Xu Lingshan's corpse was found in an apartment near Coastal University. This was news that had never appeared on the news pages before. Many students of the Coastal University all claimed that they had witnessed this situation and described it vividly. However, the media all chose to remain silent and even those small media outlets that wanted to hype themselves up deleted the news related to this matter.

When Xu Lingshan reappeared, she was already a corpse. As for Xu Lingshan's younger brother, Xu Yi did not even manage to catch a glimpse of his sister's corpse.

"Your sister's body isn't in our department."

"Don't ask, we don't know where it went either."

"My condolences. There are some things that we can't do anything about."

Xu Yi called the Police station again and again, but the answer he got only made him feel disappointed time and time again. Ever since he was young, he had worshipped the police. Or rather, he had always worshipped his sister who was a police officer. "But in the end, my sister died as a cop, and the cops couldn't even protect my sister's body." Law ', justice', justice ', it turned out that in the end these things would all become undependable.

In the past, Xu Yi could still rely on his sister, but now, he could only fight alone!

Xu Yi climbed up the map marked "Cleaners' Passage". Now, he finally understood why the elevator was so heavily guarded, while the "Cleaners' Passage" was completely unguarded. Because the so-called "Cleaners' Passage" was not designed for people to pass through at all! The cleanliness of the entire building was handled by a robot that looked like a small garbage can! These robots were equipped with treads that allowed them to climb, so the so-called Cleaners' Passage was a spiral track that only robots could traverse.

But Xu Yi still had his own plan. At night, these cleaning robot would temporarily stop their operations. They would orderly line up in the spiral cleaners' passage, and the magnetic tracks would adsorb them in the passage so that they wouldn't slide down. Xu Yi then started to remove a robot's tracks.

The map did not tell Xu Yi that he was going to do this, but the design information of the cleaning robot was on the map. He took out a small knife from his boots. This was the only thing that Xu Yi could buy that could protect him, he did not expect it to be used immediately. He began to use his knife to try and pry open the tracks of the cleaning robot.

The robot's tracks were not inlaid, but stuck to the robot's chassis and wheels. When Xu Yi struggled to remove the tracks, the destroyed cleaning robot left and started to sway. Without the tracks with a magnetic force, these cleaning robot were no longer able to stay in the spiraling path with slope.

Xu Yi used his body to stop the cleaning robot, preventing the robot from slipping down. At the same time, he used the small knife in his hand to carefully peel the tracks on the bottom of the robot.

Fortunately, the robot looked big, but in order to store the trash, the middle part of the robot was hollow, so the weight of the whole robot was not considered heavy. could still withstand it now. He began to pry at the tracks on the other side, slowly backing up while the robot slowly slid down with him.

Xu Yi's head was drenched in sweat. Other than the exhaustion and nervousness from working hard, there was also the possibility that the security guards of the building could appear behind him at any time.

Step, step, step. Xu Yi suddenly heard the sound of footsteps and a white light appeared behind him. The patrolling staff had actually appeared!

Judging by the sound of their footsteps, however, they seemed to be quite a distance away from his position. The flickering white light was the flashlight they were holding in their hands. Damn it! Right now, Xu Yi was unable to escape at all. If he were to leave this place now, then the cleaning robot that had lost its track in front of him would slip down the path of the cleaners and land on the ground heavily.

But if Xu Yi did not leave, judging from the sound of his footsteps, the other party was steadily approaching him.

Xu Yi had never encountered such a situation before, the worst he could do was steal melon with his sister. If he were to be discovered by the patrolling guards of the building, what would happen to him? Xu Yi didn't dare to imagine. This organization, which would forge an insurance company to protect itself, would never allow any inside information to spread.

These guys who would harm his sister's body would never let him off! When he thought about this, Xu Yi stopped sweating as well. His pores tightened due to nervousness, and replacing it were two legs that trembled uncontrollably. When his trembling knee hit the cleaning robot in front of him, a light thumping sound was heard.

What should I do? What should I do now? Before meeting someone, Xu Yi could still act normal, but now, he was like a toy with no electricity, foolishly standing at his original spot without being able to do anything.

Step, step, step. The footsteps grew closer and closer, and the white light grew brighter and brighter.

Damn it! Quickly think of a way! If it was Big Bro, then Big Bro would definitely have a way to deal with him!

Xu Yi suddenly thought of something.

His movements suddenly quickened, and without any hesitation, he used all his might to pry open the other track of the cleaning robot. He had to be fast, he had to be fast!

's forehead started to drip once again.

After around twenty seconds, Xu Yi removed the track. Since the cleaning robot had lost its ability to absorb, its entire weight fell on Xu Yi's body. As long as Xu Yi left, it would slide down the path of the cleaners.

As for the patrolling officers who were holding onto their flashlights, they were now only left with one corner left to Xu Yi.

Bang! The sound of a large piece of metal hitting the floor echoed through the silent night.

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