Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 168 coins

Chapter 53 Presence of the binomial system (1)

"Righteous Shield."

It is one of eight SS class items owned by the United States. A necklace-shaped item that was named 'Shield’.

Nevertheless, the reason it was named Shield was because the ‘Absolute Shield' technology was optional.

I used it or didn't see it, but I saw it on Hunter .com

“I don't know if I can take it. ”

It felt good, but it was also burdensome. This was only the second time the U.S. had given an individual an SS class item, including Leia's staff 'takeover’.

“If it's not Kang Sung-jun, who will receive it? ”

“Has this been decided by the Council? ”

“Of course. My directors are limited. ”

The parliament thought it would be good to pay back and please Seong-jun.

“Then I'll thank you. ”

Excessive specifications were an excuse, and I nodded my head eventually because it might change Aiden's mind.

“Since this is an SS class item, there will be a ceremony. We'll do it as soon as we can, but it'll take a few days. In the meantime, stay at Blair House. ”

“Isn't that for domestic use? ”

Seong-jun asked. I've heard a few times about Blair House.

“It's okay. I'll stay there when I get here. ”

Leah sneaks in. Aiden smiles and opens his mouth.

“From today, we will treat Mr. Kang Sung-joon as‘ Guk Bin ’. A hero of New York, of course. ”

“Thank you."

“I've taken up too much time. Hunters have heard that after a dungeon or a raid, they need to get some rest. I won't take any more time. I'll be sure to tell those of you who just left. ”

Sintae told me what Aiden said. Seong-jun nodded. I didn't need a long rest because of the ‘absorption’, but I thought it wouldn't be bad to take some personal time.

I also had to contact the guild because my stay in the United States was longer than I expected.

“I'll show you. ”

Shin-tae leads the way. As the two of them try to leave the office, Leia, who was watching quietly, gets up from the chair and follows behind. Seong-jun's gaze was on her.

“You're going to follow me to Blair House? ”

“I told you, I'll sleep there when I get here. ”

“Yes... ”

Leah replied with a clear answer, "Why do you ask?" Seong-jun nodded. I heard Blair House has a lot of rooms, so I don't think I'll be bumping into her.

“This is it.”

Following the democracy, you arrive at Blair House. A member of staff working there escorted me to the final assigned room.

- No wiretaps, no surveillance cameras. There is no problem for the Lord to stay.

Lischevald, who has been guarding the silence so far, quickly searches the interior of a large room and reports.

Seong-jun looked at the room calmly. The statue that had been vacant for a while came.

“Sung-jun Kang. I'm next door, if you need me. I'll be waiting.”

It was the US government's concern for Seong-jun, who was unfamiliar with the English language, that the interpreter was assigned to the room next door. Leah can't find her when she disappeared.

“Has Leia gone somewhere else? ”

“She's so liberal, she's probably picking her favorite room by now. ”

Renaissance replies. It's not uncomfortable to say bad things like that. You get to be taller in your early 20s, so you don't understand.

If Seongjun had become the only SS-class hunter in Korea with no memory of his previous life, he would have been arrogant.

He was in his mid-20s, but only in the shape of a Class S Hunter who was killed.

However, Leah was not a bad person because she had a unique personality and acted on her own terms.

“I want to rest. ”

“Yes, please call me if you need me. ”

Seong-jun did not say long, but the intention was conveyed. Shin-tae nodded his head and retreated from Seong-jun's room.

He was left alone in a large room, sat in a fluffy chair and took out his smartphone. I called Soohyuk, my father first.

I briefly explained to him that I had come to the United States for work. The second person who called was the one person.

- Kang Sung-joon?

“How are things in the guild? ”

Seong-jun asked. Hansuk took care of the guild-related matter while he was away. It was originally commissioned by Jung, but now Han Seok was more reliable because of the 'Rune of Loyalty’. While Seong-jun and Han-suk were both absent, Jeongchul or Shin-cheol were in charge of the overall management.

- No problem.

“What about your father's security? Anyone suspicious? ”

- Security is flawless, no suspicious activity around.

Han Seok replied with a confident voice. Although he was miserably beaten by Seong-jun, he was ranked the S-rank hunter in the Republic of Korea.

There were not many skilled men who could evade his eyes. At least there's no suspicious movement around the mansion.

I was relieved to hear that the Semi-Heat will move the White Tiger to keep an eye on things happening far away from the mansion.

Despite their deterioration, they were armed intelligence agencies and the Republic of Korea was home ground.

Minimum safety will be required.

“Yes. Keep up the good work. ”

- I'll do my best.

Seong-jun hung up the phone scared that Han-suk's answer would end. Due to the ‘Rune of Loyalty’ effect, Han Seok was obedient to Seong-jun.

“Who else could it be...? ”

I reached out to Nam-jun-chul, the head of the White Tiger, and finished one more request about the safety of the mansion. Seong-jun muttered while searching for smartphone contacts.

- Shouldn't we call Yoon Seol Ah?

“That's not so bad either. ”

At Rishbalt's words, Seong-jun nodded and shook his head. I thought it wouldn't hurt to have a close relationship with the grandchildren of the Blue Dragon Group who have a deep relationship with politicians. He called Seola without hesitation.

- Ah... Kang Sung-joon...

I felt like I was waking up and answering the phone, but soon my voice was revived.

- I saw on the news that there was an SS class raid in New York. Are you hurt?

SS class Raid was not uncommon, and the U.S. government reported on the New York Raid on all news channels whether they decided to make Seong-jun a hero.

Although Leia was the one who was most active in achieving MVP, she was able to come because of Seong-jun, which led to the report that the appreciation of the American people for Seong-jun increased every day.

“I'm fine. How are things in Korea? ”

- Yeah, there's nothing wrong with the guild.

She was in charge of the Lord's Guild secretary, but she was not busy because there were not many guild members.

So I was able to work with the company. Even if it was a guild job right now, it was all about helping a few guild members match up the dungeons they were going to and delivering the stable stones they had promised to the Blue Dragon Group.

- I have some good news for you.

Seola caused Sungjun's curiosity.

“A good thing? I have no idea... ”

I'm the Guild Business Director now.

Seola told me that she was promoted from the guild planning office to the guild business division in recognition of her achievement in the contract with the Lord's Guild.

“Really? Congratulations. ”

Seong-jun sincerely congratulated me. Seohya's promotion was also a pleasure to Seong-jun.

The higher she gets from the Blue Dragon Group, the easier it will be to see the convenience of the Road Guild.

It was Seong-jun's heart that wanted to make her chairman of the Blue Dragon Group if possible.

- Thanks to you. Thank you. Thank you.

I felt sincere in Seong-jun's voice. So Seolja was happy. The love for Seong-jun was deepening over time. His position as head of the Guild Business Division also had a lot of influence.

“You did your best, Yoon Seol. You don't have to thank me. ”

- I wouldn't have tried without Kang Sung-jun.

She always tried her best to impress Yoon Tae-suk, the grandfather and chairman of the Blue Dragon Group, but she couldn't reach it. Since the day I met Seong-jun, she started to glow.

-Thank you.

Seong-jun didn't answer. I could feel a light smile coming from behind my smartphone. But soon she stops, and her voice is heard instead.

- Please come back soon. It's empty without our Guild Master. I don't like being alone.

I didn't feel drunk. Perhaps the dependent personality that was hidden inside her has awakened a little.

Seong-jun had a little more conversation with her and hung up.

It would cost a lot using the international phone, but it was not a problem for Seong-jun. I felt someone's reflexes as I sat on the chair and rested.

Knock, knock.

When Seong-jun raised his head, I heard a knock. I was familiar with it, but not with it.

Seong-jun opened his mouth nervously because he was not confident in English.

“Come in.”

I was bad at English, but I could do a simple painting. When he speaks English, the door opens and a blonde woman walks in.

Seong-jun was relieved to see the face of the person who came in through the door. She was Jennifer.

Jennifer, a class A magical hunter from the Central Hunter, was fluent in Korean, although she did not know how to interpret magic. It was a good thing we didn't have to talk in English or call it in.

“Jennifer. What's going on?”

“I will be translating Kang Sung-joon. ”

“Isn't Lee Sin-tae in charge? ”

During your stay at the White House, it was clear that Shin-tae will be the interpreter in the presidential office. Jennifer smiled and opened her mouth when she asked.

“There was an incident a while ago. I was assigned a special chief of staff, and there was a replacement for the translator. ”

“Special Room? ”

“Yes, it was created this time. In fact, it is a department for Kang Sung-joon's assistant. ”

The special control room was an unusual division created by Lewis, head of Delta Headquarters, to support Seong-jun.

It was a part of how important the U.S. government and the Central Hunter Agency were to Seongjun.

“Oh… is that right? ”

“Sort of. I took over Lee Sin-tae's room. Let me know if you need anything. ”

“I understand.”

Seong-jun nodded, and she smiled and left the room. Then Seong-jun was able to rest. And then a few days passed.

I wasn't much of an English speaker, but Jennifer was close enough to translate it so I didn't have any discomfort during my stay at Blair House.

And finally, it was that day that I decided to receive the SS class item 'Righteous Shield’.

The ceremony was to take place where Aiden's inauguration was held. After leaving Blair House, the chairman in uniform welcomed Seong-jun.

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