How does it feel to hang upside down at the top of a passageway and then work your way forward? Xu Yi felt that if he could successfully leave this place, he would definitely be able to sell all of his experiences in a book.

This was the real James Bond! It's so cool! Xu Yi cracked jokes with him in his heart to prevent himself from falling asleep. What he was doing now was not much different from climbing, and it was even more exhausting. It was already close to the early morning, but he still hadn't slept the entire night. Adding to the fact that he had expended so much energy, he had long since fallen into a drowsy state.

But Xu Yi was unable to sleep, he was hanging upside down on the roof of the cleaner's path, and below him were rows and rows of cleaning robot s. If he fell down, these barrel shaped cleaning robot s would fall down one after another like dominoes. It would be hard for him not to be discovered when the time came.

As for sleeping upside down, this kind of high-end technique only existed in martial arts novels, it was something that Xu Yi did not know about. Even back in the world of wuxia novels, he was at most a runner-up.

It was so ordinary that it couldn't be more ordinary.

But right now, Xu Yi was probably the coolest person in the world. He was like an agent invading a forbidding, heavily guarded area, and the story would have been perfect to save his trapped sister if she hadn't died now.

Xu Yi's muscles were already starting to ache from the pain. This kind of action of hanging upside down was extremely burdensome on the opponent's body, and it was not something that could be accomplished with sufficient willpower and determination.

He felt like he was going to fall down at any moment.

I'm sorry, I should have written a suicide note. A self-deprecating smile rose on Xu Yi's face. If I die in this place, maybe I will be discovered when my body stinks? Wait, will these cleaning robot clean up my body?

Xu Yi started to let his imagination run wild. He had to do this to maintain his consciousness. In the darkness of this spiral tunnel, he had no idea how long he had climbed, how long he had climbed, and how many more miles were waiting for him. Under these conditions, fatigue would easily break his body and his spirit.

He had to keep his brain working to keep from fainting and falling.

Suddenly, Xu Yi's ears twitched. He seemed to have heard something — it was the sound of electricity flowing when the electric appliances were switched on.

Was it hallucination, or was it? Xu Yi looked down at his own body.

All of the cleaning robot were activated at this moment, their chests all flashing with green light. The time right now was six o'clock sharp, which was when the cleaning robot began their work.

Just like how a neat army would start to march, the robots under Xu Yi's feet started to move upwards — they would go to the highest levels and clean them up layer by layer. When they finished cleaning all the floors and went back to the first level, they would queue up to return to the spiraling cleaner channel. However, Xu Yi did not know the operating logic of these robots, he could only see green lights flashing on the chest of these guys as they lined up and passed under him, the experience was really hard to describe.

Xu Yi suddenly thought of something, and looked towards the end of the cleaning robot team. Sure enough, these robots were all leaving this place, and this spiral shaped passage was slowly becoming empty. When the last robot left beneath him, he could jump down.

After waiting for a good five minutes, the last cleaning robot finally started to slowly drive past his body.

Without the slightest bit of hesitation, he forcefully ripped off the track tied to one of his hands. Immediately, half of his body fell off. When he tore off the other track, he was at the bottom of the janitor's passage.

Boom. There was a loud crash as he hit the ground.

Before he could get up from the ground, his body slid down. This spiral shaped passage was like an extremely long sliding ladder. If one wasn't careful, they would directly slide down. Fortunately, Xu Yi still had his track, so he was able to hold on for a short while after sliding down to stabilize himself.

Let me sleep like this first. Xu Yi who was lying on his stomach couldn't help but think.

"No, no!" Xu Yi strongly shook his head, "I can't sleep, I definitely can't sleep!" He was not sure if anyone would come to inspect the passage. It was not a place for him to rest at ease.

Moreover, his sister Xu Lingshan's body was still in his hands.

What would these people do to his sister's body? Xu Yi did not dare to think about this question. Since this organization used their research as a pretext, they should have already dissected his sister's corpse, right? Would he really be able to find his sister's corpse? Or could he only find cultivation jars that ran around his sister's organs? Xu Yi shook his head once again, wanting to throw these thoughts out of his mind.

This building was over 400 meters tall, and the curved spiral pipe was over 1000 meters long. Xu Yi climbing from the bottom to the top wasn't too different from completing an extremely long climb.

Xu Yi's result in physical education was not bad. Although compared to Zhou Heng and the others, he was somewhat lacking, but among the ordinary students, his physical fitness was already not bad.

However, in order to complete the climb, he felt a strain on his physical strength.

Although crawling was much easier than moving, even so, Xu Yi's body still started to feel weak. His lips were white and his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. His body was as sluggish as a machine lacking lubricant. When his brain gave the command, his body could not even keep up at the first moment.

The most important thing was, his climbing speed was getting slower and slower.

I'm so sleepy. I really want to rest. In an environment that lacked light, Xu Yi's brain was so tired that he was about to hallucinate.

With a misstep, Xu Yi's body suddenly slid down.

By the time he reacted and used the increasingly weak treads to hold on to the floor, he had already slid down a long section. At least twenty minutes of his hard work had been wasted by a single absent-mindedness.

His arm had also slipped and left countless thin and long bloody marks because of the mishap this time.

Damn it! Xu Yi bit his lower lip hard, the pain making him a little more clear-headed.

He climbed up again.


Three hours. After spending an entire three hours, Xu Yi finally saw a bit of light. That was the exit, the exit of this cleaner's passage.

But Xu Yi never thought that there would already be someone waiting for him at the top.

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