Cat tried his best to tell a joke, but all the people laughed, only the pig didn't. But the animals had to throw the cat into the water.

The monkey's jokes make people laugh, but the pig still doesn't laugh, so the monkey has to feed the fish.

The chicken is afraid, even the clever monkey can't escape this disaster

Who expected the pig to smile at this time, the animals said: chicken has not said, what are you laughing at?

Pig said: the cat's joke is so funny

When Xi'er finished the joke, she couldn't help giggling

She turned to me and said, "this must be funny, right?"

I rubbed my eyes and yawned, "Hello! You woke me up. In the middle of the night, what do you do when you laugh so horribly? That's true

Xi'er glares at me, I think, she must want to kill me now!

But Xi'er is not Xi'er. She won't jump on me when she is angry. She just turns around and throws her back to me.

I just wanted to calm her down.

But her eyes were attracted by her graceful waist. She was wearing a lavender lace real silk nightgown tonight.

Maybe Xi'er is looking forward to my apology, but I don't have any expression in words and actions.

She turned around and looked at me, eyelashes fluttering

I had no place to hide my warm eyes for a moment, so I had to take the quilt, cover my head and say: "I'm sleeping! In the middle of the night, they are still telling stories! "

There is no movement outside the quilt, but I know Xi'er hasn't left. She must be looking at me!

Sure enough, after a while, she spoke.

She said softly, "do you want me to stay here or leave..."

My Adam's apple was wriggling up and down, and my mouth was dry. I hesitated for three seconds before I said: "go back to my room Xier, here you are I can't sleep... "

Yes! I can't sleep! Imagine in the middle of the night, a beautiful woman in a suspender Nightgown is lying beside her pillow, and no man can sleep!

Xier didn't speak, but I felt her get up slowly and get out of bed.

"Sleep well, see you in the morning," she said. Good... "

I nodded under the quilt and said, "OK! good night! See you in the morning

I feel that Xi'er has left. I just come out from under the quilt, but suddenly I find that she is still standing at the door of the bedroom, looking back at me

I quickly grabbed the quilt and covered myself. I didn't slowly lift the quilt until I heard that the bedroom door was closed. I had symptoms of hypoxia and gasped

Panting for a while, I reached out to put out the bedside lamp and lay on my back. The autumn moon came in a piece of silver from the white gauze French window.

Facing the moonlight, I said softly, "Xi'er, have a good dream!"

I know that even if I push Xi'er down tonight, Xi'er will never resist. Maybe she will tell me, don't have a burden, I don't want you to be responsible. Because I am not stupid, I can feel Xi'er still love me, her love in her eyes!

But I can't do that, especially for a good girl like Xi'er. The so-called most difficult to suffer beauty en, I can't owe her anything, otherwise I will feel guilty like Xi'er.

The most important thing is that my heart is very contradictory now. The ending with Xi'er silently reminds me that love is not a temporary passion. If we want to live forever, we should not only love each other sincerely, but also need many additional factors. And the decisive role, sometimes just these additional factors!

In short, I'm in a panic. I'm afraid that once Xi'er and I start, we can't escape the fate of separation. I don't want to try again. After all, I have only one heart, and my heart is only so strong. I can't bear the same kind of injury repeatedly, and add new wounds repeatedly on the scar!

Love, frankly speaking, I lost faith in it.

Three days later, Xi'er accompanied me to the hospital to remove the thread. The wound healed well, but left an obvious scar.

Xi'er said that she would accompany me to the beauty and plastic surgery department for some time to see if I want to do some skin beauty. I said forget it, a man's life will not be decided by the skin!

I also said that this eye-catching scar will always remind me of some things, it is a symbol, a warning! In a blessing in disguise, how can I know if it is a blessing in disguise? Who knows if my hand injury is good or bad for my future life?

I also joked that it's just going to take gloves to pick up girls in the future. It'll scare the beauties away!

Before I finished my words, Xi'er looked at me sullenly and said in a loud voice: "dare you!"

"What dare I?" I looked at her and said.

She immediately hooked her face and whispered, "nothing..."

Then Xi'er picked up my palm and put it in front of me. She gently stroked the scar in my palm with her fingers and said with a smile, "look! What an arrow this scar looks likeI looked down at the scar on my hand and said with a smile, "then you can think of it as an arrow."

"Cupid's arrow!" Xi'er said with a smile.

I said: "gold arrow, or lead arrow?"

"Golden arrow." Xi'er said with a smile.

I said, "good! Then I hope this golden arrow will hit a good girl

Xi'er bows her head and raises her hand to gather her hair. She has no words

A week later, Xi'er and I went to the provincial capital. It was about the large order of Le Supermarket.

Yuan Biao, the general manager of the Southern District of Le Supermarket, works in the provincial capital. Xi'er and I went to him.

Since that day in the "haiyunjian" Hotel, Yuan Biao was robbed by Xiao Delong, he did not answer Xi'er's phone. Xi'er feels that the situation is not good. Yuan Biao is likely to be haunted by Xiao Delong. He is more inclined to the wise advertising company under Xiao's industry.

Xi'er and I, on our trip to the provincial capital, hope to pull yuan Biao back from the position of smart advertising to the position of Simei advertising.

I didn't drive. I took Xi'er's white BMW to the provincial capital.

We talked about Xing min in the car. A week ago, Xing min had already entered Simei advertising.

I mention this to Xi'er, but I'm afraid she will refuse my request. Unexpectedly, she readily agrees.

Xi'er says that Xing min is not bad in essence. The reason why she sells "beauty" clothes is that she has no way out. When a person is desperate, it is likely to make some unconventional actions.

Xi'er agrees with Xing Minjin in my daily necessities copywriting creative team. In order to make Xing min pay off Xiao Delong's 200000 yuan as soon as possible, she also agrees to arrange for Xing min to participate in tracking some large business orders.

Xi'er's practice moved me.

How lucky I am! In this ruthless society and ruthless workplace, I can meet so many affectionate and righteous people!

Xi'er said that what kind of person a person meets completely depends on what kind of person he is. She said that's because I'm a kind person, a person who always feels grateful!

Xi'er's words remind me of my mother's education. The kindness of dripping water should be rewarded by gushing spring! Also thought of the song "grateful heart.".

As the white BMW sped along the road, Xi'er and I hummed the song, saying, "where do I come from?"

"where do I come from.

I don't know where to go.

Who calls me in the next moment

although the world is wide.

It's a hard road.

I've seen all the frustrations and hardships in this world... "

I laughed and sang:

"how much love do I have.

How many tears do I have.

Heaven knows.

I don't give up... "

Xi'er and I looked at each other with a smile and sang together:

"grateful heart, thank you.

Accompany me all my life, let me have the courage to be myself.

Grateful heart, thanks for the fate.

Flowers bloom and fall, and I will cherish them as well... "

Xi'er is gentle and weak on the surface. In fact, she is not a person who gives up easily, which can be seen from her style of doing business.

I don't know whether yuan Biao drank Xiao Delong's ecstasy soup and didn't answer Xi'er's phone. From the night before he set out, we are going to enter the provincial capital now. He always refused to answer Xi'er's phone!

Yuan Biao didn't answer my phone, and his mobile phone also had my phone number.

Yuan Biao has two mobile phone numbers, one for local use and one for business trip. We made both calls. The foreign number was always turned off, while the local number was never answered.

I remind Xi'er: "Xi'er, is yuan always changing his mobile phone number?"

Xi'er looked at me with a slight frown and said, "let's try him!"

Then Xi'er stops the car on the street. We get out of the car and walk into a shop. Xi'er dials yuan Biao's phone number from the shop's public phone.

Yuan Biao took it.

Xi'er said with a smile: "Mr. Yuan, how are you recently?"

After the call, in fact, the call didn't last long, less than half a minute. After hanging up, Xi'er looks a little depressed.

I asked her what yuan Biao said on the phone.

Xi'er told me that yuanbiao spoke very directly and asked us not to call him again. She also said that the advertising in the southern area of Le Supermarket was in the charge of the company's planning department, so it was useless to find him.

I said: "Xi'er, did you tell him that we have come to the provincial capital?"

Xi'er said, "yes. But Mr. Yuan said he is not in the provincial capital now. "

I said, "well, we've come here for nothing. We should make sure in advance that he will come back in the provincial capital. "

"But I think President yuan is in the provincial capital... " Xi'er looks at the distance and says in a quiet tone.

I said, "do you mean he deliberately said that he was not in the provincial capital?"Xi'er nodded.

I felt my nose and said, "how do you know?"

Xi'er looked at me and said, "intuition."

I said with a smile: "does every industry have a keen intuition after a long time?"

Xi'er nodded.

I said: "if he is not in the provincial capital, then we are really ha ha this time."

Xi'er looked at me and said, "Yang Yang. The most important thing to do business is to know how to look for opportunities. Opportunities will not be placed in front of us automatically. The purpose of our visit to the provincial capital is to look for opportunities and breakthroughs. Judging from the current situation, "smart" advertising has been ahead of us. The more this happens, the more we have to stick to it and the more we can't give up. There is no definite number in the market. As long as we insist, even at the last moment, we still have a chance to pull back the whole situation! "

Xi'er said this very firmly, I was infected by her emotion.

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