The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 120 We all have a bright future

4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey.

The night outside the window is getting darker, and there is silence. The dark night is dotted with countless stars, shining brightly.

However, Harley had no intention of admiring the beautiful scenery at this time. She was sitting in front of the desk, resting her elbows on the table and resting her cheeks on her palms, looking sad.

If there's one thing she dislikes most about summer vacation, it's homework!

Every professor gives them plenty of homework, and every course is guaranteed to have at least one paper, each of which is measured in feet.

Professor Snape was undoubtedly the most humane of all professors, because his paper on the shrinking potion required a length of only ten inches. Undoubtedly, this paper was also the first that Harley completed.

But it was not enough, as she had many other papers to write. Among them, Professor Binns, who teaches History of Magic, is the most craziest. He requires all students to write a paper that is at least three feet in length!

"How can I finish writing it?"

Harley complained in distress, but no matter how much she complained, she still had to work hard to finish writing. Because if you can't complete all your homework in the first month of summer vacation, you won't be able to go to London to see Ash and Hermione in the next month.

Gu! Gu!

Just then, a snow-white owl flew towards her window under the dim light of the street lamp.


Harley exclaimed, recognizing that it was her owl. He hurriedly opened the window wider to make it easier for Hedwig to come in.


The snowy owl landed firmly on the desk and looked at Harry with its big round eyes.

Harry deftly removed the package tied to Hedwig's feet, and Hedwig gently pecked Harry with her beak to express intimacy.

Harry reached out and gently stroked Hedwig's feathers, then opened the package.

Inside was a copy of the Daily Prophet.

This is a service that Harry subscribes to at a cost of galleons. The owl will deliver the Daily Prophet to the mailbox of the designated family every morning.

Of course, the family she designated was not her own, but Hermione's.

Because her aunt and uncle were both Muggles and hated magic. They will definitely not be able to accept that there is a magic newspaper lying in their envelope every morning, and the moving little figures in the newspaper will definitely drive them crazy. So Harry could only do the next best thing, asking Hermione to collect the newspaper for her, and then asking Hedwig to secretly deliver the newspaper to her every night.

It just so happened that Hermione was also thirsty for knowledge about everything in the magical world, but since her parents were both Muggles, the gold galleons they received from the annual fixed quota needed to be used to buy textbooks, and she had no money left to order the Daily Prophet. Harry felt that this should be considered a win-win situation. .

This way, her aunt and uncle wouldn't find out and scare them, and she and Hermione would always know what was happening in the wizarding world.

Harley set her sights on the front page of the Daily Prophet. The headline read:

Ministry of Magic staff wins big prize!

Arthur Weasley, Director of the Department for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts at the Ministry of Magic, received the Daily Prophet's annual Galleon Award.

An elated Mr. Weasley told a reporter from the Daily Prophet: "We will spend the money on a summer trip to Egypt, where our eldest son Bill does spell-breaking work for Gringotts Wizarding Bank."

The Weasley family will stay in Egypt for a month and return before the start of Hogwarts, where five of their children currently attend.

Below the text was a photo of the Weasley family, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, their six sons, and their daughter Ginny Weasley, who were happily waving to Harry who was reading the newspaper.

Harry was not familiar with the Weasley family, but he was not unfamiliar either.

Mr. Weasley is one of the shareholders of the BMW Magic Store and visited Ash's home during the summer last year. At that time, Harley also lived in the Ash family, and she still has a deep impression of Mr. Weasley.

For example, Mr. Weasley hates Mr. Malfoy, and Mr. Malfoy also hates Mr. Weasley. They once fought in public at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore in Diagon Alley, and both of them were beaten black and blue by the other.

In contrast, the relationship between Mrs. Malfoy and Mrs. Weasley is much harmonious.

Whenever they had a conflict, they were always there to dissuade their respective husbands.

Among the Weasleys' children, the eldest are Bill and Charlie, whom Harry doesn't know.

Percy is a Gryffindor prefect and will graduate from Hogwarts at the end of next school year, and Harry doesn't have much contact with him.

In the photo, they are wearing Arab-style clothes and white headscarves. Standing on both sides of the photo are the twins George and Fred. They are the most familiar to Harry among the Weasleys because they are related to Ash. good relationship. When they meet at school, they will also take the initiative to say hello to Harley and Cassandra, who are also Ash's friends.

Ginny was one grade younger than her. This poor girl had been involved in a secret room incident, but she was unharmed in the end.

As for Ron standing in the middle of the photo, Harley hated him.

Because he once had a conflict with Hermione in the first grade and has not apologized to Hermione yet.

On Ron's shoulder was his pet rat Scabbers, a dead rat that Harry also hated.

Ron often quarreled with Hermione about it, because the cat named Gloria, a pet given to Hermione by Ash, had a bad compatibility with Scabbers, and the mouse was often chased by Gloria. The rat scurried around and even disappeared for a time. Ron suspected several times that it had been eaten by Gloria.

But it turns out the dead rat was just hiding.

In fact, even if it weren't for Hermione's fault, Harry wouldn't like rats.

Cat nives are furry, comfortable to touch, and have the ability to distinguish good from evil.

Hedwig is an owl, comfortable to touch, and can help deliver messages.

Even snakes have cute features.

But except for mice and toads, Harry really couldn't understand why anyone would keep them as pets.

In the Muggle world, toads are highly poisonous, and rats are the source of many diseases. Even putting aside their toxicity, these creatures were ugly and dirty. Harry couldn't imagine that some people would use rats and toads as pets, and even sleep with them every night. How could they do that?


"That's great." Harley murmured, a little envious.

In fact, she also wants to travel, but now she has to deal with homework.

I just don’t know what other people are doing.

It's easy to guess what Hermione and Cassandra are doing. They should also be doing homework, because they both need to complete their homework a month before the summer vacation, otherwise they will not be able to have fun in August.

What about Ash? What is Ash doing now?

Harley looked at the stars outside the window, holding her cheeks with her palms, her thoughts racing around.


In a manor on the outskirts of London.

Along with the green flames rising in the fireplace, a beautiful girl with long brown curly hair and a white dress also appeared, and she saw Ash Black waiting in the living room at a glance.

"Senior Penello."

A smile appeared on Ash's face, not a formulaic smile, but more like joy from the heart.

Senior Penello turned around in front of Ash and lightly opened her red lips:

"Does it look good?"

"Very nice." Ash praised from the bottom of his heart.

In terms of appearance, Penello-senpai may not be considered top-notch, but she scores at least an 8. She is definitely a rare beauty. Compared with others, Senior Penello has another outstanding talent, her figure is great!

At least compared to the three little ones who have just begun to develop but are still mostly flat, and the werewolf girl who has turned into human form but is still in the development stage, Penelo-senpai is far ahead. Perhaps only Anaconda can match her. Higher and lower.

But their focuses are different.

Anaconda is an immortal and beautiful girl who is nearly a thousand years old. Perhaps due to the fact that her body is a snake, her body is much softer than ordinary people. She can easily perform difficult actions that others cannot do, such as bending backwards. waist, put her delicate face between the plump legs, and then lick it gently - can anyone else do it?

Compared with Anaconda, Penelo-senpai exudes a unique youthful charm, and at the same time has the appeal of a real witch. This is also something that others do not possess. Although it is only temporary, Senior Penelo does have a great advantage.

Especially in terms of helping Ash, Senior Penelo's contribution is also unmatched by others.

"You are so sweet."

Penello smiled and leaned close to Ash, "Everyone else should be here, right? It's time for us to enter."

"Hold on."

Ash shook his head slightly and took out his wand and pointed it at the girl's confused eyes.

Just like the military in the Muggle world usually has the rule that "guns cannot be pointed at people", pointing a wand at other wizards is also a very dangerous signal in the wizarding world. Because once a powerful curse or an unforgivable curse is released from the wand, it is almost impossible for the person pointed at to survive.

But even when Ash pointed the wand at her, the girl's eyes only showed a little confusion, but she didn't make any struggle or even feel nervous.


With a flick of the magic wand, the little soot stained on the girl's skirt was cleaned away, making it spotless again.

"it's OK now."

Ash nodded with satisfaction, put away his wand and stretched out his hand to Senior Penello, "Miss Clearwater, would I be honored to invite you to attend the party with me?"

He bent down slightly, and every move he made was perfectly in line with the etiquette of a noble.

"Of course~."

The girl gently placed her white and tender hands on Ash's palm, her eyes were extremely gentle, "I am yours."

Ash gently kissed the back of the girl's hand, causing Penello's fair cheeks to immediately turn crimson. This is actually quite rude, because the hand kiss should be a virtual kiss, or just kiss his own hand, rather than directly sealing it like Ash did.

"We should go."

Penello, whose cheeks were red, reminded softly, withdrew his right hand and gently took Ash's left arm, walking towards the hall with him.


As they approached, Kreacher, who was hiding in the dark, snapped his fingers, and the door slowly opened.

The gorgeous hall with gold as the main tone also came into view. On the three-story dome, three huge crystal chandeliers hung from the dome, flickering with countless candlelights, illuminating the hall like daylight.

Golden lights filled the dance floor, reflecting the sparkling brilliance of huge crystal pendants. The gold-rimmed flowers on the wallpaper are scattered in an orderly manner, and the golden borders surround the corners. It can be said that there is almost no place in the entire hall that is not golden!

In the eyes of some people, such decoration may be a little tacky, but this is the ultimate understanding of the word "luxury" by house elves.

What's more, in the wizarding world, there aren't actually that many 'elegant people' who like to be picky.

After all, in the eyes of wizards, no matter how luxurious the decoration is, it cannot compare to one ten thousandth of the magic.

That's why there are so many wizards living in houses that are quite simple even in the eyes of ordinary Muggles, but they still enjoy it - they laugh at wizards for not knowing how to enjoy, and wizards laugh at you for not knowing magic.

Under the stunning gazes, Ash and Penello walked into the party hand in hand.

And this also heralded the official start of the party.

Those attending the party were all young wizards, and without exception they were all sixth- and seventh-year students at Hogwarts.

Although the seventh-year wizards have graduated at this time, many have even found suitable jobs. But no one would refuse Ash's invitation.

Even Percy, who was supposed to be in Egypt at this time, returned to England through the portkey and came to attend the party. But when he saw the girl holding Ash's arm and smiling sweetly, his heart suddenly tightened, and he raised his head and drank the champagne in the glass.

Clivat, why is this?

Ash is his good friend, and Penelo is his crush - no, it's not a secret love anymore, but a clear love. He wrote hundreds of love letters to Penello last summer, but he never received a response.

He originally thought it was because he wasn't good enough, but now he realized it was because Penello already had his heart set on one. Although Ash is four years younger than her, such an age gap is really nothing in the wizarding world.

Moreover, maybe it is precisely because Ash is younger than her that he gets Penello's favor?

After all, there is a saying among Muggles called Nian Xia control.

Maybe he just lost because of his age!

He drank the champagne in one gulp, but Percy still felt it was not enough, so he directly picked up a bottle of champagne and drank it.

Tons, tons, tons!

The bitter wine enters the throat and the heart aches!

No one knew about Percy's pain, because Ash was greeting the prefects of each grade one by one, accompanied by Penello.

"This is the Prefect of Slytherin, Gemma Farley."

During Penello's introduction, Ash showed a gentle smile to the witch in the red dress in front of him:

"Hello, Senior Sister Farley."

Even though this Farley senior was not very good-looking, Ash's attitude was still not perfunctory.

"Hello, Mr. Black."

Gemma Farley also smiled back, looking back and forth between Ash and Penello, feeling an inexplicable urgency in her heart.

Ash invited the seventh grade students, undoubtedly hoping to win over the wizards who were about to graduate.

Although his purpose of inviting the sixth grade students is the same, it is more - for example, the sixth grade students are about to be promoted to the seventh grade, and two of the seventh grade students will be appointed by the principal as the president of the student union. And Ash and Penelo appearing together is a signal in itself!

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