The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 59 The only designated heir of the Black family

Before leaving the principal's office, Ash suddenly asked:

"Mr. Dumbledore, do you like sweets?"

Dumbledore didn't know why he asked this, but he still answered seriously: "Oh, yes, my favorite is the Duke of Candy's sizzling bees. It tastes really great."

"No wonder you use it as a password." Ash thought thoughtfully.

Dumbledore smiled and said:

"The office password changes every year. After all, there is more than one delicious candy in the world, right?"

Ash sighed softly:

"You and Principal Black are indeed completely different."

"Oh?" Dumbledore was a little curious.

Ash said calmly: "The password set by Principal Black is the motto of the Black family."

Dumbledore read softly:

"Toujours Pur."

Like the Malfoy and Lestrange families, the Black family is one of the largest, oldest and richest pure-blood wizarding families in the UK, and one of the Twenty-Eight Holy Families.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Black family is synonymous with status and wealth.

It is precisely for this reason that the Black family attaches great importance to bloodline content and has always regarded itself as the royal family of the wizarding world.

But perhaps it is precisely because of the Black family's motto of 'forever pure' that this ancient family has fallen into this situation.

In one of the frames in the principal's office, Phineas Black looked extremely complicated. He whispered:

"Ash, although you have joined Ravenclaw now, I still hope that you can return to the Black family at the end of this semester."

Ash frowned and mocked:

"What are you going back for? Are you being ridiculed?"

Phineas Black smiled bitterly:

"No one will ridicule you. The Black family has..."

Dumbledore asked Ash to sit down with a kind smile and said softly:

"In fact, Mr. Ash Black, you are now the only heir to the Black family."

Dumbledore comforted Ash as gently as possible to prevent his mood from fluctuating too much.

Because he knows that although Ash Black has always been gentle and humble towards others, it is difficult for him to control his emotions when facing members of the Black family - these are what Phineas Black personally told Dumbledore .

Ash's mother, Yora Black, was the sister of Phineas Black, but was expelled from the family for marrying a Muggle. Shortly after giving birth to Ash, the couple both died in a plague, leaving only the young Ash Black to be sent to an orphanage.

This situation lasted until Ash was fifteen years old, when Professor Figo took him to Hogwarts. Ash, who had the blood of the Black family in his body, was truly exposed to the world of magic for the first time.

During this period, Phineas Black had always hoped that the family would accept Ash Black, his sister's only child. He even arranged a family dinner to try to welcome Ash back.

However, things did not develop as he expected. Ash was not welcomed by the family members. All he got was ridicule from the pure-blood family for a mixed-blood, thinking that Ash was a stain that tarnished the family's bloodline. Some people even criticized Ash. He carried out several assassinations in an attempt to cover up the family's 'stain'.

Under this premise, it is not difficult to imagine Ash's attitude towards the Black family.

This is why Dumbledore did not send Ash back to the Black family at first, but to the Weasley family.

Dumbledore originally didn't want to bring this matter up with Ash so soon. In his plan, this was a topic that would only be mentioned in a gradual manner at the end of the semester.

But now that it was brought up unexpectedly, I couldn't hide it even if I wanted to. In this case, it's better for him to figure it out.

Facing Dumbledore's gentle attitude, Ash's expression softened slightly, but he still frowned and asked:

"What does it mean to be the only heir to the Black family?"

Dumbledore spoke slowly:

"It means that the bloodline of the Black family has almost been cut off. The current head of the Black family is Signus Black III, who is the great-grandson of Principal Phineas."

Seeing Dumbledore pause, Ash asked doubtfully:

"Then what?"

"Then no."

Dumbledore's expression became serious, "That's the problem, Signus Black is already the only male member of the Black family!"

Phineas Black remained silent.

In fact, there is another one, but he has been removed from the family and is still imprisoned in Azkaban, so let’s not mention it.

Ash frowned and asked:

"The only one? He has no son?"

Dumbledore shook his head and said:

"He has three daughters, one of whom is Miss Cassandra's mother. But unfortunately, he has no son."

"And at his current age, it is basically impossible for him to give birth to any more offspring."


He paused and said solemnly: "Mr. Ash Black, you are now the only heir to the Black family!"

Dumbledore stared at Ash closely, observing his expression.

Suddenly hearing that he was the only heir to the oldest and richest pure-blood family in the world, an ordinary person would have fainted from excitement, but Ash's attitude towards this was very cold and he seemed to be dismissive of it.

Dumbledore stared into Ash's eyes. He couldn't even see any joy in them, only full of disgust.

"Sorry, Mr. Dumbledore. I think you are mistaken. I am just a half-blood."

Phineas Black whispered:

"But no matter what, your name is now recorded in the Black family's genealogy."

There was a hint of pleading in the old man's voice:

"You are the only one who can save the family!"

Dumbledore also spoke:

"Actually, that's not necessarily a bad thing for you."

"The Black family has always been on the wrong path, and you must have realized this. But if you can become the head of the Black family, maybe you will have the opportunity to guide the family in the right direction."

Faced with the temptation offered by Dumbledore, Ash's reaction was still dull:

"I will seriously consider it."

Ash didn't look at Phineas's expression anymore, just said a few words and turned to leave.

After leaving the principal's office and returning to the corridor, Ash still looked calm.

We have been acting for such a long time, and we should not miss this moment, and we should not let all our efforts go to waste because of a moment of negligence.

"Old fox."

Ash felt a little emotional in his heart. If he didn't bring the topic to the Black family today, Dumbledore would definitely continue to hide it from him.

And the reason why he wants to bring this up is to be honest, he is greedy for the wealth of the Black family - as a pure-blood family that has been passed down for thousands of years, the wealth accumulated by the Black family is definitely beyond ordinary people's imagination, and this is what Ai What Xu lacks.

As for revitalizing the Black family, Ash has no interest and is helpless.

It's not that Ash's fertility function has been challenged, but that as a genuine Veela, while inheriting Veela's powerful charm, he also inherited Veela's fertility characteristics - such as the Veela physique passed down from daughter to daughter. Not passed on to men.

This means that Ash's descendants will only be daughters who inherit the Veela bloodline, and there will be no sons.

Counting on him to revitalize the Black family is really not as good as counting on Sirius.

The reason why Ash left in a hurry was not because of shame, but mainly because he preferred to stay with young and beautiful witches compared to these bad old men.

For example, Qiu Zhang, Harley, Cassandra, Hermione, Penello, um, etc...

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