck of an agent pointing a machine gun at the door. Blood splattered red.

“Uh, where is it? ”

“Idiot! Over there! ”

The wall is breached where Jansen pointed his hand. I read the pilgrimage from beyond the wall and threw a dagger with the error and hit my neck.

Jansen is appalled by the mysterious dagger catapult. He could barely detect a wit the moment the dagger flew in.

‘It's at least Class S... … maybe more…! ’

He grips his teeth and pulls out two daggers. I had some expectations at a point when I lost contact with the ground in fear of an attack, but my enemy level was too high. I can feel death writhing in close proximity.



The wall collapsed with a loud bang. Then something jumps in, cutting deep into the nearest agent's abdomen.

It wasn't until after the agent was defeated that Jansen realized that Seong-jun had broken in. He throws a dagger. I couldn't figure out the movement, but I threw it where I could feel it.

Am I hit?

I thought I heard a dull sound. It was not a mistake. Jansen thinks he injured a strong enemy and likes it. But...


Seong-jun quickly healed his wounds and targeted Jansen. All other agents, except for him, have already died.

The agent who was incinerating the data was also lying on his desk bleeding.

“Yikes! ”

After realizing what was left, Jansen bit his lip with enough blood to leak out. It was unfamiliar to face a strong enemy.

Although it is said to have received intensive training, it was not easy to remove fear in this situation.

- All enemies underground have been eliminated. I don't think there will be any reinforcements... It would be a good idea to get rid of it quickly with a welcome sword.

Lischevald said, "Sung-jun nodded and performed a high-speed move." The distance from Jansen was quickly narrowed.

“Welcome sword.”

He calmly raises his magic and opens his welcome sword. Jansen fell with 31 welcome swords, splattering blood all over his body without even defending himself.

“Yi, I have no resistance.... ”

The last words Jansen left before he died. He was also a class S hunter, so his pride was very strong. The first defeat that came to him who had lived without knowing defeat was accompanied by death.


Seong-jun used the absorption of Jansen and agents' bodies. I was satisfied when my health and magic were restored.

Congratulations. Fifty-five percent tune.

Lischevald reports a tune-up. Seong-jun smiled and took the data immediately before incineration. And then he left the Node.

* * *

In a week, Seongjun destroyed all the medium-sized and oversized nodes of the Russian intelligence agency distributed throughout Seoul and Korea and killed agents.

There was a commotion at the Russian intelligence agency. The damage was unimaginable. Three large and 21 medium nodes have been destroyed and over 250 agents have been killed, including Class S Hunter Jansen.

“What is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs doing? ”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has requested action from the Republic of Korea.

“We don't have a choice. ”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was forced to shake its head when it formally complained to the ROK government, admitting that it had illegally built an intelligence agency base in foreign territory.

There was no way.

“Only a small Node remains. This means that you will not be able to spy on and tamper with one of the major allies in the United States. ”

Information agencies have also expressed their position. It was a big problem for Hunters to become unable to spy on foreign countries in a deepened dungeon raid society.

The Russian government had no choice but to deal with this.

He tried to negotiate informally, but the South Korean government and the president remained silent and did not speak up. So the Russian government was more frustrated.

“An informal envoy has arrived from the Korean government. ”

A diplomat visited Kremlin Palace at the Korean Embassy in Russia the following week after being informed that a medium-sized or larger Node had been disabled.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent senior diplomats to entertain Korean diplomats. The two diplomats gathered and sat face to face in the reception room without the attendants.

“Nice to meet you.”

“It's been a while.”

The two diplomats greeted each other. A Korean diplomat opened his mouth to get to the point first.

“I'm here on an informal matter today. ”


“In the meantime, you've built a lot of intelligence stations in the Republic of Korea. ”

“I don't know what you're talking about. ”

Russian diplomat Yamchimi has been dismissed. Korean diplomats smiled. The reaction is anticipated. He gives a calm look.

“If Russia had nothing to do with this, you wouldn't need my message. ”

The eyes of the Russian diplomat flashed in the words of the Korean diplomat.

“What is it? ”

“A courier arrived in Cheongwa not long ago. I thought it was an explosive, but it was a voice message. And that was a warning. ”


“Yes, a warning against Russia. ”

The Korean diplomat clearly communicated in a calm voice. Russian diplomats listened while swallowing dry saliva.

“Go on. ”

“It was a warning from Kang Sung-jun. a warning that if the Apple Gate of the Russian Intelligence Commissioner does not arrive within a week, the attack on the mainland will begin. ”


Speaking of Russian diplomats has increased. He got up out of the chair in excitement.

“Are we declaring war on Russia? ”

“That's not it. This is Kang Sung-joon's will, and we can't control him. ”

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