Bang. A loud sound broke the silence of the night.

The two patrolling security guards immediately ran towards the source of the sound. The white light emitted by the flashlights in their hands also began to shake violently.

"There's something here!" A security guard saw something, and the lights in their hands simultaneously headed towards that thing.

At the same time, the pistols in their hands were pointed at the object. Yes, the security guards here were all armed!

Cautiously, the two approached and simultaneously flipped the safety catch on their pistols.

On their chests hung blue cards representing "security", which meant that they could move on the lower floors and that they would also be granted "no shooting rights" if they encountered an intruder.

But that did not mean that these armed guards would like this right, because they had to be prepared to deal with foreign spies or extremist terrorist organizations, even though they were in the capital, the danger of their work would not be reduced by much in the Middle East — at least, in the Middle East he would become a hero if he lost his life for public service. If he died in this building, the country would most likely give him an "official ending" of a car accident or a drunken fall and drowning.

No one wants to use the "no shooting right"; they all expect to get away with retirement.

"Phew —" The security guard who was at the front let out a long breath.

"Just a robot." His anxious heart was somewhat at ease.

"But how did a robot fall here?" The other, a little younger, was more cautious. He kept his flashlight shining in the surroundings.

The older guard crouched down and shone his flashlight on the cleaning robot that was lying on the ground.

"The tracks are broken." "No," he said.

"Hmm?" The younger security guard bowed and looked over.

"As I've said, these German goods are unreliable, and there is talk on the internet about how the Germans are craftsmen," the older security guard said as he kept swinging the flashlight on the cleaning robot. "I don't think they are as good as domestic goods.

"Isn't this man-made?" The younger security men noticed that there were scratches on the bottom of the robot that looked as if they had been cut with a knife.

"Whoever gets full will come and destroy this thing." The older security men scorned it, and he thought it was the German cargo that was in trouble.

"That's true." The younger guard nodded in agreement. He could not think of a reason to destroy these robots, even if it was an intruder, he should not do anything to these robots that had stopped operating to clean up the place.

"More importantly —" The older guard suddenly lowered his voice.

"What is it?" The younger security personnel had just arrived not long ago. If they were in an ordinary company, then he could still be considered an intern.

"If there really is an intruder, then you have to pretend you didn't see it." The older security personnel suddenly said.

"What!" The younger security personnel were shocked. He did not expect his senior to say such words. This was the "Special Faculty", this building had countless important information related to the country's fate. If any documents here were to leak out, it would cause huge waves in the outside world. It could be said that the reason why these people were arranged to be security here was because of the trust the country placed in them. They should at least repay them with their deaths.

How could he have expected that his senior would say such words to him? Furthermore, he said them with a serious expression and a certain tone, without the slightest intention to joke.

"This place is like an impregnable fortress. It is truly an impregnable fortress." "No one can invade this place."

"Then, what is the purpose of our patrolling here?" the younger guard asked.

"We're like a warning bell set up outside this building. If there really is an intruder, this gun won't be able to protect us." the old security man said.

"You mean?" The younger guard swallowed.

If you want to live, "the old security guard carefully looked at the face of his juniors," Remember, you have to pretend that you don't see anything. Anyone who has the ability to invade this place can easily kill us. "" Yes, sir.

"Then, then if this place is really invaded," the younger security officer nervously asked, "We, we have to take responsibility, don't we?"

"Tsk," the old security guard suddenly laughed. "That's impossible, boy, there's no way someone can invade this place."

He pointed a finger. "You can never imagine what's above you."

There were countless sensors, and anything that had a body was detected by the infrared equipment. Even if you could bypass the infrared equipment, the heat emitted from your body would appear on the thermal imager. Even if you were able to become completely invisible along with the heat, you wouldn't be able to avoid the combat robots that were installed with military detection equipment.

Yes, the security system above this building no longer had anything to do with manpower. It was just like the descriptions of the future in movies and television. The security system above this building was completely handed over to the robots.

Nuwa was connected directly to the country's network. This intelligent device could call up any information stored in the country's network, every citizen's fingerprint and files, and even the cameras that were set up to monitor traffic on every street.

For Nuwa, there was no "privacy" in the country.

The human security personnel below who used the blue card were only a part of the camouflage. Entering from above was like entering another world.

The old security people were right. There was no need for them to risk their lives for this job.

At the same time, Xu Yi was holding onto the tracks he took off from the cleaning robot s, and using these tracks, he stuck to the top of the spiral shaped tunnel and climbed up it little by little.

Where do I have to climb to find the place where my sister's body is stored? Where would the cleaner's exit be located? Would there be any other security personnel there?

Xu Yi could not answer any of these questions.

There was only one thing he could do, and that was to climb up.

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