Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 167 coins

Chapter 52 Righteous Shield (4)

“Let's go. The car's waiting outside. ”

“Now, wait... ”

Leah grabbed his hand and dragged him out before Seong-jun even replied.

Instinctively, Leah was magical, but as an SSS-grade hunter, she was also strong. The resistance was crushed and Seong-jun was dragged away powerlessly.

If I tried to resist, I could hold out until the end, but I was excited about receiving SS grade items, so I decided to follow them.

“Over here!”

A black sedan stops at the spot Leah pointed at. Seong-jun drove with Leia to the airport.

The distance from New York to Washington was not close, so I had to take an airplane to get there quickly.

I boarded an aircraft from the U.S. government and arrived with Leia at an airport on the outskirts of Washington. Two people were waiting at the airport.

“Get off first. You're the main character.”

Seong-jun nodded and stood in front of the aircraft entrance. Then the crew opens the door with a smile.

“Welcome to Washington. ”

When the entrance door was opened, Seong-jun took a step to the stairs connected to the aircraft.

Starting at the end of the stairs, the ceremonial procession continued into a high-end generation with the flags of the United States and South Korea.

“You're too welcome. ”

“prepared by the U.S. government. If it wasn't for you, New York City would be wiped out. Of course it is. ”

At Seong-jun's words, Leia replied with a clear expression. I looked down, feeling fluffy underneath as I was afraid to move my feet, and there was a red carpet all over.

I looked around and saw a lot of cameras whether they were from the station or not.


“This is America. ”

Leia said, waving her hands naturally. She was used to this.

“Why don't you wave a hand? You're the man today. ”

I waved my hand looking at the camera. Camera directors from each station tried to capture a little more of New York's hero.

They wanted to shoot Seong-jun in a closer place, but they couldn't because the airport staff stopped them.

“You can go down now. ”

When Seong-jun waved for a long time, Leia said. Then Seong-jun went down the stairs.

He moves to the elite squad under the chairman's banner. When he got in the back seat, Leia got in the back seat.

“Are you going to the White House with me? ”

“Yes. Yes. ”

Leah answered Seong-jun's question with her gaze fixed on the front. When SSS-grade and SS-grade hunters started talking, the driver looked nervous and grabbed the wheel.

As soon as the vehicle exited the airport, it started running toward the White House.

“What's the matter? ”

Leah glows curious eyes, thinking silently.

“I didn't expect to send an SSS-grade hunter on an escort. ”

Seong-jun replied, Seong-jun was still not raising her voice because Leah didn't use the zone.

“You're not like other hunters. It's special.”

“Something special?”

“It's growing fast. You could be SSS class for sure. I told the U.S. government I wanted to meet them. I'll take the escort. ”

Laya smiles at Seongjun through the rearview mirror. Seong-jun shook his head with a short sigh.

She worked closely with the U.S. government, but never did anything she wasn't interested in. The US government would have sent another Hunter if Leia hadn't been interested in Seong-jun.

“I don't do things I don't want to do. ”

In one word, Leia was able to determine her position in the United States.

She was in her early 20s, but was the only SSS-class hunter in the world. Although the international treaty said she could not join the military, her value was high.

The United States took on a number of Sillies economically and diplomatically, just because she was a hunter who could cope with the SSS-grade Raid at any given time.

“We're here.”

The driver announced his arrival at the White House. The guards in suits rushed to open the door of the passenger seat and back seat so that Seong-jun and Leia could comfortably get down. When the two of them got off, the driver drove away somewhere.

“Let's go.”

“Where are we going? ”

Like the first time I met her, I grabbed her hand and headed somewhere. The guards followed you two. Now it's all made up of hunters.

“To see the President. ”

Leah said, still lacking explanation.

“Can I go armed? ”

When I met a foreign president, Leia shakes her head and opens her mouth, even though Hunter would normally give me weapons items.

“It's okay because I'm here. ”

I felt confident in my voice. For Leia, an SSS-grade hunter, this level of confidence was not a luxury.

Maybe she thinks she can defeat him with less effort against Seong-jun.

‘At least I won't lose. ’

Seong-jun was also very confident. Although Leia will be overwhelmed by magic and firepower, the killing technique that led to death was dominated by Seong-jun, who had a memory of his previous life on the battlefield for decades.

Leia has also mastered combat skills in the Central Hunter, but not the level of Rowkel's sword.

You have to hold on to the long and short, but at least you have the confidence not to lose in vain.

“Ms. Leia. I'll show you.”

“I don't need it. ”

The White House staff rushed out to guide themselves, but Leah shakes her head and grabs Seong-jun's hand.

He seemed familiar with the interior structure of the White House. She and Seong-jun went forward without hesitation.

Finally, Leah stops in front of a door stamped with luxurious decorations past the long corridor. She turns her head to Seong-jun and opens her mouth.

“Over here.”

It was the Presidential Office. I felt a small number of popularity within. Seong-jun calmly folded his face and opened the door.

The man standing at the door first noticed Seong-jun and came to me with a happy face. The short haired man in the suit with glasses was Korean.

“Greetings. I'm Lee Sin-tae, the interpreter. It is an honor to meet you, Kang Sung-joon, who is a proud Korean. ”

Shin-tae was short but intense.

“While you're at the White House, I'll be translating Kang Sung-joon. ”

“Ah... I see. ”

Seong-jun nodded. There was one particularly visible person among those who looked beyond the shoulders of the pregnancy.

A loving face was an impressive American president. I saw it on TV a lot, so I could recognize it quickly.

“Sung-jun Kang. Welcome."

President Aiden welcomed him. He spoke English, but Shin-tae gave him a translation next to him. In fact, it wasn't a simple greeting that required an interpreter.

“Greetings. I'm Kang Sung-jun. ”

Seong-jun shook Aiden's hand and replied. I speak a little English, but I feel comfortable speaking Korean because I have an interpreter.

“I want to talk to Kang Sung-jun quietly. Would you all excuse me? ”

At Aiden's words, the crowd in the Oval Office gives a sad look. They all wanted to meet Seong-jun, a hero in New York City.

“I'll make arrangements later. ”

“I understand.”

“Please, I'm begging you. ”

Aiden promised me a seat. The president even made a promise, and we all had to leave the office with our regrets.

Now there are only Aiden and Shin, and Seong-jun and Leia left in the office.

The pregnancy remained for the translator, and Leah was not easily controlled by the president.

She bends around the office and sits comfortably in a fluffy chair.

Aiden sighs for a short while, but there is no unpleasantness. Rather, my eyes warmed as if I was looking at a playful daughter.

“Would you like to sit down?”

Aiden's gaze was on Seong-jun. He was the president of the United States, but his attitude towards Seong-jun was respectful.

Actually, I had to. The fact that Seong-jun is an SS class hunter was worth a lot of money. But there was no harm in being cautious beforehand, as it was most likely to become SSS class among existing hunters.

“Excuse me.”

Seong-jun treated Aiden with respect. He has acted according to his opponent's manners.

“I really appreciate what you're doing in New York City. On behalf of the United States, thank you. ”

“I just did what needed to be done. ”

I took Celia, but I helped her. Seong-jun said, wrapped appropriately, and delivered the identity as it was.

“If it wasn't for Kang Sung-jun, Leia and the Location Guild would have arrived late. It would have been a big hit in New York City. At Beta headquarters, Kang Sung-jun said that more than half of New York City would have been destroyed without his help. ”

At Aiden's words, Seong-jun nods.

The United States was not a common class of SS hunters. There were no SS class hunters near New York at the time, and Caliac, an Orc chieftain, who was classified as an SS class horse, appeared at the Dimensional Gateway.

Raids spread like wildfires if you lose control of the batteries early. Hunters in New York alone would have been tough.

“You remind me too much. ”

Although speaking modestly, there was a smile on Seong-jun's mouth. Compliments always feel good.

“The President is right. I think I've captured the Orc Tribe so easily that they look weak. With that kind of magical power, I could barely win with four Class S Hunters like Eden. But before I got there, there were only three Class S Hunters near New York City. ”

"Leia's right. ”

Aiden nods and shakes his head at Leah's words. The United States also had a lot of S-class hunters, but they were not able to deploy them evenly across the United States because they were free.

The United States was still somewhat evenly deployed due to the large number of government hunters.

“I see.”

Seong-jun answered with a smile. I was taking it lightly, but it was worse than I thought.

“It's clear that Kang Sung-jun caused only 10% of New York City damage. Many lives and property were saved, and this is appreciated by everyone. ”

The compliment is not over. I felt good, but there was something else Seong-jun wanted.

“That's why I'm going to give Kang Sung-jun one of the eight SS class items in the United States, 'The Righteous Shield’. ”

“A righteous shield? ”

“That's right.”

Aiden nods. When Leah first told me she was giving me an SS class item, I thought it was half a joke. So I felt like catching a big fish.

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