Hua Yueling arrived in front of the entrance to the underground, stopped, lowered her head and looked at the entrance where the flaw could be easily seen. He doesn't even know what to say. Is such an obvious flaw left to be discovered and used?

The monsters certainly don't think so, but they are already very good at this level. Although this kind of concealment is not so effective for humans, it is still useful if you want to hide it from ordinary people or some ordinary creatures.

However, this concealment method is still too simple, Hua Yueling and the others can easily find it. In fact, if she carefully observed it from the beginning, Hua Yueling must have already realized something wrong with this place.

At first, Hua Yueling just swept around, and didn't realize certain things, otherwise it would be impossible not to notice.

But now I have to move deeper, so I need to be more careful, and I can't do these things with a rather indifferent attitude like before. Otherwise, it would be very dangerous to get on someone's turf. Who knows if the other party will set some traps, or even be attacked by the other party, these are all very possible. Don't fail.

After a brief discussion, Hua Yueling decided to wait for Mu Ningshuang to go to the monster's lair. The two of them can cooperate better. One is a composite fighter, and the other is a mage. One is responsible for entanglement in front of the enemy, and the other is responsible for long-range attack.

But these are things that need to be considered when fighting is needed. If you can communicate with the other party without fighting, you don't need to think about these things.

But Hua Yueling didn't think it would be so easy, there should still be battles, it's just a question of how long it lasts. It is impossible for the other party to let them do what they want to do so easily, and it will definitely stop them, but I don't know if they can communicate at that time.

No matter what, now that the two of them have sorted out the entrance, the next step is to explore inside and find the monster inside.

After entering inside, and then walking all the way down, this is a passage that doesn't seem too safe. Hua Yueling raised her head and looked up, somehow, looking at the passage here, he was always worried in his heart.

What I have to say may be that the cave here was made by a monster, and it has not been reinforced, so he is a little worried. But logically speaking, the monsters here should have been living for a long time, there is no problem, and the problem should not be big.

The road leading to the depths of the earth is okay, even better than the road outside, and it is relatively comfortable to walk.

Along the way, Hua Yueling and the others did not encounter any obstacles, as if there was nothing underneath. I haven't seen other monsters, nor have I seen any furniture or the like.

Basically, it can be said that there is nothing here, but Hua Yueling can perceive a breath, it should be the residual breath of the monster, and the deeper the inside, the stronger the breath. That kind of breath gave people a rather depressed feeling, but fortunately, this kind of depressed feeling didn't have that great impact on Hua Yueling.

She couldn't help turning her head to take a look at Mu Ningshuang who was right behind her. Up to now, her expression hadn't changed in any way compared to before, and it seemed that there should be no problem.

I haven't encountered anything on the road, and Hua Yueling doesn't know why. It seems that there are very few monsters living here. After all, Hua Yueling and the others had already walked down a long distance, but after such a long time, they still encountered nothing. This is a bit strange.

You must know that in the caves that Hua Yueling and the others went to for expeditions in the past, they encountered a lot of monsters and robbers, and they rarely encountered the situation where there were only one or two monsters.

Even if it is a powerful monster, if you want to find him, you have to find a way to clean up some weak monsters on the periphery, and then you can find that powerful monster.

It was the first time Hua Yueling had encountered a place like this where there was basically nothing along the way. It felt like going to the hidden place where the nun went in the illusion.

In order to seal the crystal ball, the tunnel was built so deep that it would take almost half a day to get there without the teleportation formation. That's not just for fun. Even if Hua Yueling didn't walk by herself, she just followed the nun, and watched her walk, she felt quite tired.

After all, if you don't do other things, you just keep walking around. It must be impossible to say that it is not uncomfortable.

"The passage here shouldn't be that deep, Ningshuang, be careful."


Mu Ningshuang didn't say anything, just responded softly. However, Hua Yueling knew that she must have taken it to heart. In fact, he didn't need to remind him at all. You must know that Mu Ningshuang is also an experienced adventurer. How could she not know that this kind of time needs to be careful.

She may not know better than herself, but Hua Yueling still reminds her habitually.

Hua Yueling is already a little accustomed to such subconscious reminders, and reminders are still necessary.

The more they go down, the more uncomfortable they feel, but this also means that the distance is getting closer and closer.

The more Hua Yueling and the others go down, the more careful they are. This is the time when they must be careful. They are not friendly with the host here. Maybe the other party still treats them as enemies, so you must be careful enough, otherwise it may be troublesome.

I don't know what the other party thinks, if there is any strategy, it is not a good thing for them. But after all, the other party is just a monster, he should not have that kind of wisdom, Hua Yueling is not sure that it is, but he still thinks that such a possibility definitely exists.

It is the best to be careful, but if you are not careful enough, it will be difficult to deal with trouble.

The road is quite curved, but it doesn't make it impossible to see the deeper situation, but the cave is still quite dark. Hua Yueling stared at the depths of the cave. The monsters were able to adapt and it was really great to live here. Hua Yueling felt that she definitely couldn't do it.

After all, this place is too dark, there is really no light at all. One is because it is deep underground, and the other is that there are no lighting tools here.

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