Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 274 coins

Chapter 85 The Beginning of True War (1)

After their first victory against the Empire Army, the continental forces began to build a massive campaign to defend the Dimensional Gateway.

There were also magical hunters in the Landing Army, and building the Jinji took place at a rapid pace.

When the Arencian militia approached, they were already halfway there, so they were unable to make any attempts at an assault.

“Guild Master, the Chief of the Landing Army is here. ”

Han Seok, who was briefly assigned as Seong-jun's deputy on behalf of Jung-chul, came to the barracks carefully to report while handling other matters.

“I called for you. Let them come in."

“I understand.”

Soon after Han Seok left, a stone, which is currently in charge of the landing army, walked in. The gaze that remained in the book turned to him.

“Do you know why I called the Chief of Staff? ”

Seong-jun asked. Seong-jin opened his mouth with a stiff face.

“I'm guessing. ”

“Then I'll get right to the point. The Chief of Staff ignored my advice and consequently suffered heavy casualties. How do you take responsibility?"

The gemstones were not easy to answer. I knew it would come from Seong-jun, but I was hesitant about how to take responsibility.

“With the authority of the Landing Army Commander, I am relieving you of your duties as Chief of Staff in this section of time. And the problem of disobeying my orders and causing damage to the landing force will go to military trial. ”

I wanted to impose more discipline, but this was the best common sense in modern society.

If he was the greatest knight in the empire, he would have cut his head off with his own sword.

“Yes, I understand. ”

“Colonel Lee Han-kyu will take over now. Hurry up to prepare your handover. ”

“It won't take long. ”

“You should be. We're at war. You cannot leave the Joint Chiefs of the Landing Army for long. ”

Seong-jun said in a resolute voice.

It did not take long for Hangyu to inherit the Chief of Staff authority, as he said.

Although his‘ colonel ’status was briefly problematic, those who opposed him had to nod soon after Seong-jun, the commander of the Landing Army, strongly argued.

Most of them were in favor of him, and his position narrowed as the landing troops took heavy damage.

Exactly three days after Seong-jun made his decision, Hangyu came in person and reported that he was succeeded as Chief of Staff.

“There's a lot I don't know. Help me a lot. ”

“No, thanks to you in the previous battle, the Landing Army was able to win. Without you, we would have lost even the Dimensional Gateway under heavy damage. ”

It was Han Kyu who raised Sung Joon appropriately in a calm voice. He was thinking about Seong-jun well.

Seong-jun was curious as to why he instructed Jung Chul to investigate Han-kyu. As a result, it was reported that Hangyu's parents lived in Paju at the time of the southern reign of the winter monarchy.

This explains some of the reasons why he likes Seong-jun.

“How was your morning reading? ”

“Otherwise, I was going to report it right away. An unmanned scout has identified a large armed force stationed nearby that appears to be Imperial forces. Give the order to attack and we'll move the troops. ”

“Are we within range of our ranged attack? ”

Seong-jun asked me a question.

“It's within range of the missile, but beyond range of the rifle, the rifle, etc. ”

“Missiles can be intercepted by wizards. If you enter firing range, you can launch an attack, but a missile attack is a waste. ”

Bombardments such as purple shells and artillery can also be protected by magic, but they can't be coated with magic to defend the entire garrison, so they could do little damage unlike missiles.

“I'll relay instructions to each unit. ”

“But you should do regular reconnaissance with an unmanned scout. ”

“I understand.”

Hangyu nodded and replied with a strong voice. Unlike the gemstones, I didn't feel bad because it seemed to follow me sincerely.

“Very well. You may return to your command." ”

Seong-jun said. After saluting with a robust gesture and leaving the barracks, Seong-jun calmly pulled the chair close to him and sat down.

- Shouldn't we contact the Liberation Army?

Lischevald said cautiously.

- If the Liberation Army supports elite troops, it will be easy to deal with the Empire in future battles.

“I'm sure of it…… Even in previous battles, we barely stopped the elite force of the Empire with Hunter Maneuvers……. ”

I had to nod and admit it. In the absence of Seong-jun, it was true that Hunter troops alone were difficult to deal with elite Empire troops.

- There must be a Liberation Army Node in Arencia.

He nodded and agreed to what Rizwald said. But there was one fatal problem in implementing that plan.

“That's a good idea, too, but I don't know where the Arencia Liberation Army Node is. ”

The only known Liberation Army Node was Red Forest. However, the ‘Red Forest’ region of Terencia is far away from the province of Arencia.

- After this, we'll have to wait for the Liberation Army to get here first.

“Even the Liberation Commander won't be foolish, so he'll be back soon. ”

Seong-jun said in a confident voice. I didn't know when the Liberation Army would send someone, but I was sure it wouldn't take long.

* * *

“The reinforcements have arrived. ”

Jung-chul reported. Seong-jun covered the book he was reading. His gaze was on Jung-chul.

“Allied forces?”

The Landing Army was at the forefront. I thought it was time for the Allied Forces, the main force, to arrive. But Jeongchul shakes his head.

“It's not a coalition base. From the reports, it looks like it might be a reinforcement. ”

“What is the size of the reinforcements? ”

“Enough to replenish all the troops lost in the battle at the time of landing. ”

Thankfully, you are unable to advance to a nearby city while defending the Dimensional Gateway, unless the Allied Forces Headquarters has landed properly.

“Good. We can use this to attack the Lofts. ”

Ropes was the closest city to the Dimensional Gateway.

“Around 100,000 people have been reported in the neighboring Arencia region. Our focus will be on the defense of the Dimensional Gateway, but will we be able to withstand the remaining power? ”

Jeongchul cautiously expressed his concern. In general, you will find it difficult because there are a lot of differences from numbers. However, Seong-jun thought differently.

“According to information, the elite troops held by the amassed Arencia are much smaller than those held by the Empire during the landing battle. Common troops are weak in modern weaponry...... We have enough chances. ”

“Obviously. I felt it in battle a while ago, but the regular troops were too weak in the distance compared to elite troops. When melee warfare broke out, the landing troops were pushed back, but that's a problem if you take care of it all before you get close. ”

Seong-jun nodded at Jung-chul's words. A landlocked force of Korean troops could have turned it into a honeycomb before the Arencian troops approached their advancement.

“Inform the Joint Chiefs about the advance plans and proceed. ”

The current chief of staff was actively cooperating with Seongjun's instructions, with Seongjin being dismissed and Hangyu being the chief of staff.

“I'll pass it on. ”

“Yes, go ahead. ”

“I understand.”

With the answer, Jeongchul leaves the barracks. Seong-jun poured hot water into a mug and put green tea tea tea bag to take a light break. It was at the same time that Narjunyeol's armed intelligence agency pulled out a report documenting information on the Arencia military.

“Guild Master!”

The door to the barracks opens and Shin-Chul rushes in.

“What's going on? ”

“Feeding. We've spotted dozens of unmanned scouts approaching with a whirlwind. Chief of Staff is asking if you have an intercept. ”

“Baekgi? Tell the chief of staff not to intercept! I'll go myself. ”

Seong-jun wore a coat in a hurry. If he was carrying a white flag, there was a good chance it was from the Liberation Army.

Of course, Seong-jun decided to go out on his own because the Imperial Army could be plotting undercover. Shin-cheol headed to command to deliver Seong-jun's instructions first.

“We'll do it. ”

Outside the barracks, Han-Seol, Jung-Seol, Zero, and Jang-hoon followed.

- Guild Master, a magical hunter who speaks a foreign language is leading an unidentified force with Hunter Squad this way. We should wait at Gate 13. We will send a vehicle for transport.

Shin-Chul's voice flows from the radio. Soon after, Seong-jun and the guild members boarded two four-man military vehicles to Gate 13.

The base was large, but the transport did not take long to arrive.

“We're here.”

Seong-jun said to the radio.

- I've contacted the HR squad. They're in a hurry, too, so they should be here soon.

Just as he said. After a five-minute wait, you can see three military vehicles and dozens of riders approaching the base from a distance.

“Are you the Liberation Army? ”

Zeros asked. Seong-jun nodded and opened his mouth.

“The Liberation Army is right. ”

“Now, Bonnie, I see Luto, of the Noble Order. ”

Zeros was face-to-face with Luto. He met several times in Luto's past tenure as a Noble Order.

They were getting closer, and Seong-jun, who had checked Luto's face, took the radio to the entrance.

“Sin-cheol. Tell him he doesn't have to be so careful, he's an ally. ”

- Okay, I'll pass it on.

After the radio, Luto and the Liberation Army arrive.

“Seong-jun Kang! Nice to see you again! ”

Luto got off the horse first and approached Seong-jun. He reached out his hand and shook his hand.

“Nice to meet you, too. Lord Luto.”

“I didn't expect an army of foreigners to land so soon. ”

“Let's get down to business. Are the Liberation Army willing to join our forces? If the Liberation Army doesn't intend to, we will form our own line towards the Empire Army. And that could happen with the Liberation Army. ”

Seong-jun said, it was an ideal scenario to co-expand with the Liberation Army, but I thought it best to be strong if that's not possible.

“You won't have to worry. The Liberation Commander wishes to join the Allies of the Exotic Nations in joining forces with the Empire. ”

The Liberation Army commander was also aware that it was impossible to maintain the front lines on their own against an army of powerful empires.

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