Before reaching the deepest part of the earth, Hua Yueling and the others had already encountered the monster living in seclusion here. The monster hid in the darkness, making a strange cry.

But the other party seemed to just want to drive them away, and didn't mean to fight them. The reason Hua Yueling thinks this way is mainly because the other party did not take the initiative to attack them, but instead used this method to drive them away, which at least shows that the other party still has some wisdom.

But this monster was still a type that Hua Yueling hadn't seen before, and it seemed to be quite powerful. I don't know if this cave was transformed by it to allow it to do so, or its special ability.

But it is not important anyway, Hua Yueling hopes to communicate with each other.

"Hello, we didn't have any malice in coming here. There are things we want to communicate with you, and ask you."

Hua Yueling didn't know if the other party could understand her, but he had no other way. This was the only way to communicate. Besides that, Hua Yueling couldn't think of any way to communicate with the other party.

But what surprised him was that the other party was able to understand what he said, anyway, after he spoke, the other party fell into silence, wondering if he was thinking about what he said.

The other party didn't react at all for a while, Hua Yueling was not in a hurry, there was nothing to be anxious, since there was progress, it was better than if there was no progress.

Both sides fell into silence, but this silence meant different things. Until now, Hua Yueling was still not sure whether the other party could understand what she meant, and could only make a judgment based on the other party's reaction which was hardly a reaction.

The other party didn't rush them away again, which is a good phenomenon, at least it shows that the two parties can communicate. Although the other party may not be able to fully understand his meaning.

But just a part is actually enough, as long as the other party understands that he is not malicious in this regard.

After a silent silence, Hua Yueling didn't expect the other party to think for so long, and didn't know what it was thinking about. Don't think you are lying to it, just come and prepare for something.

Hua Yueling didn't know if the other party would think so much, but at least it had some meaning from the current performance. There is no way. In this case, he can only do nothing at first, and wait and see for the time being. The more things happen at this time, the more likely it is to deepen the other's suspicions.

So Hua Yueling just waited quietly, and Mu Ningshuang did the same. Seeing that he didn't move, he didn't say anything, did nothing, just waited for the other party to react.

Hua Yueling felt that her actions were already very sincere. As for what the other party would think, it was not for him to decide. Only when it can be resolved peacefully, he still feels that a peaceful resolution is better. There is no need to go to one place to fight in one place. Fighting is not that interesting.

Hua Yueling didn't like fighting so much, fighting naturally was no problem, but he couldn't always fight. Wherever you go, you use battle to solve the problem, and you don't think about other methods. Sooner or later your brain will be completely occupied by muscles, which is not good.

Whenever calm thinking is very important, strength is also very important, this is obvious, but unless your strength can reach the realm of invincibility in the world, otherwise it is better not to be so confident.

Hua Yueling can't be said to be too confident, but she still believes in her own strength. In terms of strength, he has seen so many people who are stronger than him and don’t know how much. This has also hit some of his self-confidence, but even so, he also knows that there are many people who are better than him. weaker.

But thinking like that is actually meaningless. Even if there are many people who are weaker than oneself, life and death fights are basically fighting against enemies who are evenly matched or even stronger than oneself. Fighting those who are not as good as yourself, there is no danger at all in that way, even if there are many such people.

So knowing that there are many, many people who are weaker than you are just comforting yourself. After all, those people can't pose any threat to him, so even if they are there, it's useless. If he knows that there are people who are stronger than himself, and don't know how much stronger he is, it means danger to him.

Sister Liweiluo and the others are naturally nothing, they are not Hua Yueling's enemies. But there are people with similar strengths to them, and there are people who are only a little bit better than them. Those people are the most dangerous to Hua Yueling.

Strength is very important, Hua Yueling understands this, but he also understands that not only strength, but also wisdom. You need to be able to think. When you see everything and think that as long as you win, you can solve the problem, then you're crazy.

After waiting for a period of time, both Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang were a little anxious while waiting, mainly because the other party didn't react at all, so they didn't know what to do. You can't wait here all the time. The most important thing is when the other party can give a response, what if the other party has been so procrastinating without giving an answer.

Hua Yueling's brows couldn't help but frowned slightly. Judging from what she showed, the other party didn't seem to have any ideas to communicate with them. At least so far the other party has not shown any sincerity.

But Hua Yueling couldn't give up the opportunity to talk to the other party because of this. After all, although the other party said that he didn't show any sincerity, he didn't attack them either, and she felt that she was a more friendly type.

If that weren't the case, Hua Yueling wouldn't be able to wait so long, the two sides might have started fighting. After all, if it is a really not friendly monster, it will not care about what you say, but will treat everything you say as a conspiracy, or disdain to listen to what you say, and then attack it directly.

"What can you do when you come to me?"

Perhaps it was from the performance of Hua Yueling and the others that they were really not hostile, or perhaps because the time Hua Yueling and the others were waiting here made it feel that they were not threatening to themselves.

Although he still concealed where he was, he did not continue to remain silent, but so asked Hua Yueling and the others.

This is good news for Hua Yueling. The reason why she waited for so long was not because of this moment. So he immediately asked him with a calm attitude.

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