Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 273 coins

Chapter 84 The Grim Reaper (3)

“We've lost contact with command! ”

“Oh my God! The command is on fire! ”

The forward command barracks were large and glamorous in the name of the Noble Order. So it burned better and I could see it from afar.

“Any contact with other troops? ”

“We lost power! It looks like some of the Communication Nodes have been disabled! ”

Units in the battlefield were not noticed, but relatively in the rear were attempting to communicate, realizing that forward command had been hit.

The forward command no longer exists. Even the communication node has been destroyed more than half of the time, so even attempting to contact other troops did not communicate well. The Imperial forces are in chaos and the landing forces have begun counterattack.

“Guild Master!”

Jung Cheol came to Seong-jun who smashed up the rear commander. Hunters from the maneuvers are backing him up.

Even a class A hunter couldn't act alone in the field with the Imperial Army, so he needed the support of a full-powered Hunter maneuver.


Seong-jun greeted Jeongchul as he wiped the blood off his cheeks. Hunters from the maneuvering squad accompanied by the train have been alerted, but they've already cleared out the area, so there's nothing they can do.

“The guild members have arrived. ”

Jung-cheol reported. Seong-jun nodded with a satisfied expression. There were two Class S Hunters in the Road Guild. It was never less power.

“Form additional maneuvers from Class B or higher. Park Jung-cheol is in charge of the deployment. ”

“Guild Master. I have some basic training and practical experience in military command, but I've never operated a tactic in a battle of this magnitude. ”

“Trust me when I believe in you. Don't worry too much. Take command. ”

Seeing Seong-jun speaking with a calm expression, there was an infinite trust in the railway.

“I won't let you down. ”

I felt a firm determination in Jeongchul's voice. He returned to the command post immediately for a unit to act with the Lord Guild.

“Where should we sweep up next...? ”

Although it may seem like you're asking yourself questions, the answer was actually given in the current situation where a communication node flew in with forward and rear command.

- I think it's best to intercept the long-range wizard squad in the rear.

Lischevald suggested. It was close to the right answer for Seong-jun. He nods and heads to the place where the rear ranged wizards might be stationed.

The military deployment used primarily in the Noble Order was clearly remembered, so it was only a matter of time before we could find them.

“Ha, the White Devil is here! ”

“Do your best to stop them! We must not retreat! ”

The commander of the Wizard's Battalion urgently requests assistance, and a nearby escort moves in.

About 20 elite troops stood in front of Seong-jun. It was made up of elite knights, first-class assassins, and great wizards.

“Wind Blade.”

I narrowed it down for a moment. Dozens of accompanying machetes attack the enemy.



The elite knights who were guarding the 1st rank fell bleeding out. Not all of them fell by the gale swords, because they were elite. Some defend with the shield to come.

The first killers who were waiting in the second row lifted their daggers and flew into the sky, and the two Grand Wizards completed the attack magic.

Dozens of memories poured out, sharp spears and red fireballs aimed at Seong-jun's heart and headache.


Seong-jun used Blink. Fortunately, this time there was no such thing as a class SS Great Magic and a level of Dimensional Control. There was no deterrent, and Seong-jun showed up behind them so easily.

“Wind Blade.”

Once again, application swordsmanship was expressed. This time it was a whirlwind sword.

The whirlwind, which carries a sharp blade of machete, eggs the bodies of the two wizards first.



Two Grand Wizards have fallen. Although the first responders returned late, all the elite knights were beaten by Seong-jun.

“The end.”

Seong-jun swung his sword at the top killers. Along with the bloodshed, the firstborn fell helplessly.

- Only the Wizards are left.

Lischevald reports that what Sung-jun is after is a group of wizards responsible for long-range attacks from behind.

They were mostly those with little melee combat ability. Even the escorts were wiped out, so it was clear that if Seong-jun, who has the strength of the sword, entered, would not last long.


About -200. There are about 10 Grand Wizards, but I don't think the Lord cares much.

Lischevald, who went on a preliminary reconnaissance during the ongoing battle with elite troop escorts, reported the results to Seongjun.

Ten Grand Wizards were a powerful force, but it was meaningless in front of Seong-jun the Swordsman. It was just a powerless sacrifice.


After absorbing their stamina and magic from the fallen corpses, Seong-jun moved to attack the Wizard's army.

With the situation wiped out by the main guard, there was no force to stop him. 200 regular infantry troops travel to buy time, but are breached within 3 seconds.

“The White Devil has broken through the final defense line! ”

“Is this‘ Sword ’...? ”

The officers of the Wizard's Battalion were appalled at the terrifying speed of march. Seong-jun has infiltrated deep before they even made a move.

“Welcome saboteur.”

At the same time as the evolution, a high level of application sword, welcoming biopsy, was expressed. Some wizards cast a defensive spell, but shredded the shield of the Welcome Black Magical Power with a powerful error and split the wizard in half.

It was less than 10 minutes before the Wizard's army deployed in the rear for a long-range magic bombing.

In just 10 minutes, the horns scattered with fatal damage.

“The bombing has stopped! ”

“Charge the assault helicopters and advance the armored troops! ”

The command post's officers were also busy moving. The chaotic situation was stabilizing rapidly, thanks to Seong-jun's proper deployment of a Hunter Maneuver unit that had originally reorganized the attack on an elite Imperial troop.

Armored forces advance with the support of the assault helicopter squadron and Hunter maneuvers.

With Seong-jun's actions, the majority of the elite Empire troops were annihilated or engaged in fierce combat with Hunter Maneuvers.

And the Imperial Army's ordinary troops could not stop an armored chariot of heavily armed chariots.


Absorbed health and magic.

- 87% tune rate.

By slaughtering so many enemies, you can see a 1% increase in tune.

- Guild Master.

The voice of the train flows from the radio on your shoulder. Seong-jun was taking a breath after defeating another elite force of 30 imperial troops.

I know a convenient technique called 'Absorption’, but it was inevitable that the battle would consume little health and magical power over time.

“I'm listening, so tell me. ”

Land forces are closing in on the Imperial forces. The Non-Dragon Knights have also suffered damage from the attack of helicopter squadrons and air saturation.

“Any vulnerabilities? ”

- We're slowing down on the right, but there shouldn't be a big problem. We now have an additional strike helicopter fleet departing from the 1st Airborne.

Jung-chul said, Seong-jun cleared his mind and opened his mouth.

“I'll back you up on the right. Send a squadron of assault helicopters to take control of the skies. ”

Most enemies threatening to land have been eliminated. Although there were a handful of Special Forces left, it would have been difficult for the Dimensional Maneuvers mobilized to evacuate and deploy Hunters at this time.

With more attack helicopter squadrons deployed, the amphibious forces began to overwhelm the Empire forces in skirmish.

Countless numbers of non-dragons fall scattering red blood into the air.

- Imperial advancement has been completely destroyed.

The voice of the train flows from the radio. He continued to inform Seong-jun of the progress of the battle as he watched the footage coming from the command post from a squadron of unmanned scouts.

As the chaos subsides, the artillery begins firing at the rear of the Empire Army. Imperial troops suffered near annihilation by elite troops had no means of stopping the artillery.

All the wizards were either dead or off the line. Although the basic doctrine of the Imperial Army does not permit retreat, there were clearly those who fled from the eye of the viper.



A cannonball drops from the sky relentlessly, and an aerial missile blows through the wind and strikes the ground.

The majority of the elite troops were wiped out before the overwhelming modern weapon of firepower.

* * *

There was a middle-aged man in uniform who was carrying heavy steps along a long, long corridor.

He was Kyle serving as a liaison officer in the Imperial Army Command. He was the Noble Order and held the title of Baron Joon.

As he makes his move, he stops at the gate guarded by a heavily armed knight. A wooden door was engraved with a luxurious symbol.

“The Imperial Commander is doing an important job right now. We don't have time for regular reports, so if it's not urgent, why don't you come back tomorrow? ”

The knight said politely. But Kyle shakes his head.

“I have an urgent call. We need to report to the Empire Army Commander right away. ”

“Very well. I'll pass it on. ”

The knight carefully opens the door and informs the Imperial Commander inside that a messenger has arrived to deliver an urgent message to Earl Renkal.

“Tell them to come in. ”

The voice of Renkal. The knight nods and opens the door wide. Kyle steps calmly into the Imperial Commander's office.

“Emergency call? ”

Renkal bites, throwing a sharp glance. Excessive work made him nervous.

“The Earth's armies have landed. ”

“I'm sure you have enough Imperial troops stationed in each of the cracks designated by the Imperial Horseman, Count Anpelico…… Did you land somewhere unexpected? ”

“That's not it. The Earth's armies have landed in the region where Earl Aures was defended…… but Earl Aures was defeated and the highest commander, Earl Aures, was killed. ”

“Wha...?" Earl Aures would have included the Non-Dragon Knights! You mean the Earth's armies are so powerful? ”

Renkal shakes his head. I couldn't believe it.

“A full report will arrive shortly. The troops have been annihilated. The closest Arencia troops are on their way to intercept. ”

It was fortunate to have landed in Arencia far from the capital. But it was not a great comfort. Renkal bites his lip with enough blood.

“Ask the 13th Circle for the support of the Sword.... ”

The Empire needed to deploy its greatest weapon of war, its swordsmanship.

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