Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 169 coins

Chapter 53 Presence of the binomial system (2)

U.S. President Aiden pledged a state-of-the-art honor. Seong-jun felt that it was not poverty.

As I climbed the elite generation under the chairman's banner, I made my way to the helipad. There, Seong-jun and Aiden took a helicopter dedicated to the President of the United States, Marine One, to the ceremony. A squadron of assault helicopters escorted Marine One on the move.

“We're here.”

Aiden and Seong-jun came down as the escort went down first to check the safety. Leia was also accompanying me because she was bored.

After getting off the helicopter, the memorial service was close, and I went on foot, with the President of the United States, Aiden, who was heavily guarded.

There were a lot of people at the ceremony. I thought it would be crowded, but it was surprisingly well organized. They were all excited to see Seong-jun and the ‘Righteous Shield’.

“I'll go ahead and do something else first. Jennifer will be your guide. ”

Aiden leaves with the attendants first because of the preparation of the award ceremony.

“Sung-jun Kang! ”

Someone approaches with a familiar voice. Turning around, Eden is there.

“Shouldn't you be in New York? ”

“I applied to the ‘Righteous Shield' convoy because I wanted to thank Kang Sung-jun. Other than me, two Class S Hunters have been mobilized for security. ”

The ‘Righteous Shield’ was a rare SS class item in the world. A Class S Hunter's security was imperative because someone could try to take it.

“Thank you again. Thanks to Kang Sung Joon, my crew didn't get hurt much. ”

Eden bows. Since Seong-jun was an SS class recovery hunter, the power of 'Hill’ was considerable. Thanks to this, the damage of Eden's maneuvers has been minimized in New York. Eden was grateful for that.

Since Seong-jun was a highly combat recovery hunter, the hunters who were with him were always less damaged.

“The award ceremony is about to begin. It looks like you'll need to move to a location. ”

As I was talking to Eden, time passed quickly. Jennifer, who checked the watch, lightly rushed Seong-jun.

“I'll be going, then. ”

Eden hurries back to his position. He could not stay away for long because he was on the duty of guarding the 'Righteous Shield’.

“Let's move on.”

“I understand.”

Seong-jun replied, and followed Jennifer who was taking the first step.

“Shouldn't we be rehearsing? ”

Seong-jun asked. Though the ceremony seemed to require rehearsal due to its large size, Jennifer shakes her head.

“Rehearsals were separate. ”

“Is that right? Is it okay if I don't attend?" ”

“Kang Sung-jun didn't have to attend because the route was so simple. An employee will then guide you through the microphone. ”

After finishing the explanation, Jennifer handed over the radio with the earpiece connected to the microphone. It was not difficult to wear

The microphone was then plugged into the ear and moved to the waiting room. I waited for the start of the ceremony while drinking a drink in the waiting room.

- I'll scout the perimeter.

There were also attendants in the waiting room, including Jennifer. That's why Leishvald was unable to speak with Seong-jun.

Lischewald decides to scout the area, whether it was difficult to stay still. Leah returns to the waiting room while he makes reconnaissance. He seemed to have lost interest while wandering around the ceremony.


She sat next to Seong-jun without saying anything and began to touch her smartphone.

‘Leishvald is late. ’

An hour has passed. A simple reconnaissance would have been the time to return. He wasn't worried because he was in a spiritual state, but I thought he might have found something suspicious.

On the contrary, Lischevald's face was dark as he returned shortly after thinking about it.

- State troops, there are a large number of Hunters who are thought to be ‘enemies’ around the ceremony.


I can trust a reconnaissance scout from Leishvalt. Seong-jun called Leia. Leah, who was focusing on her smartphone, looked up to Seong-jun.

“What's going on? ”

“Can't you feel the strange magical power? ”

“I don't know. ”

Leah shakes her head. She was the only SSS-class hunter in the world, but she couldn't keep track of the drift of faraway magic at all times.

- Two klicks north. And there's a large group of people in the eastern three-quarters. We will retrieve the exact coordinates now.

Lischevald was quick to notice. I knew that Seong-jun could not give the instructions separately, so I assumed and acted on his intentions.

Like a loyal deputy who had performed Seong-jun for a long time in his previous life, his guess was never missed.

Seong-jun gave Leia and Jennifer the coordinates that Lischevald gave them.

Leah closes her eyes and focuses her mind for precision detection. Jennifer picks up the radio to make sure the central Hunter's Station has deployed troops at those coordinates.

“Yes, that's right. Hunters are gathering. ”

Leia confirms that there are hunters gathering at those coordinates. It's quite far away, but being as focused as an SSS-grade magical hunter, it shouldn't be too difficult to capture the magical response.

“I've confirmed that this is not a backup rally point. The hunters gathered at the coordinates that Kang Sung-jun gave me are irrelevant to the U.S. government. ”

Jennifer finishes her final check. Not affiliated with the U.S. government, they were not affiliated with, nor were Hunters asking for cooperation. In other words, it is "uninvited guests."

“I heard you thoroughly inspected the 5 km radius…… how did you get inside……. ”

Jennifer whispers to herself and reports to the central hunter's office. Soon after, the citizens attended the ceremony were escorted by the police and the Central Hunter's reserve and standby troops moved.

Mysterious forces also realized that they had been discovered and initiated action.


You hear an explosion nearby. Seong-jun simultaneously sensed living in various places. The waiting room door opens and a guard rushes in and opens his mouth.

“What's the situation?”

“We're under heavy attack from the west and south! ”

The guard answered Jennifer's question. Enemy forces appear to be on standby near the west and south, where Rishwald was unable to scout.

I thought you said the radius 5 was perfectly inspected. What the hell is going on here? ”

Jennifer stumbles upon a Central Hunt Bureau agent waiting in the waiting room. He bows and opens his mouth.

“There seems to be a traitor inside. At least I'm in charge.”

The institutions involved in the award ceremony were the CIA and the Central Hunter's Office. They guarded the 5th radius thoroughly.

None of this would have happened if it weren't for the betrayal of our internal leadership.

“What happened to the ‘Righteous Shield’? ”

Seong-jun asked. It was clear that the enemy was targeting an SS class item, a righteous shield.

“It is to the south where the most intense battle is taking place. Without backup, we'll be surrounded in 10 minutes. ”

“What about Mr. President? ”

This time, Leah asked.

“They're being attacked as well, but it's not dangerous. ”

The guard replied, and Seong-jun cleared his head of the situation. A short time ago, it became clear that the enemy was targeting a ‘righteous shield'.

Even U.S. President Aiden was under attack, but it was only two moves to disrupt the award-winning guard. The main force will be aiming for a righteous shield.

“What happened to the enemy forces in the east and north? ”

Seong-jun asked.

“Our reserve troops are intercepting. Reinforcements are coming this way as well as U.S. Marines and the National Guard. ”

As the U.S. President Aiden and SS class items gathered together, a sufficient number of reserve troops were on standby within a five-point radius of the ceremony in preparation for this situation.

Thanks to them, the enemies of the east and north did not flock to the ceremony.

“I'm going to see the president. ”

Leah disappears from Seong-jun's sight without even hearing from the others. Suddenly, I was gone.

It seemed to be some kind of short-distance leap magic, Blink. Seong-jun's gaze was on Jennifer.

“Do you know where the righteous shield is? ”

“I don't know where. But he'll let you know when he asks. ”

She had access to a lot of information for a good reason, because she was the head of the Central Hunter's Office.

“Leah's gone, so you'll be safe. I'm going to go to the Righteous Shield. ”

“I'll go with you. I'll run a location now. ”

“Very well.”

Seong-jun welcomed Jennifer to join him. This was an English-speaking US, so Jennifer needed an interpreter. If Shindai continues to interpret, he will not be able to follow easily.

“Location viewed. ”

“Let's move on.”

When Jennifer and I came out of the waiting room, I could see at a glance the convention hall was wide enough to accommodate more than 10,000 people outside the window in the hallway.

It was a massacre. An American government troop was engaged in a fierce battle with raiders.

The helicopter squadron was busy flying, and the raiders were pouring into the convention hall, and their numbers were ridiculously handing over 300 of them.

- Mixed with Imperial swordsmen.

Most were hunters or mercenaries, but some saw Lischewald use Imperial swords.

It was also seen in Seong-jun's eyes. You don't seem to belong to the Knights Brigade, given that no one is spreading the sword.

I thought it was more likely that I belonged to a special forces or dimensional maneuvers.

- It's clear the Empire is involved.

Ryshwald said that the battle of the Great Plains of Lidonia had left Rowkel dead, and the Empire and the Alliance had dispatched troops to Earth over a long period of time. Some of them have infiltrated the high ranks of the country, but it is not strange.

‘The question is.... ’

Even U.S. President Aiden could not avoid the suspicion of Seong-jun. Dodging the eyes of the CIA and the Central Hunter, it was clear that a high ranking member of the U.S. government was involved in an empire or an alliance of factions.

‘Not now... ’

Seong-jun shook his head. It was not too late to find out the traitor later. Aiden's not an idiot.

If he wasn't the culprit, he would have noticed the higher-ups were involved in this raid. For now, keeping the 'Righteous Shield’ was the top priority.

It would be unfair to lose it. ’

Seong-jun thought, "It would be unfair to take it away from you when it's yours soon."

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