The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 58 Dumbledore’s Office

Hogwarts, eighth floor.

Ash left the common room and walked through the corridors, stopping in front of an extremely ugly gargoyle.

Ash said:

“Exploding jelly beans.”

The gargoyle jumped aside after receiving the command, and the wall behind it split in the middle.

Behind the wall is a spiral stone staircase that is rotating upwards with the escalator. As soon as Ash stepped onto the stairs, the wall behind him closed automatically with a roar, and the gargoyle returned to its original position.

The stairs slowly ascended and brought him to a gleaming oak door with a brass knocker in the shape of a griffon.

Ash stepped out of the stone stairs, clenched his fist and knocked lightly on the door twice.


"Please come in." The old man's gentle voice came from the office.

Ash opened the door and entered the office.

It was a large, beautiful round room filled with all kinds of funny little sounds.

On the table with slender legs, there were many strange silverwares placed, spinning and spitting out small puffs of smoke. The walls are covered with portraits of old male and female principals, most of them snoring gently in their respective frames.

There was also a huge table in the room with claw-shaped legs. On a shelf behind the table sat a tattered, wrinkled wizard's hat - the Sorting Hat.

"Good morning, Mr. Black."

Sitting at his desk, Dumbledore, wearing glasses, looked up and saw Ash pushing in the door with a kind smile on his face.

In a portrait behind him, an old lady wearing a headband smiled and greeted:

"Nice to see you again, Mr. Black."

Ash bowed slightly and said:

"Good morning, Mr. Dumbledore, and Ms. Niover."

Neopher Fitzgerald, the former headmaster of Hogwarts and one of the builders of the underground ruins.

Dumbledore asked with a kind smile:

"Mr. Black, you seem to be in some trouble?"

Ash did not directly raise the demand, but asked:

"Mr. Dumbledore, do you know about the werewolves in the Forbidden Forest?"


Dumbledore smiled and nodded: "I collected those werewolves from all over the world."

Werewolves are a rarity all over the world, and it is even more difficult to find the offspring of a werewolf that happened to mate during the full moon. Only people like Dumbledore had enough influence and ability to collect more than a dozen werewolves and keep them in captivity in the Forbidden Forest.

Ash thought about his words and said:

"Mr. Dumbledore, if possible, I would like to tame these werewolves."

Dumbledore looked surprised:

"Taming werewolves? Sorry, I'm a little shocked. But Mr. Black, do you really know the dangers of these werewolves?"

Ash nodded lightly: "Of course, level 5, I have read the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Magic."

The Ministry of Magic divides magical animals into five levels according to their danger:

: Annoying

: Harmless/tameable

: A capable wizard can deal with it

: Dangerous/requires specialized knowledge/skilled wizards to deal with

:Known wizard-killing animal/impossible to tame or tame

Although this set of classifications is only based on the danger of magical animals and is not completely related to their individual strength, the danger can indeed be used as a criterion to judge the strength of these magical animals in many cases.

Therefore, the danger of most magical animals is between level 2 and level 4. For example, magical animals such as ball escapers, fairies, goblins, soundless birds, moon-crazy beasts, and velvet velvet are level 2, while fire-ash snakes, Sniffs, cats, and elves are level 3, and hippogriffs, phoenixes, unicorns, and trolls are all level 4.

The werewolf is the most dangerous level 5! The danger is comparable to Acromantula and Fire Dragon!

Dumbledore reminded:

"Now that you know how dangerous they are, you should understand that werewolves cannot be tamed."

Ash shook his head and said:

"The danger of werewolves comes from the fact that they will transform during the full moon, and will lose their minds and kill everyone around them indiscriminately. But the werewolves in the Forbidden Forest are the product of werewolves mating during the full moon, at least until now. , none of them exhibit the characteristic of losing their minds when the moon is full."

"So I think their danger level is only 4X at most, and they are not completely untamable. What's more, even fire dragons that are more dangerous than werewolves still have someone responsible for taming them, right?"

He paused and asked:

"Besides, you probably think so too, right? Otherwise, they wouldn't be placed in the Forbidden Forest."

"I have to say, I'm almost convinced by you."

Dumbledore sighed lightly, but quickly changed the topic and said:

"But unfortunately, taming werewolves is not an easy task. Our Mr. Hagrid has been responsible for taming magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest. Both hippogriffs and thestrals have become extremely docile under his training. . But only werewolves, even though a long time has passed, Hagrid has still been unable to get close to these werewolves. He has always told me that werewolves are a species that cannot be tamed."

"So, Mr. Black, are you really sure that you have the ability to tame a werewolf?"

"I think so."

Ash nodded slightly, his expression extremely serious, "Actually, I'm already doing this, and it's very effective."

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, then slowly said:

"Okay, I admit, you succeeded in convincing me, Mr. Black. But I still want to ask,"

He looked up at Ash with a serious expression and asked in a deep voice:

"Why would you want to tame a werewolf?"


Ash's eyes flashed slightly, he knew that Dumbledore would definitely ask this question.

And Ash can't say that he is cultivating his own power, so that one day he can rise up and resist the tyranny of Gryffindor.

Ash thought about it for a moment, then slowly said:

"I need these werewolves to cooperate with me in conducting some research."

"Of course, this research is just an idea for the time being, and I'm not sure yet whether it can be realized."

Dumbledore was thoughtful and did not ask what the specific research was. He thought for a long time and spoke slowly:

"Okay, Mr. Black, you can try to tame these werewolves. But I want you to guarantee that any research you do on werewolves must occur outside of Hogwarts, and I need to ensure the safety of the students first."

"Of course, I promise." Ash promised solemnly.

Dumbledore didn't say anything more when he saw this. None of them mentioned Ash sneaking out of the castle in the middle of the night. After all, it was really not a big deal. Even if he was caught, he would be detained for two days.

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