The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 121 Voldemort is too profitable

Starting from the fifth grade, each class of Hogwarts students will elect a boy and a girl to serve as prefects, and they will continue to hold this position until graduation. In other words, each college will have 6 prefects at the same time, and there will be a total of 24 in the school.

Now, 16 of the 24 prefects are here. The fifth-year prefects are not here because they did not receive an invitation.

Under the introduction of Senior Penello, Ash remembered their names for the first time, exchanged greetings with them respectively, and finally said with a smile:

"Everyone, please follow me."

He didn't say what he wanted to do, he just made a gesture of invitation, and walked arm in arm with Senior Penello to the side hall on the right.

Different from the main hall, although the lights in the side hall are equally bright, the decoration is obviously not as luxurious as the main hall, and the space is not as spacious as the main hall. However, there are still many necessary facilities, including sofas, coffee tables, fireplaces, and crystal chandeliers.

Compared with the seventh-grade prefect, who is relatively relaxed and comfortable, the sixth-grade prefect seems to have a heavier mood.

The seventh-grade prefect has graduated anyway and has roughly decided on his future development path, so he doesn't have much to worry about.

As for the sixth-grade prefects, they face a more realistic problem: they are about to be promoted to seventh grade, and with the graduation of the last class of wizards, this seventh grade needs to re-elect the student union president!

Like the prefects, the student body president is also composed of two presidents, one male and one female.

But unlike the prefects, the student body president will only be selected from seventh grade students and appointed by the principal himself. The ones who have the best chance to compete for the position of student union president are undoubtedly the prefects of each seventh-grade college.

Typically, the Head Boy is chosen from among the four male prefects, and the Head Girl is chosen from the four female prefects.


Ordinary students are also eligible to compete for Student Council President, but this has happened only a handful of times in the history of Hogwarts. The most recent time was more than ten years ago, when James Potter served as the Head Boy of Hogwarts as a non-prefect.

But James Potter was able to serve as chairman because he had the support of Remus Lupin, the Gryffindor Prefect at the time. In other words, it was because Lupine, as the prefect, gave up on his own initiative that it was James' turn.

But in most cases, the prefects will not give up easily, because even as prefects, this is their only chance in this life!

So when she realized that Ash's purpose was to be the student body president, Gemma Farley was immediately confused.

On the one hand, she is unwilling to give up the benefits at her fingertips.

Once a student becomes the student council president, their name is eligible to be recorded in the prize display room, which contains the list of past student council presidents. This is definitely a "historical name" for wizards.

Even the President of the Student Union can use this honor to be favored by the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic upon graduation and become their personal assistant - in many cases, personal assistants often mean that they will be the successor chosen by the senior officials! Even for purebloods, this is a temptation they cannot resist.

Gemma Farley is just a mixed race. She is a prefect at school, but who is she after leaving school?

She only has one chance to become the student union president. This is almost the only chance in her life that she can change her destiny!

So, she doesn't want to give up no matter what!

But on the other hand, not giving up means offending the Black family.

As the oldest group among the twenty-eight holy clans, even if the bloodline of the Black family has withered, they can still easily influence certain decisions of the Ministry of Magic with the family's remaining influence.

For example, rejecting a job offer from a wizard.

If she rejects Ash, Gemma Farley feels that she will most likely become the first Student Union President to be rejected by the Ministry of Magic...

Gemma Farley struggled for a long time, and finally couldn't help but speak on her own initiative, gritting her teeth and saying:

"Mr. Black, I am willing to support Miss Crevat to become the student body president!"


Penello blinked and looked at Ash suspiciously, his eyes seeming to be questioning.

"Did you arrange this?"

"I can't come!"

Ash read Penello's eyes and immediately responded with an innocent expression.

He didn't do anything!

This was probably the result of Gemma Farley's own imagination, mistakenly thinking that he invited them here because he wanted them to support Penello's election as student union president.

However, this is not necessary at all!

The president of the student union is supposed to be one of the four candidates, but with the excellence of Senior Sister Penello, there is no suspense at all in defeating the other three in an honest and fair manner. To put it another way, even if Penelo cannot be elected, Gemma Farley will definitely not be elected!

After all, the President of the Student Union was appointed by Dumbledore himself, and in the more than 40 years since Dumbledore was in office, not one of the Presidents he appointed was from Slytherin!

Although this is also affected by Dumbledore's personal preferences, it is more due to the bad influence caused by Voldemort.

In the year when Tom Riddle served as student body president, the entire school was deceived by his polite, diligent and studious pretense. Due to his extraordinary leadership skills, many students spontaneously began to follow his path.

Needless to say, Slytherin, almost all of the Slytherin students in that class were Death Eaters, and even many students in other houses were deeply affected by it. And even after Voldemort graduated, this influence continued secretly for more than twenty years!

During these twenty years, many wizards were convinced by Voldemort's ideas and joined the ranks of Death Eaters one after another. It was precisely by relying on the influence gathered by secretly influencing young wizards that Voldemort was able to gather a huge force that could subvert the wizarding world.

Dumbledore was also afraid of repeating the same mistakes, so he did not appoint any Slytherin student union president.

Especially when he knew that Voldemort was still alive, who knew whether the Slytherin prefect he appointed would be a follower of Voldemort?

Precisely because he knew the key to this, Ash never intended to use threats to push Penelo to a high position.

It can only be said that Gemma Farley's little imaginary theater is really a bit too exciting.

"Senior Farley, I think you misunderstood."

Ash sighed and explained helplessly, "I invite you here without any intention of threatening you, so you can rest assured."

Senior sister Elsa, who is also a prefect of Ravenclaw, was the first to speak:

"I believe Ash, he's not like that."

Ash subconsciously looked at Senior Elsa, who winked at him slyly.

"I trust Ash too."

Percy Weasley, who had been drinking quietly, also said drunkenly, "He wouldn't do such a thing, Farley. It's because you Slytherins often use similar methods, so you think others are like you." ?”

Ash thinks it makes sense, Slytherin is like this.

How did he know, you ask? Of course it's because he used to be a Slytherin!

Being both a Slytherin, how could Ash not know what kind of urine all Slytherin students are?

"Weasley, don't go too far!"

Gemma Farley was so angry that she glared at him, wanting to take out her wand and give him a shot, but Percy still didn't care:

"Excessive? Did I say anything wrong?"

People always need to vent.

Gemma Farley jumped out on her own, and it's no wonder he was.

not to mention.

Gryffindor and Slytherin have never dealt with each other. As long as the person he chokes is Slytherin, then he is not fighting alone, and all Gryffindors will support him!

Of course, the reverse is also true.

Anyway, there are countless enemies and grievances between Gryffindor and Slytherin students.

If it weren't for Senior Penello who was there to smooth things over and prevent the conflict from escalating again, the two of them would have taken out their wands and dueled on the spot.

After they calmed down, Ash smiled and said:

"Everyone, actually I invite you here this time mainly for two things."


He snapped his fingers, and suddenly there were more than a dozen cloaks on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

Robert Hilliard, who is also the sixth-grade prefect with Senior Penello, his eyes lit up and he immediately asked:

"Is this the new anti-spell cloak launched by BMW Magic Store?"


Ash nodded lightly and said with a smile, "This is my graduation gift to all the seniors."

Many prefects' breaths were stagnant. They all heard about the name of the anti-curse cloak.

However, since this magical item is given priority to the Ministry of Magic, most wizards have only heard of it in name and have never seen the actual object. Even if there are physical objects, they can't actually afford them.

Because the price of 120 Galleons is enough to put most wizards away!

Because the wizarding world is peaceful most of the time, not all wizards are in danger all the time, and the demand for iron armor spells is not as high as that of Aurors in the Ministry of Magic.

But whether you need it or not is one thing, whether you want it or not is another thing!

At 120 Galleons a piece, you may still hesitate to buy it if you really want to spend money.

But this is for free! Who can resist the temptation of free gifts?

"What a big deal!"

The way the prefects looked at Ash changed slightly.

A curse-proof cloak costing 120 galleons is an absolute luxury in the wizarding world. But Ash casually sent out 16 pieces, which was nearly two thousand galleons!

This is definitely not a small amount of money, it is equivalent to the entire income of an average wizard for two years, and this is based on the fact that this wizard does not spend a penny. But in fact, there are quite a lot of things that wizards have to spend money on. What kind of food, clothing, housing, and transportation do not cost money?

Should we call it a pure-blood family? He is really rich!

"We haven't graduated yet."

Gemma Farley had a flash of struggle in her eyes and spoke with difficulty.

Ash shrugged:

"So don't expect me to give you any more gifts when you graduate next year."

This harmless little joke relaxed the atmosphere a lot. Senior Sister Aisha was the first to reach out and said happily:

"Then I'm not welcome. I am a witch who wants to become an Auror. You have no idea what such a cloak means to an Auror!"

The prefects did not respond to Elsa's teasing, because they knew the significance of the curse-proof cloak.

After all, Lucius has been promoting the anti-curse cloak a lot this year, and the key publicity case is Aurors. After all, Aurors are the biggest beneficiaries of this magic prop, and they are also the most widely equipped group of wizards equipped with anti-curse cloaks.

Every now and then, the Daily Prophet will publish a news story about a certain Auror who was attacked by a dark wizard and saved his life thanks to his anti-curse cloak.

And this is not an isolated case. In the past year, at least ten Aurors have narrowly escaped death because of their anti-curse cloaks. As a result, the casualty rate of Aurors during their missions has been greatly reduced. The Ministry of Magic praised this and even proposed to increase the number of Aurors. Large Orders.

However, the Ministry of Magic has increased orders, which means that it is more difficult for ordinary wizards to buy anti-spell cloaks. A 120 Galleons curse-proof cloak is now sold on the black market for 200 Galleons, and it is still priceless!

But even so, some people are still hesitant.

After all, they all understand the principle of being short-tongued and being soft-handed.

Elsa was a prefect in Ravenclaw and had the best relationship with Penello. Maybe this was all arranged by them, so of course she didn't care. But not others, especially Slytherin prefects.

Ash saw their thoughts and took the initiative to introduce:

"Senior Elsa, these anti-spell cloaks are the latest model. If the magic power is exhausted, you can send them to the BMW Magic Shop for maintenance."


Aisha asked curiously, "Wouldn't the magic power lose its effect when it is exhausted? Can it still be maintained?"

Ash smiled and explained:

"The old anti-spell cloak will turn into a normal cloak once its magic power is exhausted, but the new anti-spell cloak can be sent to the BMW Magic Store to be recharged and used again as long as it is not damaged even if its magic power is exhausted. So the new model The anti-spell cloaks are also more expensive, costing 300 galleons each. However, the new anti-spell cloaks also have a flaw, that is, each cloak can only be recharged up to five times."

"Of course, these new models are not yet for sale, and you are the first users."

This chorus is so obvious that anyone can tell that they are acting.


Even if they knew it was an act, the prefects simply couldn’t refuse!

Although a curse-proof cloak is expensive, it's not worth bending over, but this is the latest curse-proof cloak that can be charged! The kind that even the Ministry of Magic doesn’t have!

Who can refuse this!

Senior Gabriel Truman of Hufflepuff was still a little embarrassed, and said solemnly and honestly:

"Junior Black, if you need any help in the future, just come to me! As long as I can help, I will definitely help!"

Hearing Gabriel Truman speak, others also echoed.

Although I can't refuse the temptation at all, this is a curse-proof cloak that costs 300 galleons after all. As long as you are not a shameless person, you can't accept it with peace of mind.

Obviously, these newly graduated seniors do not understand the dangers of society and made promises very easily.

If it were someone like Fudge, I'm afraid it would just be a slap in the face.

So, no matter where they are, fresh graduates are the best group of people to deceive!

Ash wants to establish his own power in the wizarding world, aren't these the first group of people? As the prefects of Hogwarts, these people in front of them are outstanding in both talent and ability. Even if they graduate, they will go further than other students.

There is a high probability that they will become the successors to the top leaders of the Ministry of Magic in the future. Controlling them is equivalent to indirectly controlling the future Ministry of Magic!

In essence, what Ash wants to do is no different from what Voldemort did back then, which is to secretly develop his own power.

The only difference is that Voldemort used force to coerce, while Ash used interests to bind him.

There's no telling which of the two methods is better. The former is a combination of kindness and power, while the latter may also be a money-spreading boy.

But at least Voldemort doesn't understand what it means to give both kindness and power, and Ash is not a money-splitting boy.

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